Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1689 Fifth Brother

As for the husband's family, as long as there is money for them to squander, the status is not important at all.

And the people they abandoned at that time are now officials of the third rank and above, and the family's property is increasing year by year. As long as they think of the achievements of those people, they will beat their chests with hatred.

He also regretted it. He had known that he had bet two or three hundred thousand taels on him last time, and let the Fang Geng family bleed once.

Murong nodded in agreement: "Yes, ordinary merchants can take them out, not to mention the son-in-law of the Marquis of Ning'an."

Geng Yucheng received envious glances from everyone. He was still young after all, and his expression immediately became arrogant, and his waist was straight. When the next person came to ask him to go through the formalities, his tail was almost up in the sky.

Hmph, when my grandfather came back, he gave him this nearly two thousand year old ginseng, and compared it with what Rong Fengxu and Wei Jingxuan gave him at the last grandfather's birthday banquet, so that every time they saw themselves, they would be taller. Take a look at yourself.

Murong Lingran shook her head helplessly. She also guessed that he would most likely give it to Marquis Ning An. For Marquis Ning An's sake, she didn't feel bad that her ginseng was about to fall into the hands of someone she hated. Anyway, he gave it to Marquis Ning'an. silver.

But what he didn't know was that in order for her eldest brother and the Marquis of Ning'an to return safely, she stuffed a lot of herbs in their medicine box, including two ginsengs that were two thousand years old.

She still remembered the expressions on her eldest brother and Ning Anhou when they saw the ginseng, their faces were full of disbelief.

If the Geng family brought ginseng to the Lord of Ning'an again, and saw that the ginseng was not as good as the year she gave it, maybe they would scold him as a prodigal son.

Although it is to raise food and wages, the money is not spent that way.

Murong Lingran waited for a while, and also knew that the next few babies were not provided by him, so he was not very interested. He was tired from standing beside him, and temporarily returned to his seat to rest.

At this moment, she saw a figure appearing at the gate from a distance, and she didn't care to say hello to everyone, and immediately planned to go downstairs and chase that person.

Helian Rongjiu immediately stopped her and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Murong Lingran anxiously said: "Fifth brother, I saw a person who looks a lot like my fifth brother. I have to find him, you should get out of the way, or the person will disappear."

Helian Rongjiu immediately put on her mask when she heard the words, dragged her downstairs, and said as she walked, "Which direction did he go?"

"Go out and turn right."

"it is good."

When the two came to the gate and looked to the right, they happened to see the man walking towards an alley.

The two immediately chased after them.

It's just that after not too far, the man disappeared after a few turns.

Zeyuan Zequ followed them all the time. Seeing this, Zeyuan said sternly: "Master, why don't you go back first, if people really disappear around here, they must be nearby, and it will be a matter of time to find them. We are here, the weather is hot, you should go to Tianhelou."

Although Tianhe Building is crowded and hot, there are ice cubes in the box, which is more comfortable than basking in the sun here.

Murong shook his head Lingran: "No need, you all go back, I can do it alone, I'll find it myself..."

She has Changqi Shenjun, and Changqi Shenjun can find out the people nearby.

Helian Rongjiu was about to refuse, and wanted to say that he would go with her when she saw her words and stopped halfway through.

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