Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2316 Heaven's Law is Intolerant

Murong Xiang and Murong Fei also said, "Father, please forgive us."

Seeing that they were all crying bitterly, the Marquis of Ning'an asked in a cold voice, "You want me to spare you, but have you ever thought about sparing your mother!"

"I heard from Jing Xuan how dangerous the fire that day was. If Jing Xuan happened to patrol your mother's door at night, she wouldn't know if she is still here."

"I heard that the person who was assassinated that day shot the arrow directly at your mother's head. If Aran had not been quick-witted and saved her, she would still not know where she was lying now!"

"Also, do you know that assassinating Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager is a serious crime? I have heard that the Empress Dowager was almost hit by an arrow in the head that day. If A Ran hadn't rescued the Empress Dowager, you would have killed the Marquis of Ning'an that day. The government has all paid for it. Do you think you can still beg for mercy here?"

"When you poisoned the three brothers and sisters of Aran, did you ever think about letting them go? Don't say that Aran came up with the idea. If you don't have the intention of harming others, how could you kill people!"

Murong Fei hurriedly explained: "Father, even if we have the guts, we would not dare to hurt His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. It was the suddenness of the Majesty and the Empress Dowager that day, and we had no time to order, so we almost accidentally injured the Empress Dowager. what."

"Almost accidentally injured?" Ning'an Hou said: "Do you think your explanation is useful to His Majesty and the Queen Mother?"

Murong Xiang said: "Father, as long as you talk about it, it will definitely be useful. You have made so many contributions to Xuan Qingguo in this life. Even if the Majesty and the Queen Mother do not look at the monk's face, they should look at the Buddha's face. We will definitely It's alright."

Seeing them being so thick-skinned, Princess Qihua couldn't hold back any longer, and roared: "You guys are really thick-skinned, you have done so many wrong things, yet you still want to get out of your body? Not to mention Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager Will I forgive you, just because of what you did to me and the A-Zhe couple will not be forgiven."

"What's even more unforgivable is that when the Hou Mansion was in danger, you didn't want to help the Hou Mansion solve the trouble, but you actually wanted to take the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and kill Brother Aran."

"You beg your father to let you go now, what are you doing? Will you hurt my children later?"

"Don't say that you have already made promises, your promises are worthless at all. Didn't you think about pushing Aran into the water last time? Didn't Fang Hongmao also plan to kill Azong last time? It's only now. How long before he wants to kill again."

"I see, if you continue to keep you alive, you are here to add to my children! It is here to harm the entire Marquis of Ning'an!"

"Don't think that you have done something wrong before, but the Hou Ye did not dare to punish you severely. You have done so many crazy things, and this time you will not be able to escape the heavy punishment!"

Mrs. Rong also said: "If it wasn't for the kindness of your mother, you would never have had the chance to be born in your life, and now you dare to kill your mother.

"That's right." Mrs. Wei said, "Although my mother is not your biological mother, but we had it when we were young. How many did you not have? She raised you hard and was almost burned by you. To the point of death, you are simply heinous."

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