After thinking carefully for a moment, she asked Helian Rongjiu's identity. After asking clearly, she stopped talking for the time being, and concentrated on listening to the bidding below.


"Thirty thousand taels of silver."

"Thirty-five thousand taels of silver."

"Forty thousand taels of silver."

"Forty-five thousand taels of silver."

"Fifty thousand taels of silver."


"Sixty-five thousand taels of silver."

"Seventy-seven thousand taels of silver."

"Seventy-eight thousand taels of silver."

"Eighty thousand taels of silver."

Those who had been bidding all the time heard the 80,000 taels of silver and immediately began to back off.

Most people can afford 80,000 taels of silver, and it is worth it for a ginseng that is nearly two thousand years old. However, for some people, it is easy to lead to poor business turnover, so the number of competitors is suddenly reduced by more than half. There are very few people competing.

"Eighty-one thousand taels of silver."

"Eighty-two thousand taels of silver."

"Eighty-three thousand taels of silver."

One person suddenly said: "Hey, you add it slowly like this, you don't know how much you can add to it, everyone should say the highest price that they can accept, so as not to waste everyone's time, this ginseng has already It's the longest I've ever shot."

Another person also echoed: "Yes, yes, we are still waiting to see the baby below."

The three people heard that, although they were very reluctant, they didn't want to offend them. After all, they were all in the business field, and it was okay to give them a face if they didn't look up.

The humane of the fifteenth card said: "Eighty-nine thousand taels of silver."

The humane of the twenty-seventh plate: "90,000 taels of silver."

The humane of the thirty-eighth plate: "One hundred thousand taels of silver."

One hundred thousand taels of silver? This is simply a sky-high price. The person who shouted out so much money immediately received everyone's attention, even Murong Lingran and the others above the box were no exception.

Murong Lingran sighed, "You're so rich, you're willing to spend 100,000 taels to buy ginseng."

Her family's property does not add up to 100,000 taels now.

Helian Rongjiu smiled lightly and said, "It seems that they are richer than they thought."


Murong turned his head abruptly, and when he saw the person on the thirty-eighth card walking towards him, he immediately stood up and looked at the person respectfully.

And that person was Geng Yucheng who didn't know when he appeared.

"It turned out to be the Geng family. Last time, Young Master Wei and I only made him bleed a lot. I didn't expect him to be able to get so much money."

Wei Jingxuan said: "The Geng family has been in business for generations, and the wealth accumulated by the generations is far more than a few hundred thousand taels. These businessmen value money the most, and they are the most likely to sell miserably. It is common to pretend to be poor, and sometimes their words Don't believe it."

People who have been in business for generations have little at home, just a lot of money, and can live an extremely extravagant life.

His two concubine aunts did not marry in a good official's family, and one of the reasons for marrying a businessman was to live an extravagant and prosperous life.

Originally, my grandfather had already found a promising husband for the two of them, but the two felt that the person my grandfather was looking for was too low-ranking, and at that time they were only eighth-rank, and the family had no money, even a decent house. No, I didn't want to marry and endure hardship in the past. In order to live a prosperous life, I did not hesitate to marry the Fang and Geng families who took the initiative to ask for relatives.

They felt that their father was already under one person and more than 10,000 people, and they were considered supporters and could walk sideways in the capital.

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