Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2029: Don't panic everyone

"Stuff 10 more red envelopes to show you the clothes the bride is wearing today!"

After listening to the bride's clothes, the red envelope was stuffed faster this time, and the boys picked them up and put them in their pockets quickly.

"The inside quickly open the door. If we don't open the door, we can attack!" A dozen soldiers outside made a real effort, and the wooden door was so squeezed that it cracked.

"Resist, concentrate the firepower, the back door will immediately pass three to the front door to support!" Su Jinlong commanded, while looking at the movement of the back door!


With such a trick, Wu Feng is difficult to enter!

It's been almost an hour, and even a crack in the door hasn't been opened.

The others didn't say anything, Wei Min was anxious, "This is almost here, Su Mian, you can make Xiaolong almost done!"

Su Mian hadn't spoken yet, Su Jinlong said directly, "No, you must ask Wu Fengge to keep all the red envelopes!"

Wu Feng gritted his teeth, "Give it to him!"

Seeing a pile of red envelopes sprinkled in, Su Jinlong picked up all the red envelopes and opened the door.

Wu Feng rushed into the room and went straight up the kang. He had known Wei Min's location outside the window beforehand, and saw Wei Min's red skirt.

When he got into the room, he went straight to the goal, picked up Wei Min, jumped off the kang, and ran out.

Wei Min only felt that the world was spinning, and quickly hugged Wu Feng's neck.

The girls in the back started booing, and Wei Min flushed with shame and buried him in Wu Feng's arms.

Wu Feng lowered his head to comfort, "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I have it!"

After the bride got in the car, the people from the village who went to the table were almost there, so they got in the car directly.

The truck is the army's big truck. Looking at the awe-inspiring, two trucks full of people went straight to Wu Feng's house.

Wu Feng's home is in the next county, 60 kilometers away from Xingcun, and it took just over an hour to arrive!

Wu Feng's parents and relatives and friends had been waiting at the gate for a long time, and the bride was taken into the new house by Wu Feng when she got out of the car.

In this era, there is no ceremony for marriage in rural areas, that is, relatives and friends on both sides gather to eat together, and they all ate on running water tables.

The bride sits in the new house and does not need to come out to meet the guests.

Su Mian accompanied Luo Fang in the new house and waited to see Wu Feng's relatives.

At this time, Wu Feng's two older sisters brought the children over.

Sister Wu’s family is a seven-year-old girl, and Second Sister Wu’s family is a five-year-old boy.

When the two little babies saw that Wei Min was not familiar yet, the girl called her aunt shyly.

The boy was courageous, and stared at Wei Min for a while, "Aunt, you look so good-looking, I will marry a wife when I grow up!"

Tong Yan Wuji, all the people in the room laughed.

Wei Min prepared red envelopes for the two little babies. Sister Wu and Sister Wu directly put them in their pockets because they were afraid that they would lose them.

The two little babies were still poking their mouths, and they gave a few pieces of candy to coax them.

The running water table in the rural area eats quickly, but there are many people. It is eaten from 11 o'clock until almost 2 o'clock before the relatives of the family have eaten it.

After eating, everyone was walking out of the house, and Su Mian saw Sister Wu and the two darlings of Sister Wu's family eating candy with a smile.

Su Mian remembered that the candy prepared at the Wu family banquet did not have this kind of leather wrapped in yellow paper.

I was wondering, when a dozen people came in from outside, everyone was stunned.

"Don't panic everyone, one of our relatives' children ran into the yard and disappeared. Let's look for it!"

Su Mian suddenly felt wrong.

These dozens of people are obviously well-trained. Although they are looking for children, they can look like a torch, and they have received professional training at first sight.

Is a soldier.

Cao Wei also noticed something strange, and the girls came together in tacit understanding.

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