Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1690 fainted

Looking along her line of sight, she saw a child suddenly come out of an alley, walking in front with her back to them.

Before Helian Rongjiu could speak, she saw Murong Lingran rushing up immediately, and without being rude, she walked in front of the child and stopped the child with both hands.

The child was startled for a moment, as if he had done something wrong and felt guilty. He was about to turn his head and run away, only to see several people coming behind him. He knew that he would definitely not be able to escape today, so he squatted down and hugged his head. Everything you've done is done.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go to the Tianhelou kitchen to steal things, and I didn't steal it, I didn't even go in the kitchen, there were too many people inside, and there were guards next to me, I didn't dare to go in, I was just at the door After a few glances, I left, and please forgive me, don't arrest me to see the officials."

Helian Rongjiu said tentatively, "Isn't he..."

Murong shook his head: "He's not the fifth brother. It's the first time I've seen someone whose figure is so similar to the fifth brother, so I admit my mistake. Also, there's no way that the fifth brother would appear in the city, if he does this often Appearing in the city, Tiger Power Escort has already found him."

After speaking, she left in disappointment, not noticing the wrong expression on the man's face.

Helian Rongjiu was helpless. Although he knew that this person was suspected of stealing, because of his attempted stealing, his thin body, and his willingness to confess, he didn't plan to embarrass him this time, but just warned him a few words.


Just after the two turned around and walked a few steps, they heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind them.

When he turned his head to look, he saw that the child had fainted on the ground just now.

Zeyuan Zequ hurried forward, and after making a rough diagnosis, he guessed: "Master, he may be suffering from heat stroke, and there is no water to drink, so this is the case."

Murong Lingran glanced around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "There is a tree in front of you, hurry up and carry him over there. If you continue to be exposed to the sun after heat stroke, he will die."

The two nodded and immediately did as she said.

Murong Lingran took out a medicine bottle from the satchel, opened it and poured it into the man, then took out a water bag from the satchel and poured it down again.

Helian Rongjiu asked curiously, "What did you give him to drink?"

Murong Lingran picked up the medicine bottle that he had just casually placed on the ground, put the lid back on the bag, and said, "Daddy gave it to me, she knew I was coming to the capital, and the weather was hot, so she asked me to take it, and said It is a medicine for heat stroke, if you feel unwell, drink it immediately, it can save your life and make you feel a lot more comfortable."

Helian Rongjiu nodded: "Your daddy is so nice, I thought of everything for you."

Murong raised his chest proudly and said, "Of course, Dad is the best Dad in the world."

Helian Rongjiu asked again: "Then you gave him a drink. What if you, I mean, if you have other places to use it, what should you do?"

Murong Lingran took out two more bottles from the bag, "Don't be afraid, I still have them."

Helian Rongjiu heaved a sigh of relief. On such a hot day, he was really afraid that she would be used by others, and she had her own emergency.

The two waited for a while, and saw that the boy lying on the ground had a tendency to wake up. Zequ stepped forward and shook him, and soon saw him open his eyes.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Murong said: "Have you forgotten? You fainted just now. I gave you antipyretic medicine and water for you."

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