Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2112: Lai Shang Huo Jingrun

"Have you heard? Goddess Xu ran out crying from the military hospital last night?"

"What's the matter? Goddess Xu has liked Huo Jingrun for so many years, but her confession was rejected?"

"Hey, let me go. Did Huo Jingrun fall in love with Jasmine who died in his arms?"

"This man has no eyesight, my goddess Xu is noble and dignified, and can't compare to a dead person?"

The special forces stayed in the Southern Military Region to rest, and the gossip between Xu Shilan and Huo Jingrun was flying in the sky these days.

In the end, it was rumored that Huo Jingrun started chaos and abandoned her and went to be the undercover sister who fell in love with the poisonous snake, so she now rejects Xu Shilan angrily.

Luo Fang listened to the gossip, biting a popsicle, and his whole body was laughing crazy.

Yesterday Xu Shilan came back with swollen eyes. She and Su Mian had to ask about it. Xu Shilan told her about kissing Huo Jingrun forcibly!

Su Mian and Luo Fang had fun after listening to the two of them all night.

However, Xu Shilan was struggling all night, still thinking about the next battle plan.

She will not give up easily.

Anyway, he relied on Huo Jingrun, until he agreed.

What's more, Huo Jingrun had feelings for her at all, Xu Shilan blushed and heartbeat at the thought of that domineering kiss.

At this time, with one day before the report in the Southern Military Region, Su Mian was a little anxious.

"Luo Fang, it's really not the time to laugh at Xu Shilan. You write a draft at any rate. What if stage fright forgets the words?"

Su Mian knows that Luo Fang usually tells stories like storytelling, but this time it is different. This time it is reported in front of the soldiers of the military region, and all the chiefs of the military region must listen.

Luo Fang didn't care, this girl didn't even know what stage fright was.

"Su Mian, don't worry, I have already figured out the story, it's all in my head, can't you still believe me?"

Su Mian turned her head and glanced at Luo Fang, who was carefree. To be honest, she really didn't know what to do.

"What's your look? I saw it with my own eyes, experienced it myself, and didn't figure it out by patting my head. Don't worry, you can't make a mistake!"

The special team had asked Luo Fang to talk about it before. What Luo Fang said was a thrilling one. Even after Xu Haowen and Wu Feng heard it, they felt that Su Mian and Luo Fang could survive under the hands of old A. They depended on their true ability. It's all luck!

Wu Feng even thought that they could write a reportage about their experience, and then change it again, write it into a script, or make a movie!

When Wu Feng talked about his own thoughts, Xu Haowen's eyes twitched, and the ideological work was just brain work, not just a sniper mission, when it came to Wu Feng, it was all a story.

The next day, the auditorium was crowded with people. The 12 members of the Flying Eagle Special Forces were all sitting on the podium, with big red flowers tied in front of them, all full of energy.

Luo Fang and Su Mian also missed the medals on their chests, and they were very heroic.

All the soldiers sitting in the audience were soldiers from the Southern Military Region. As soon as I heard that the Flying Eagle Special Forces of the Northern Military Region had made great contributions, it was the two female soldiers who had done so, each of them straightened their necks.

"There is no one in the Northern Military Region. Let the two female soldiers be snipers?"

"What do you know, these two are the best shots among the special forces of the Northern Military Region. The last time the special forces competed, one was the first and the other was the second!"

"Why, better than our Southern Military Region!"

"Don't mention it, Jing Feihong of the Southern Military Region didn't even go in the first five. The special forces of the Northern Military Region really have two brushes!"

At this time, Luo Fang walked to the center of the podium and began to give a report!

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