Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2060 Deep in the mountains is the sea

When Xiao Zhengchun saw her turn around and was about to leave, he hurriedly said, "Aran, I am familiar with the nearby mountains, why don't I go with you."

"No need." Murong Lingran said: "Uncle, my second brother and friends can do martial arts, so there will be no danger. I think it's better for you to stay in the village today, and the children at home, you guys today I’m also optimistic, no, I’ll be optimistic about it these few days, I’m worried that the Lao family will go crazy when they know that several of their sons are really going to go to jail.”

Even if they are afraid of her identity and dare not do anything on the surface, they are afraid that Lao's family will make a trick, and they will be hard to guard against.

The Xiao family looked tight at the same time.

Xiao Zhengchun said: "Okay, I understand, we will be optimistic about them today."

Murong nodded, and after speaking, he got into the carriage and headed up the mountain.

She briefly looked at the periphery yesterday, and there was indeed no trace of Lu Lihua. Since the Lord Changqi said that Lu Lihua was likely to be in the deep mountains, she went directly to the deep mountains.

Murong Xuan and the others didn't have any opinion either. With so many of them, if they really wanted to meet the jackals and tigers, they couldn't win.

And they knew that Murong Lingran had the protective poison given by Murong Zhe, so they felt more at ease.

After arriving in the deep mountains, Murong Lingran showed Lu Lihua's blueprint to others and asked them to help them find it.

After everyone remembered Lu Lihua's appearance, they dispersed, only Murong Xuan was always by his sister's side.

After a while, as Shenjun Changqi said, Murong Lingran found Lu Lihua's trail beside a lake.

"I found it." Murong counted excitedly and said, "One, two, three, four, there are actually four."

Murong Xuan quickly stepped forward and pulled out Lu Lihua, carefully placed it in the sack, and said sternly, "Aran, are these enough?"

"Not enough." Murong shook his head, "At least twenty."

"Okay, then let's look for it."

"Well, trouble second brother."

Soon, everyone continued to search seriously.

Murong Lingran didn't want to waste too much time. Since God Lord Changqi knew that there was Lulihua here and his spiritual power had recovered a lot, it should be easy to know where there was Lulihua, so every time she went to a place, she would Will ask him if there is any nearby, and he will find enough soon.

Although he said at first that twenty seeds would be enough, she did not forget that he said that she could harvest hundreds of trees at one time. Just in case, she asked someone who came to collect more than 100 seeds together. Just stopped.

When he was about to go back, Murong Lingran suddenly asked: "Shenjun Changqi, Lu Lihua has been found, is the next herb you need also in Donghaifu? If it is in Donghaifu, then I will drop by. found together."

Changqi Shenjun said: "The other is indeed in Donghai Mansion. You can find it as long as you pass through the deep mountains and turn over."

"Crossing the deep mountain?" Murong Lingran looked in one direction, "What's over the deep mountain?"

"Didn't you look at the map of Donghaifu before you came?"


"Okay, then let me tell you, there is the sea on the other side of the deep mountain, and Donghai Mansion is to the east of Xuanqing Kingdom, and it is close to the sea, so it is called Donghai Mansion."

"The sea." Murong Ling suddenly realized.

By the way, the menu of the inn where she stayed in the past few days did indeed contain some seafood. She didn't think much about it at the time, thinking that the seafood was brought from other places, but she didn't expect the sea to be so close to Dashi Village.

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