Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1201 He's a Man

Lao Xu frowned and said, "Then does your husband know that Murong Zhe is not his own?"

Liu shook his head: "He doesn't know, he was so happy when he found out that I gave birth to a son the day before. He went down the mountain and quietly bought wine and went back to Huguo Temple to drink it. When the woman came, he didn't notice it at all, and didn't know that his own child was dead. Babies were the same when they were first born, and even after he woke up and looked at the child for a long time, he had no doubts at all."

Lao Xu suddenly realized: "After you gave birth to another son of your own, that's why you are so partial to the little ones, right?"

Liu Shi gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, I have my own child, why should I love someone else's child and let him share my love for my son?"

"Originally, I didn't have any hope for Murong Zhe. I thought that I would just raise him as I wish. When he is fifteen years old, I will separate him and live with my own son, and I will never care about him from now on."

"I just didn't expect him to be a good man. Even if he wasn't allowed to read, he would be able to teach himself by relying on the books he picked up and secretly going to the school to listen to lectures. He also taught himself medical skills and was able to collect and sell medicines to support his family."

"Later I thought, since he can make so much money, he can make me live a good life, and he can support my young son's family, then it's okay for me to give him a good look."

"I thought that my youngest son would be able to rely on him to live a carefree life, but I didn't expect that something happened to Murong Zhe, and it also affected my youngest son, causing him to suffer a lot."

"I was finally forgiven. He died for that... No, for Murong Lingran, he dared to disobey me. One hundred and fifty taels of ginseng were eaten by Murong Lingran. He hurt my son like that. It's a lot of suffering, and if he doesn't listen to me, I naturally don't treat him as a son."

"One hundred and fifty taels of silver, if he gave it to me back then, my youngest son wouldn't be paralyzed. My grandson is probably married by now."

"Although his hands are broken, the family is still better than my youngest son. There are more and more fields in the family, and high-yield grains and tribute lychees are also grown. He is not filial to me at all. God is so unfair."

What was even more irritating was that Murong Zhe was taller than her son, taller than her son, smart and could learn everything quickly.

As for her own son, he was average in length, not as tall as Murong Zhe, and he was stupid. Even if he was sent to the school, he would be returned by the master himself.

Murong Zhe could remember the properties of medicinal herbs after reading it once, but Murong Qi could not memorize it even if he recited it for three days and three nights.

There are also three-character classics and thousand-character texts. Murong Zhe could memorize it just by sneaking into the school to listen to the Master's lectures, but Murong Qi couldn't memorize it for three or five years. By now, he has completely forgotten it.

When outsiders mentioned her two sons, they all praised Mu Rongzhe for being smart, and every time they demoted her sons to nothing.

And Murong Zhe actually gave birth to seven children, six of which were sons, and as for her own children, she gave birth to three children in total, two were daughters, and only one Murong Cai was a son.

Murong Zhe's children are more handsome and smarter than Murong Qi's children, and Murong Qi's children are all average-looking, and there is no one comparable to them.

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