Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1200 Huguo Temple

The Liu family was worried day and night, afraid that she would be disliked when she gave birth to a daughter, and it would be difficult for her to live in the future.

She has a bad temper. When she was young, she didn't get along well with the people in Baoshan Village. When they saw her, they said that she must be pregnant with a daughter.

Originally, she didn't believe it, but when others said too much, she herself felt that the girl in her belly was a girl.

So when I was pregnant with a child, I asked people everywhere to ask if there was a way to make the child in my womb turn into a boy.

When the child in her womb was more than eight months old, she finally found out that the incense at Huguo Temple in the capital was very effective. In order to win a man in one fell swoop, she begged Murongliang to bring her to the capital.

Murongliang also persuaded her at the beginning, saying that it doesn't matter if the first child is not a boy, they are still young anyway, and they can have another baby in the future.

But Liu didn't give up and insisted on going to Huguo Temple.

Murongliang had no choice but to borrow some money and take her to Huguo Temple by borrowing a carriage for fear that her intentions would not affect the child.

Of course, Mrs. Liu was worried that her mother-in-law would not let her go out, and she was afraid that she would go back to the capital and still give birth to her daughter, which would be even more embarrassing and laughed at by the people of Baoshan Village, so she didn't tell anyone that she went to the capital.

Let Murongliang say to the outside world that she just misses her family and wants to live with her relatives for a while.

As for which relative it was, her mother-in-law also asked. She was worried about future incidents, so Liu directly made up a distant relative, saying that she had been kind to her since she was a child.

Murong Liang's aunt had always been a big heart, and she didn't ask much, and she never thought that her daughter-in-law would have the courage to lie to her.

When she heard that her daughter-in-law was going to go out, she was extremely happy. After all, the older a woman was in her pregnancy, the more troublesome she would be, and there was no shortage of places for her to serve. If her daughter-in-law didn't cause her trouble, she was naturally happy to be at ease.

It is also considered that Murongliang and Liu were lucky, they arrived in the capital smoothly, put incense at Huguo Temple, and asked for a sign, saying that the one in her belly must be a son.

Hearing this, Liu was finally relieved, but just wanted to go back, perhaps because he was too tired on the road and did not rest well, Liu suddenly gave birth prematurely, and gave birth to the child at Huguo Temple.

Lao Xu suddenly said, "Your child was born prematurely?"

Thinking of the poor child, Liu Shi nodded sadly: "That's right, the child was very weak due to premature birth, and died without living a day, and he was still a son, the son I wanted most, but Born and gone."

"That Murong Zhe..."

Liu Shi said: "I was also surprised by his arrival. My son died, and I was very sad. When I was looking at my son's body and didn't know what to do, a woman holding Murong Zhe suddenly broke into my house. house."

"She said that her man died, and she didn't want to live anymore. She originally wanted to take the child away, but the child was innocent after all. She really couldn't do anything with her son, so she begged me to adopt Murong Zhe and let me take care of him. ."

"I think the child is a boy, and when I gave birth to the child, Murongliang was very happy when he saw his son. If he knew that the child was dead, he would probably blame me, and even leave me and go back to Donghai Mansion in a fit of rage."

"And if my mother-in-law knew that it was because I insisted on coming to the capital that the child was killed, she would definitely let Murong Liang divorce me, so I... I would ask that woman to quietly bury my child and kill Murong Liang. Zhe took him back to Donghai Mansion."

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