Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2059 Why haven't they met?

"Father!" Xiao Zhengchun roared: "Then the grievances I suffered are in vain? I did nothing, just suffered for dozens of days in prison, and suffered a hundred big boards. The second brother and the others often come to see me, and I have already died of illness there. Look at me, what is the difference between my skin and bones now!"


Lao Jianwei said: "Boss of the Xiao family, since you know how hard it is in the prison, you must also know that my sons are also suffering now. Their health is not very good, and neither is yours, it is very likely that If they really die inside, then your family and our family will really have a big feud, our Lao family is much more than your Xiao family, are you sure you want to offend us?"

Murong smiled and said: "Oh, you are too soft to be hard?"

"So what?"

"Nothing." Murong Lingran said: "I just want to say, it's useless for you to do this, even if there are people who don't report, officials don't investigate this rule, but this matter also involves the former county magistrate who was embezzled and bribery, you What my son has done is also conclusive and cannot be denied, and now even if my uncle goes to the prefect to say that he will not pursue this matter, Zhou lord will not agree."

Lao Jianwei looked at his nephew, "Is what she said true?"

Laosun Qian said: "I don't think she is lying, and this matter does involve the former county magistrate."

"I don't believe it, I'm going to try anyway."

Murong Lingran said helplessly: "If you want to try it, just try it. Go to the county seat to confirm it yourself and see if what I said is false."

Lao Jianwei was still a little afraid of Murong Lingran, and he didn't dare to speak harshly, so he had to look at the Xiao family, "I went to the county town to confirm, and I hope you can think about it during this time, thirty taels of silver is really a lot of money. , your family will no longer have to live in misery in the future."

After that, he walked away with his family in despair.

When the onlookers saw that there was no good show to watch, they also dispersed.

After all the outsiders left, Xiao Gongshan asked, "Aran, what you said just now is true? Didn't you lie to them?"

Murong said: "Of course, I have no time to lie to them. I lied to them. They are gone now, and they will continue to come back. I don't have time to play with them."

Xiao Gongshan was suddenly disappointed. Since this was the case, he and the thirty taels of silver must have been missed.

Murong said: "Uncle eldest, uncle second, let me show you something."

After she finished speaking, she took out the blueprint that Changqi Shenjun gave her, and let them see the Lu Lihua above.

"I heard that this kind of flower is only available in the East China Sea. You have been living in the East China Sea. I wonder if you have seen it before?"

Almost at the same time, the Xiao family stepped forward to take a look.

Xiao Zhengchun shook his head, "Sorry, Aran, I've never seen it."

The rest also shook their heads, and they had never seen it.

Murong frowned, didn't Changqi Shenjun say that there is one on the mountain here? Why haven't they met?

The voice of Changqi Shenjun suddenly came: "What's so strange, Lu Lihua grew up in the mountains, these ordinary people, who don't take medicine and dare not go to the mountains, must not see it."

"I see."

Murong Lingran retracted his consciousness and said sternly: "It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. Since that's the case, then I'll go look for it again."

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