Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1183 What happened to the East China Sea?

"You also know Ah Shang and Ah Fei, and they are not lazy. You have saved a lot of money over the years with your work and the money you gave."

"They didn't like anything from childhood to adulthood, they just liked to eat. A few years ago, they used the money from your father to open a breakfast shop, selling some steamed buns and steamed buns every day. Although the taste was not good at first, there was no business. But after these years of constant adjustment of the taste, some achievements have been made, and the business is not bad every day."

"The location they chose is also good, and there is no shortage of customers. When business is at its best, there is still a lot of money in a month."

"One of the purposes of our visit to the capital this time is to find a shop like Donghai Mansion in the city, do a little business, and then settle down in the capital."

"Comparing the capital city with Donghai Mansion, we think it's better to let the children live in the capital city, so we decided to come to the capital city."

"I heard from my eldest brother that the shops in the capital are the same as those in the East Sea Mansion. The front is where we do business and the back is where we live. We plan to try our luck in the city later. If we are lucky, we might be able to do it right away. Once you find a rental house, you can settle down.”

"After we simply settle down, in the spring of next year, we will go to the government to buy land and find a suitable place to build a house."

Murong Zhe nodded, so it was.

Murong Lingran raised her eyebrows secretly. No wonder these people don't dress like they are poor. It turns out that they have a lot of skills. It seems that they have made a lot of money from the breakfast shop over the years.

No wonder the little grandpa was so willing to take out twelve taels of silver, because it was for the sake of grandpa who helped him.

Murong Zhe said again, "Speaking of disappointment, uncle, what are you going to do if you are unlucky and don't find a shop today?"

Murongliang interjected: "Azhe, you don't have to worry about it now. Back then, everyone from your little aunt's family could settle down in my house, and so did they. Dad's brother, Dad will take care of you, don't worry. "

Murong Zhe nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "Uncle, forgive me for asking, just listen to what you just said, your breakfast shop business is not bad, why did you suddenly give up? Also, why did Dad suddenly Have you returned to Donghai Mansion?"

Murong Yang looked at Murong Liang: "Brother, didn't you tell him?"

Murongliang shook his head: "After I received your letter at the time, I was wholeheartedly thinking about getting the house settled so that Aqing and her mother would not be left alone, so I planned to wait until the day I left and then tell Azhe. Thinking that A Zhe's family was not at home that day, and I heard from the housekeeper that I didn't know when he would come back. At that time, I was already preparing to leave, and it was not easy to tell outsiders about my family's affairs, so I set off directly to Donghai Mansion."

Murong Zhe said, "There was a banquet in the city that day, so we all went there, and we didn't expect Dad to come. Could it be that something big happened in Donghai Mansion?"

Murong Yang said, "It's like this..."

It turned out that after the death of Murong Liang and Murong Yang's parents, they were buried in the mountains of Baoshan Village according to the previous custom.

Originally, the top of the mountain was ownerless, and anyone could bury their ancestors on the mountain. Other families in Baoshan Village with the surname Murong were also buried on the mountain when they died.

But a few months ago, the mountain was suddenly bought by the magistrate. After the magistrate went to see it, he thought that there were many graves on his own mountain, and seeing the bad luck, he asked the people of Baoshan Village to remove all the graves.

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