Huo Jingrun is gentle and elegant, and the lectures are humorous.

In addition, the information science itself is mysterious, and the special forces have taught similar courses before, but they are not detailed and systematic by Huo Jingrun.

Apart from Huo Jingrun's Qingyue voice in the training room, there was also the voice of the team members making notes.

If everyone had a lot of prejudice against Huo Jingrun before this class, now half of this gang of wolf pups has been conquered by Huo Jingrun.

"Fuck, information science is so interesting. I knew I would do this too!"

"Major Huo deserves to have 10 years of experience in intelligence work. He knows so much. It really opened my eyes!

"From this moment on, I'm going to circle Major Huo, no one will fight with me!"

Wu Mengmeng is a communications soldier and knows more about intelligence capture and analysis than others.

She sat in the first row with another female correspondent, directly opposite the podium.

Wu Mengmeng listened very seriously, and sometimes clenched fists to applaud Huo Jingrun!

Luo Fang and Su Mian were sitting behind her, Luo Fang lost his temper, "Su Mian, look at this cute thing, and I gave it to Sister Shilan at noon, so I let Brother Jing Run buy it in a while."

Su Mian put forward different opinions, "It is very objective to say that Major Huo did speak well. A lot of knowledge is exactly what we need, and it is also an area we haven't touched on."

Luo Fang:...

It seems to be that she hates class the most, and she actually listened to it just now.

Xu Shilan bowed her head to make notes from beginning to end, never raising her head.

Originally, this group of male soldiers wanted to gossip something, but Goddess Xu turned into an exterminator from noon, so she didn't say anything, her whole face was also stern, like a stranger.

Shi Lan was really angry.

Huo Jingrun looked at her a few times with his peripheral light, and Xu Shilan was sullenly taking notes.

I don't know why, but there is a big rock blocking my heart.

At noon, he also asked himself if Xu Shilan would not be here if Xu Shilan was not in the special team.

The answer is yes, this is his job.

But Xu Shilan was here, inexplicably a little excited, a little hopeful.

Huo Jingrun swept towards Xu Shilan again, but at Luo Fang's smiley face, he was so scared that Huo Jingrun almost forgot to give the lecture.

Information class in the morning and basic physical training in the afternoon.

In the distance, Huo Jingrun and Jing Liangping stood together.

"How about, have you found any good seedlings, and train me two intelligence experts. Our special forces must have our own intelligence personnel!"

Jing Liangping and the military department had reacted before. When they heard that they wanted intelligence professionals, the heads of a few old guys shook like a rattle.

"No, find it yourself!"

The intelligence personnel of the military region are very scarce, so I can't even take care of Jing Liangping's small temple.

Therefore, Jing Liangping can only find a way by himself!

"There is one! I can focus on training!"

"Who is it?" Jing Liangping's eyes were bright!

He said that there are so many capable and powerful generals in their special forces, maybe someone is suitable for intelligence work.

"Wu Mengmeng, you can focus on training!"

Wu Mengmeng was sitting in the first row, Huo Jingrun accidentally glanced at her notes, it was definitely a heavenly book!

Fortunately, he has ten years of intelligence work experience, otherwise he really doesn't know what she wrote.

Don't look at the girl who is cute and cute, she accepts knowledge very quickly.

Several times Huo Jingrun hadn't said the following, but Wu Mengmeng had already picked it up.

That cute thing?

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