At six o'clock, there was a roar of cars in the distance.

Then, I heard Su Jinlong leading the people and ran out.

Noisy started outside.

Su Jinlong has the loudest voice.

"Remember our mission this time!"

"Yes, please don't worry, the chief!"

Su Jinlong then gave an order, "Little six, you lead someone to defend the front door, and the big head you lead someone to defend the back door. Remember, you must guard strictly!"

The half-and-half soldiers were divided into two groups, one blocking the back door and the other blocking the front door.


The girls in the room looked at each other, Su Jinlong really took this seriously!

Wu Feng jumped from the jeep with the big red flower on his chest. He also pinned a small red flower on his chest, and a dozen soldiers followed him.

All beaming!

Jiang Yi and Wei Zhenming had been waiting for a long time. Wu Feng greeted him before the car stopped. Wei Zhenming deliberately checked his watch and said, "Oh, brother-in-law, it's very early!"

Wu Feng smiled unnaturally, "It's not early, it's not early!"

He didn't sleep for half the night last night, and he wanted to pick up his wife!

Jiang Yi directly hugged Wu Feng's neck, "Brother-in-law, it's a bit early. It's half past seven in auspicious hour. Look, it's still an hour and a half. Even if you **** the bride away, you won't be able to drive the car!"

Wu Feng touched his nose to hide his embarrassment, as if he was really anxious.

far away.

Zhang Jie and He Qinzheng greeted the aunt and aunt who had arrived early to sit down.

As soon as Wu Feng entered the yard, the aunt's eyes went straight!

Wu Feng is tall and tall, wearing a straight military uniform and regular clothes on him, and he looks solemn and solemn.

Seeing the little daughter-in-law and the eldest girl blushed and heartbeat.

"Aunt Zhang, where did your uncle learn from Mo, look back for one for my girl too!"

"Let's pull it down, you just don't know a big word in Erya. Where can I find such a good one? Wei Min is a college student, and he will be a military doctor in the future!"

"Hey, it seems that my Erya can only marry a farmer!"

"That is, Wu Feng is a political commissar, an official of the boss!"

This beauty in Zhang Jie's heart, her son and daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law are all promising, she is satisfied now!

Wu Feng didn't forget the half business, and chatted with the two older brother-in-laws, and led the man to the bride's room!

"Wow, look, start grabbing the bride!"

I don't know who the child yelled and banged twice. The front and back doors that had left a gap were all closed!

Su Jinlong stood in the house and directed.

"Go to the front door for the two people again, the front is empty. The back is not the enemy's main force, so there is no need for many people to guard!"


The girls almost burst into tears when they were amused by Su Jinlong. Wei Min put on makeup and could only bear it if he wanted to laugh.

Su Mian just wanted to hit the wall after hearing this. This kid is treating the snatching of his relatives as a war!

"Daughter-in-law, open the door!" Wu Feng yelled for the first time before the others opened.

"Sister-in-law, open the door and let the political commissar pick you home!"

"Sister-in-law, don't be embarrassed. Sooner or later, I will be our political commissar. It's good to go early!"

"Nonsense, isn't it that the sister-in-law's person is already a political commissar?"


Wu Feng patted the back of the head alone, "Don't digress, hurry up and call the door!"

The two little warriors chuckled and shouted again.

"Come two red envelopes, open a gap for you, and smell the fragrance in the room!" shouted a kid in the room.

Soon, two red envelopes were stuffed outside.

"Give two red envelopes again, let you take a look at the shoes the bride is wearing today!"


The girls in the room froze for a while, what are these all?

Then I saw a kid really took the shoes Luo Fang was going to wear and shook them in front of the window, "Did you see, did you see?"

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