Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1255 Hobby

Helian Rongjiu asked Ze Yuan Zequ to lead someone to stand in the distance, looked at the secluded forest, and looked at the small cloth bag on her body, feeling slightly disappointed.

A bag that she can carry, can hold a big gift for him?

No, this girl will surprise her every time, you can't underestimate her.

After thinking about it clearly, Helian Rongjiu said sternly: "Girl, take out your gift. We have something to say first. If I am not satisfied, you have to promise me three conditions."

Murong Lingran patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry."

After he finished speaking, he took out something from his satchel and let out the sound.

Helian Rongjiu saw that she seemed to take something out with her hands behind his back, and after a while, a tune came from behind her.

The voice is melodious and pleasant to the ear, and he has listened to countless tunes since he was a child. He only heard flutes and bells, and he had never heard the rest of the sounds.

And as soon as he listened to it, he knew that there were quite a few musical instruments in it. He had always liked the rhythm, but he didn't know what musical instruments produced most of the sounds. It was really surprising that so many musical instruments could work together seamlessly.

Murong Lingran was relieved to see him enjoying the music with his eyes closed.

Before deciding to give him music, she quietly asked Wei Jingxuan what Ninth Young Master likes.

Wei Jingxuan told her that Jiu Gongzi had a wide range of hobbies, such as famous calligraphy, antique swords, gourmet music and so on, he liked all of them.

But she has no access to famous calligraphy, and even if she has access, she can't afford it.

Antique swords and so on, all of her family's gifts were given by others, and a lot of them were given by Jiu Gongzi, and they couldn't be returned.

In comparison, gourmet rhythm is the easiest.

But the ninth son of her craftsmanship has already seen it, and it is not unusual to send it again, only the rhythm is left.

And although she had studied a little in her previous life, and when she was a child, her grandfather had also asked her to teach her a little bit, but her level was not as good as those of those professionals, so it would be better to directly borrow things from her previous life.

She played a pure music that was very popular in her previous life. Since Shenjun Changqi told her that she could take things from her previous life, she became more courageous.

Her mobile phone and laptop in her previous life were put into the space together when she moved. Although the electricity has long since been out of power after such a long time, her parents in her previous life bought two small generators for work. , There is also a lot of gasoline, and I have taught her how to use it before. When I moved, I also put it into the space.

Some time ago, after she turned on the phone, she fully charged her computer and mobile phone, and after searching for a long time, she found a piece of music that she thought Ninth Master would like.

Originally, she also thought about sending him some gadgets from her previous life, but although Ninth Young Master has no intention of harming their family so far, the world is impermanent, and she cannot guarantee that Jiu Young Master will not change in his life.

Those things are really too rare for the ancients, and after thinking about it for a long time, it is better to send things that can't be seen, can't be touched, and can't leave evidence.

This pure music didn't last long, and it was over in a while. Murong Lingran quickly put the phone back in the bag and said with a smile, "Ninth Young Master, how is it? Do you still like this gift?"

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