Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2314 Dig a hole and jump down by yourself

"That's right." Murong Fei said proudly: "Our end is not much better. You who dare to treat your aunts and cousins ​​like this will not end well. If your father wakes up, you will be the first to clean up!

Murong Lingran said innocently, "When did I kill my own younger brother?"

Fang Hongmao said loudly: "Don't argue, Liu Yuan has already said that your brother was hit by Tianli, they were poisoned in front of us, can it still be fake?"

"Haha." Murong Lingran laughed suddenly, "You guys are really naive, really naive to think that in order to make you confess, I will harm my own younger brother? How could I do such a thing that is more than worth the loss? Even if I was young, I knew that murdering my younger brother was a maddening thing. I have always loved them, how could I have poisoned them!"

Murong Fei was taken aback for a moment, "You said it was fake that your brothers were poisoned? How is that possible?"

Murong smiled and said, "Why is it impossible? I gave you all your poisons in advance. Wouldn't I inform them in advance and let them play a show?"

"Acting? Impossible!" Murong Fei said again: "That dish is obviously poisonous. We obviously saw your brothers eat those fish with our own eyes?"

Murong said: "Why are you so stubborn? Since you don't believe me, then I'll tell you, the first thing I gave you was poison, but after you tested it, I've bribed the maids next to you and put the poison away. It's gone, the poison you sent to Zheng Dachuan is nothing but the powder that my father studied before to strengthen his body."

"And Liu Yuanshi, he knew everything that day, but he deliberately said that the poison was out of the sky. The silver needle he used to test the poison was already black, but you didn't notice it at that time."

Murong Fei clenched her fists and said, "Impossible! Something must have happened to your younger brothers. How could they act so alike and deceive both of us! You must be saying this now to anger us and say it on purpose. of."

Murong Lingran sighed and said, "Since you don't believe it, then I have a way to make you believe it. Even if you believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Rong Da, who nodded and suddenly whistled.

Soon, a group of people came from across the cell.

Fang Geng's family was startled when they saw the group of people at the same time, and they couldn't help but start to tremble.

It's not that they were afraid, but the people who should have been lying on the bed and the dead actually appeared in front of them.

That's right, Lord Ning'an, Princess Qihua, Murong Zhe, Xiao Man'an, Murong Zong, Murong Xuan, Murong Kuan, Murong Yi, Murong Ding, and Mrs. Rong and Mrs. Wei came across.

All the people from the Fang Geng family who thought it was impossible to come came.

When Fang Geng's family saw Marquis Ning'an and Princess Qihua angrily walking towards them, even sitting on the ground, they couldn't help but step back until they couldn't retreat.

The Marquis of Ning An walked into the cell, swept his eyes sharply over them in turn, and said with a sneer, "Do you think that Aran will be as vicious as you? She has everything prepared in advance and is waiting for you to be fooled. It's really stupid, A Ran dug a hole, you jumped down by yourself, and you jumped willingly, I am dignified Ning Anhou, how could you two stupid things have been born in this life!"

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