Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1256 dissatisfied

Helian Rongjiu opened her eyes, recalled the tune just now, and nodded seriously: "It's very nice, I've never heard such a nice tune before, and I can't even hear the sound in it. Yes, I feel much more relaxed after listening to it."

After she finished speaking, she looked at her hands, looked around, and wondered, "Where did the sound come from? There are no performers around? I seem to see that you just picked up something and sang Come out, what did you take?"

Murong raised his eyebrows Lingran: "Ninth Young Master, I only said that I would give you a big gift, but I never said it. I want to say how the big gift came."

Helian Rongjiu was stunned for a moment, his mind changed, and he snorted coldly: "What you said at the beginning was a great gift from no one in the past, and no one has come since. You are too simple."

The little girl has a lot of heart. He has done so many things for her, and he is still guarding him, which is too much.

If Murong Lingran knew what he was thinking, he would definitely sneer.


Shouldn't she be on guard against people who don't even tell her their true identity?

Murong said: "Ninth Young Master, have you heard people mention this kind of tune before? Have you ever heard of this kind of tune?"

"That's not it."

"Then have you ever seen someone like me, a song comes out with the touch of a finger?"

Helian Rongjiu was stunned for a moment, and this was where he was puzzled, "That's not it."

"Isn't that no one before? I promise, in your lifetime, there will never be anyone other than me who can make you hear this kind of music. Isn't that no one?"

Helian Rong choked, her explanation was not bad, but he didn't understand it that way.

There is no one before and no one since is just a description, describing the gift will make him overjoyed, doubly rare, the most special, favorite, and most cherished gift he has received in his life.

"No, I'm not satisfied with this gift, I don't have a real thing. If there is someone who can play it, I can present it to Your Majesty, so that he and the courtiers can often listen to such a beautiful tune, and listen to it repeatedly. Listen to it now. Just listen, maybe one day I'll forget it, isn't this the same as not sending it?"

Murong furrowed his brows, it was really hard to be satisfied.

What she thought at the beginning was that things from the previous life must be very rare for the people of Xuanqing Kingdom. When he heard it, he would definitely be very surprised. He would actually say that.

Murong Lingran said helplessly, "Then what do you want?"

Don't even think about the performer, some of the musical instruments in that piece of music, Xuan Qingguo, can't be created at all.

Some musical instruments can be replaced by other musical instruments, but rehearsal also takes a lot of time, so don't think about it in a short time.

Helian Rongjiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Girl, now it's not a question of what I want, but a question of my dissatisfaction with your gift, don't forget, you said in front of Princess Qihua back then. In order to promise me three conditions, you can't break your promise."

Murong Lingran frowned, how could she feel that she had fallen into the pit, wasn't it all about his words? Even if she gave other gifts today, as long as he said he was not satisfied, her hard work would be in vain.

His purpose, in fact, has always been aimed at those three conditions, right?

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