Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2154: Huo Jingrun's past

Xu Haowen twitched the corners of his mouth.


Chiguoguodi threat!

If this matter is made known to the commander of their family, then he will have to get out of the army tomorrow!

Xu Jun ruled the army strictly, he and the female soldier confessed that they were rejected, that is, to molest the female soldier, there was nothing to say, and he was expelled directly.

Xu Haowen just gave Huo Jingrun a warning, what can he really do?

Xu Shilan went back to the dormitory and fell asleep. When Su Mian and Luo Fang came back, they were all down for a long time.

Several girls Nie Qiaoqiao also went to bed. Luo Fang was on her upper bunk. When she went to bed, she saw Xu Shilan's eyes closed tightly, as if she was asleep.

Climbing into the bed, I gave everyone an ‘OK’ posture.

In the afternoon, Huo Jingrun officially gave a class to the special forces.

Jing Liangping gave a grand introduction to everyone:

"Dear members, this is Major Huo Jingrunhuo. You may have heard about him, but it is not comprehensive. Let me give you a comprehensive introduction."

“Major Huo joined the army secretly at the age of 18 and has been engaged in intelligence collection and analysis. In order to obtain a breakthrough in China’s intelligence work, Major Huo went to study abroad at the age of 22. To cover his mind, his major from university to Ph.D. was in medicine.

Major Huo upholds his love for the party and state, and resolutely gave up his favorite commanding profession in order to make progress in China's intelligence work.

While in Country M, Major Huo studied intelligence work while assisting Interpol and China to capture military fugitives abroad, making outstanding contributions to our army’s intelligence.

He has infiltrated terrorist organizations three times, endured humiliation, and provided important intelligence to our army.

Major Huo returned to China two years ago and joined the Intelligence Bureau. Now he serves as the intelligence staff of the 61st Division. In order to improve the intelligence capabilities of the special forces, he specially came to give lectures for everyone. Welcome everyone! "

After listening to Jing Liangping's introduction, there was an uproar below.

No one thought that Huo Jingrun had sacrificed so much for the development of intelligence work.

Su Mian is even more so.

In her previous life, Huo Jingrun was a rascal stealing technological achievements. It turned out that those were all his work needs!

She misunderstood him!

Xu Shilan lowered her head without lifting her eyelids, and no one could see her emotions.

Luo Fang and Gao Yang had already applauded enthusiastically.

"Let me tell you that my brother Jing Run had very good grades when he was in school, and he had no problem taking the command of any military academy! I was depressed for a long time. Brother Jing Run’s room was equipped with military aircraft and tank models. Why did you learn medicine? I just understand now!"

Xu Shilan lowered her head.

There are tears in the eyes.

That year, she asked Huo Jingrun.

"Brother Jing Run, what is your dream?"

"Be a soldier!"

"If you are a soldier, I will be an actor and perform for you!"

Huo Jingrun later applied for the medical profession without telling everyone, and later went abroad to study.

Xu Shilan was depressed for a long time, Huo Jingrun was his dream and her ideal.

The dream is broken, the ideal is shattered, what else can support her?

Xu Shilan finally joined the Bayi Repertory Troupe, only for her promise to him.

She is such a person!

Even if Huo Jingrun broke her promise, she would promise to travel.

"I didn't expect Major Huo to be so good, no wonder Goddess Xu likes him!"

"This kind of responsible man is worthy of my goddess Xu!"

"Well, for his patience, as long as he promises Goddess Xu, I will forgive him!"

"Hello, comrades, let's start class now." Huo Jingrun spoke clearly, suddenly awakening Xu Shilan from the memory.

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