Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2470: I can't let mom wash you again

"Why is he my daughter-in-law to give you a bath? If you want to wash it, you will also wash it for me!" Wei Zhenhui was indeed **** off by this kid.

Simply, I can say what I think in my heart.

As a result, Leike looked disdainful and looked up and down Wei Zhenhui several times, "You are such a big... and you want others to bathe you, are you ashamed?"


Wei Zhenhui coughed twice and concealed his unnaturalness, "What? It is justified for my wife to bathe me. And the kid, I warn you, she is my daughter-in-law, so you don't want to beat her!"

Unexpectedly, Rek hummed and said with his arms akimbo, "That's not necessarily true. When I grow up, I will marry her too!"


Wei Zhenhui could hardly suppress the anger in his heart, "You want to be beautiful! She is mine!"

"I don't care, I'm going to marry..."

Before Leike finished speaking, Wei Zhenhui picked it up with one hand and clamped it under the armpit, turned around and went to the bathroom.

He would never agree to let Su Mian bathe him.

No matter how young this kid is, he is still a man, or another man.

"Ah, you let me go, you hurt me!" Xiao Leike kept twisting and struggling until Wei Zhenhui slapped his ass.

When he got to the bathroom, Wei Zhenhui snapped the door shut, then put the person down.

Rick crossed his legs, puffed up his chest, and looked dead.

"Why, mom likes me, you are jealous!"

This kid used a declarative tone, yes, he had already concluded that this father Wei was jealous of him.

Regardless of whether he is an adult, he is so stingy that he is as knowledgeable as a child!

In this case, don't adults always let the children?

Therefore, Lake looked even more dissatisfied with Wei Zhenhui, but he did not dare to be too obvious. After all, they were in the same room now, and his mother probably couldn't hear anything outside.

Wei Zhenhui looked at him for a while, the little guy didn't know if it was due to his aura, or wanted to understand, and finally closed his mouth.

Wei Zhenhui turned on the shower and wiped Leike off after three strokes, and then thinned his lips, "Today I will teach you to take a bath!"

You have to let Lake take care of himself.

As a result, Wei Zhenhui quickly gave up.

"Dad Wei, I want soap, I can't reach it."

"Dad Wei, you pass me the shampoo."

"Dad Wei, I can't reach my back..."

Wei Zhenhui gritted his teeth, didn't care about him, and washed him directly. After all, he was a five-year-old child.

When the two of them were washed out, Su Mian just watched in his spare time.

Unexpectedly, the two of them came out holding hands, so tragic when they entered, so how exactly did Wei Zhenhui do it.

Leike raised his little head and blinked at Wei Zhenhui, "Daddy Wei, you have to speak up. From now on, let's take a bath together. You can't let your mother wash it for you again!"


Su Mian was sitting on the bed and hearing this sentence, she couldn't hold back, and was happy to roll around with the quilt on the bed.

So, the two of them reached such a consensus in the bathroom?

The problem is that Wei Zhenhui is still very serious and stretched out his index finger, "Retracting hook, a ritual promised by our Chinese."

Lake also followed his way, reaching out his index finger, hooking one big and one small together.

"Hanging on the hook, it won't change for a hundred years!"

Lake also said again, "Hanging on the hook, it will remain the same for a hundred years!"

After going to bed, Xu was too tired, Leike was very good, did not quarrel and lay between the two, but fell asleep shortly after holding the quilt on Su Mian's side.

Su Mian helped him cover the quilt, and before he could turn around, Wei Zhenhui was caught directly into his arms.

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