"Grandpa, I am your grandson, why don't you worry that I will be taken advantage of!"

Huo Jingrun was dissatisfied, in fact, if it hadn't been for Xu Shilan to take the initiative... would he not be able to control it if he bullied him?

It's rare that his grandson finally has what he should be at this age. Huo Haidong glared at him, but his eyes couldn't hide his disappointment.

Is he really wrong?

Grandson didn't do anything to Xu's girl, so he ran away from popularity?

This kid has this ability!

The nurse came in and helped Huo Jingrun re-dress.

When someone went out, Jing Liangping said, "Recover your injuries and don't do strenuous exercise. Your mother will return to China next month and let her know that you are injured, and you will have to worry about you!"

Huo Jingrun didn't say a word, as if Jing Liangping said that he was a stranger and it had nothing to do with him.

Jing Liangping came up with a temper, "You child, what is your attitude? No matter how wrong she was back then, she is also your mother! Where did you come from?"

"I would rather not have such a mother. You don't have to tell her uncle about my injuries, lest Professor Jingda can't work at ease!"

If there are two people in this world that Huo Jingrun is most reluctant to mention, it is his biological parents.

It's ridiculous. He should have been the closest person, but now he is almost like the enemy.

Jing Liangping took a step forward, if it wasn't for Huo Jingrun's serious injury, he would have to slap him just now for his rebellious remarks.


Huo Haidong coughed twice.

How could he bully his grandson in front of him.

Didn't pay attention to Huo's family at all!

His grandson finally returned to China, but was seriously injured again, but he couldn't help it.

"Commander Jing, my grandson needs to rest now. If you don't have any major issues, please go back!" Huo Haidong didn't care about that, and directly issued the eviction order.

Huo Jingrun, lying on the hospital bed, gave Huo Haidong a thumbs up directly.

At the critical moment, grandpa is still good.

Jing Liangping realized that he was a bit heavy when he said just now, so he nodded, "Chief Huo, I have no other meaning, just want Jing Run to take good care of himself!"

Huo Haidong nodded, then sat down on the chair next to Huo Jingrun's bed, as if he was going to have a long conversation with his grandson.

Jing Liangping and Shang Guilan could only leave.

Huo Jingrun's dislike of Jing Xiangwan was not a day or two, he could understand.

His second sister really did too much back then, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and the two children can't be blamed.

Everyone is gone, Huo Haidong happily said, "You kid tell me the truth, did something happen between you and Xu Shilan?"

After speaking, he glanced at his grandson's lower body.

Huo Jingrun's face flushed.

He is a man, and he is ashamed to be seen by another man in such a place, even if the person watching is his grandfather!

Unconsciously put his legs together, "Grandpa, what are you looking at? Isn't it what you think? I was hurt so badly, how could it be..."

Done that kind of thing!

"You clarify, what's the matter? Xu Shilan will not leave for no reason!"

Huo Jingrun felt that if he didn't make it clear to the old man today, his grandfather would definitely be like a dog skin plaster, which would stick him all night.

"I... I kissed her!" Huo Jingrun bit her lip, and said something like a mosquito.


Huo Haidong's face was sullen, and suddenly he laughed, making Huo Jingrun so scared that he thought his father was crazy.

"Grandpa, calm down, calm down!"

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