Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2014: Suddenly want to understand

Su Jinlong hasn't been awake, neither eating nor drinking.

Su Jianghai has been guarding by the side, no one can persuade him.

The water has dried up long ago, and the porridge is warming in the pot.

In the middle of the night, Su Jinlong asked for water in a daze, and Su Jianghai poured water when he went to the ground without saying a word and putting on his clothes.

Su Jinlong lay and couldn't drink water, Su Jianghai went to find a spoon again, as if feeding a child to drink medicine when he was a child, and fed it spoon by spoon into his mouth.

When Su Jinlong was just born, he was thin and small, like a cat, Su Jianghai could hold him up with a slap.

At that time, he felt that Su Jinlong could not survive.

But the little guy is full of energy, staring at him with big eyes all day long.

Su Jinlong has been a loud voice since he was a child, crying with his mouth wide open, and yelling, the couple was in a hurry.

Su Jianghai was even more distressed. He hugged Su Jinlong all over the floor in the middle of the night, and it was strange that Liu Feilan couldn't coax him well. When Su Jianghai walked on the ground, the little guy stopped crying.

The mouth is flat, and the wronged one is not good, it seems to be: how do you understand what I mean.

Those sealed old past events, like a tide, burst out all of a sudden.

Xiaolong giggled for the first time, his little hand entangled his thumb for the first time, peeed on him for the first time, and called his father for the first time...

Until he grows into a big and small man taller than him!

How could he forget these memories?

Su Mian was right. They both grew up with him, and no one else could replace him!

After drinking half a bowl of water, Su Jinlong shouted in a daze, "Dad."

Su Jianghai choked, helped Su Jinlong cover his feet, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Xiaolong, Dad is here, right in front of you!"

He didn't dare to go to sleep, because he was afraid that Su Jinlong would not be able to find him at night.

When he was a child, if Su Jinlong couldn't find him, he would cry so much that the house cover could be lifted.

"Dad, don't want me, I'm uncomfortable!" Su Jinlong said, grabbing Su Jianghai's arm and not letting go, tears of grievance shed.

Su Jinlong is a young man, with great strength, and Su Jianghai's arm hurts.

Su Jianghai’s eyes were hot, and he quickly wiped the tears for Su Jinlong, "Xiaolong, don't be sad, it's all your dad is not good, you quickly wake up, dad will make you your favorite steamed potato shreds!"

The Su family usually cooks with He Qin, and occasionally He Qin has a headache. When Su Jianghai cooks, he steams potato shreds.

Put the potatoes into a small pot, put two spoons of miso, a spoon of meat oil, add some MSG, put it on top of the rice, steam it, and put it out of the pot with the rice.

He Qin always said that Su Jianghai fooled.

Su Jinlong stared with big eyes, "I love potato shreds made by my dad."

"You lie, Dad, you just don't want me!" Su Jin Longyue said the more I was wronged, and he cried directly, like a wounded little beast, crying to Su Jianghai's heart.

Isn't he sick?

Torture good children like this?

"Xiaolong, Dad is not human, Dad wants you, so hurry up!" Su Jianghai comforted over and over again.

Su Jinlong in his sleep finally believed, and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Jinlong finally woke up, but he was still lying on the kang without speaking.

Su Jianghai's eyes were red and swollen.

Is this crying all night?

Deserve it!

He Qin whispered at him.

Su Jianghai glanced at him and said nothing.

The day after tomorrow is the big day for Wei Min and Wu Feng to get married. Today, the Wei family is busy.

After dinner, Su Jianghai and He Qin went to Wei's house to help.

Uncle Liu looked surprised.

"What's wrong with my brother-in-law, suddenly I want to understand?"

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