"Calm down, how can you calm me down? Huh? Huo Jingrun, I thought you were an iron tree and wouldn't bloom! You would kiss girl Xu!" Huo Haidong was so happy that he thumped his chest and danced, and finally burst into tears with laughter!

He used to take a peek on the stairs countless times before, but he didn't see any substantial movements. Now Huo Jingrun was seriously injured and lying on the hospital bed and told him that he had kissed Xu Shilan.

How can he calm down?

He can't calm down!

"You kissed her, why is the Xu family girl upset?"


Huo Jingrun felt that his grandfather's torture was more cruel than the torture organized by Shanri!

"She... isn't upset!" Xu Shilan took the initiative, how could she be upset.

"Then why is she crying?"

"I said something that made her angry!"

"What did you say?"

Huo Haidong's eyes suddenly stared, and he slapped the bed suddenly, and Huo Jingrun who was lying on it was almost bounced by him, "You won't deny it, don't you want to be responsible for others!"

Huo Jingrun:......! ! !

It was a pity that his grandfather didn't solve the case for the first time, and the logic of this speculation was almost nothing!

Huo Jingrun didn't say anything, that's the default!

Huo Haidong stood up and pointed to his grandson, "Huo Jingrun, I tell you, the Huo family man can't do this kind of messy thing!"


Huo Jingrun knew for the first time that the term "being chaos and end abandoning" was used in such a place!

"Grandpa..." Huo Jingrun still wanted to explain.

Huo Haidong waved his hand directly, "You take good care of your injury, and don't worry about the rest of the matter of finding a matchmaker to come and propose a marriage!"

What the hell?

Are you looking for a kiss?

Huo Jingrun directly sat up in a hurry, and suddenly tugged his chest, and the wound was probably opened again.

However, he has to clarify, "Grandpa, don't worry, you give me some more time, will you let us take care of the matter between Shilan and me? You don't want her to end like my parents. ,is not it?"

At the mention of the eldest son Huo Haidong was finally silent.


It's all evil fate!

Huo Haidong sighed, and finally said earnestly:

"Jing Run, it's not that Grandpa forced you. You are 28 this year. How many years can Grandpa live? Grandpa wants to see you and Jing Ze get married for the rest of your life, but it's a worry for me."

Huo Haidong turned his back to Huo Jingrun, looked at the direction of the ceiling, and forced his tears back.

He knows the suffering of his grandson for so many years, and he doesn't want to force him.

When Huo Jingrun was 13 years old, his eldest son and his daughter-in-law divorced.

I can't rely on my daughter-in-law, the eldest son has not heard from him for many years, and no woman would be willing to stay a widow and waste her youth.

Besides, Jing Xiangwan has never been an ordinary woman.

At 13 years old, he was innocent and romantic. Huo Jingrun's personality suddenly changed. He also became depressed. He began to concentrate on studying and know how to take care of his younger brother.

Years of forbearance has created Huo Jingrun.

Feelings never show up, let alone try.

Not long after Huo Haidong left, Huo Jingrun fell asleep.

The weakness after the operation made Huo Jingrun tired easily.

At this moment, a figure flashed in again. She carefully inspected Huo Jingrun’s wound, and there was bleeding on it. She took out the golden sore medicine she had received from Su Mian, reapplied him, bandaged it, and covered the quilt. Leave.

The moment the door closed, Huo Jingrun opened his eyes.

There was still the familiar fragrance left by her in the surrounding air, and a certain place in her heart seemed to be filled.

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