Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2315 heard it all

After being scolded by their father, Murong Xiang and Murong Fei did not dare to talk back. At this time, they were still in shock. Suddenly appeared here to scold them!

Looking at their faces, the Marquis of Ning An knew what they were thinking, and snorted coldly, "What? I didn't have a stroke, so you are so dissatisfied? Is it really necessary that this Marquis die, so that you can feel at ease?"

Murong Fei came back to her senses after hearing the words, and hurriedly said, "Father, you have misunderstood. We are just surprised why you suddenly appeared here. Didn't you have a stroke?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly looked at Murong Lingran, "Is this also a plot?"

Murong Xiang's body trembled. Could it be another plot to get the Fang Geng family to attack?

The Marquis of Ning'an sneered: "You're still smart, for the sake of your incomprehension, I'll tell you that your mother and elder brother and elder sister-in-law actually woke up in Huguo Temple. I didn't go to suppress the bandits at all. My stroke was fake from beginning to end. I just took a medicine. It looked like I had a stroke. By the way, your mother and elder brother and elder sister-in-law responded to the examination by your government doctor. He also took medicine."

Murong Fei said blankly, "Why do you do this?"

Murong said: "Is there any need to ask? Of course, it is to draw out the people who want to harm our family."

Murong Xiang asked, "But you are the only ones who left our family in the mansion. Did you suspect from the beginning that we were going to kill you?"

"Of course." Murong said lingeringly: "That day I was arrested on the way to Huguo Temple, but after returning to the city, he couldn't stand the torture and all of them were recruited. He said that the Fang Geng family ordered him to do so. ."

"I know, even if we say this, you will definitely not believe it, and you will definitely not plead guilty, so we made such a round to invite Jun into the urn."

The Hou of Ning'an said sharply, "Originally, I didn't believe that you guys could actually do such a thing, until you actually sent people to poison Xiao Si and Xiao Liu, I didn't know that my two concubine daughters were actually Such a vicious person!"

"I heard all of your confessions just now, but I didn't expect you to kill your mother, whom you've been calling for more than 30 years, just for the title, and also want to kill your elder brother and sister-in-law who are related to you by blood, and even a few children. You don't let it go, it's really heart-wrenching."

Murong Fei suddenly widened her eyes, unable to believe: "Did you hear what we confessed just now, father?"

"That's right!" Hou Ning'an said loudly, "Tell me every word!"

Fang Geng's family's already pale faces turned even paler.

Fang Hongmao knelt forward and pulled the trouser legs of the Marquis of Ning An: "Grandfather, I was wrong, I know I was wrong this time, I... I just made a mistake, so I did this kind of thing. Grandfather, I beg you. For the sake of your love for me when you were young, and the fact that I am your grandson, please spare me this time. I promise, I promise to be obedient in the future, and never do anything to make you angry again."

"Yes, I will be obedient in the future." Fang Hongsheng said: "Grandfather, I also know I was wrong, please forgive me this time. Just this time, I promise not to do bad things again in the future, please."

Geng Yucheng also knelt down and prayed, "Grandfather, I also know I was wrong. I will never dare again. Please forgive me."

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