Yesterday he had to do a paternity test in a hurry, which is good, he made Xiaolong ill, and he wanted to understand.

Regarding this matter, Uncle Liu is the boss of Su Jianghai's opinion.

To do a paternity test is to not believe his eldest sister!

That is not to believe in the Liu family.

With a mocking expression on Uncle Liu's face, Su Mian immediately understood what was going on.

Su Mian poured water for the uncle, "My dad also got into the horns for a while, and now he wants to understand it. Uncle, don't worry about it, we are all a family!"

Su Mian played haha ​​to adjust.

Uncle Liu is refreshing, and what he can say, "Brother-in-law wants to understand. I think he has been taking care of Xiaolong all night, and I know that he is wrong! I am afraid that someone will instigate him and he will get sick again!"

Su Mian was also worried about this.

Uncle Liu deliberately looked towards Su Jinlong after speaking. Su Jinlong turned his back as if he knew someone was watching him.

This is still angry with Su Jianghai!

In the morning, Su Jianghai talked to Su Jinlong, and Su Jinlong directly covered the quilt.

Su Jianghai couldn't help, so he went to Wei's house with He Qin to help.

It is a good thing for the son to wake up, but it is even more uncomfortable to ignore him, he might as well not see!

When they arrived at Wei's house, the villagers looked at Su Jianghai and his wife with gossips.

"Brother Su, went to the provincial capital for a paternity test yesterday? When will the result come out?"

"Brother Su, I don't see that you are still anxious, what a big deal?"

"That's right, the mother and daughter were silly the day before yesterday, don't forget to go to your heart!"

There are people in the village who want to watch jokes, some are pure gossip for fun, and some sincerely persuade Su Jianghai.

Su Jianghai looked up, "What do you guys think? Yesterday, Su Jinlong had a high fever. He took him to the provincial capital for a full-body checkup! I personally identified Su Mian and Su Jinlong as my species!"

Su Jianghai's remarks were categorical, let alone others, after He Qin listened, she would have thought it was true if it hadn't been for the paternity test yesterday.

This Su Jianghai, who has always been honest, can turn his words?

He Qin quickly reacted, "No, Xiaolong didn't know how it was done yesterday, and suddenly he had a high fever of 40 degrees. Although Su Mian is a genius doctor, but there is no equipment at home, he had to send him to the provincial hospital for examination!"

The couple said so, and everyone naturally believed it.

Mainly Su Jianghai and He Qin are both real people, especially Su Jianghai, he can't tell him to lie.

Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui happened to see this scene when they entered the Wei family.

Originally, Su Mian was worried that the villagers would make irresponsible remarks. Su Jianghai would lose his temper, or make mistakes and go home to become sulking.

As a result, he blocked people back with a few words, and then went on to work again!

"It seems that our work was not done in vain. You can rest assured this time." Wei Zhenhui knew that Su Mian was thinking about Su Jianghai. Soon after they went out, the two of them also followed.

"My dad can figure it out. You didn't know last night, my dad..."

Su Mian was interrupted by Wei Zhenhui before he finished speaking.

"Daughter-in-law, do you despise me?"

"Huh?" Su Mian didn't understand, what did Wei Zhenhui mean by suddenly saying that.

"Look at me, my hearing is not as good as you."

Su Mian:...

"Our room is next to Xiaolong. I don't know what do you think our dad said and did?" The wife is really, really thinking that she is a special fighter, so she treats him as an ordinary person!

How big is this man, where is he underestimated? She was afraid that he was too tired yesterday, and he was seriously injured just in time.

Before no one saw it, Su Mian pinched Wei Zhenhui's waist and picked up a layer of skin, "Why, don't hit the house for three days, huh?"

Wei Zhenhui was twisted so that the corners of his mouth twitched, "Daughter-in-law, when I get well, I want to revive my husband!"

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