"Daughter-in-law, discuss something with you." Wei Zhenhui's chin rested on Su Mian's head, his tone of voice was terribly wronged.

"What's the matter?" Su Mian smirked, this is still awkward with Leike!

"I plan to have a baby again in two years!" Wei Zhenhui finished speaking and was afraid that Su Mian would disagree, "We both have no time now, and we get together less and more. Let's talk about your body..."

"My body is okay. Wenwen helped me to check it. It was either infertile or difficult to conceive." After this storm, Su Mian was not at ease now, and simply asked Wenwen to do a comprehensive examination for her.

Su Mian has said so, and Wei Zhenhui naturally believes in Wenwen!

"The daughter-in-law, do you think it is appropriate for us to have children in a few years?"

"Brother Hui, what happened to you today?" Su Mian raised his head and looked at him, wanting to see something in his eyes.

"You are so young, I'm afraid you won't take it!"

Wei Zhenhui finally found an excuse for being so suffocated. Of course, he couldn't say that he was angry with Leike.

This kid is not his own son yet, so he dare to **** his wife from him.

If this is my son, I will have it.

Therefore, Wei Zhenhui decided to postpone having children!

"Lie, don't lie to me, I have heard what you said in the bathroom, you are a monopolist, you can't even tolerate your own son!"

After being broken by his daughter-in-law, Wei Zhenhui turned over and pressed him under him, "Daughter-in-law, let's talk about it, let's say I will eat you now!"

Su Mian was so frightened that she slapped him on the chest while looking at Leike.

"What are you doing, don't wake up Rick!"

At this moment, Rick clicked his mouth very cooperatively, and then yelled, "Mom!"

So scared, Su Mian directly pushed Wei Zhenhui down.

Wei Zhenhui looked down at the distance Su Mian pushed away, and there was a flame in his narrow eyes, "After I go back, I suggest sending him to Xu's house. Anyway, it is Xu Shilan's child!"

Su Mian stretched out his hand and punched him, "You wanted to kill Xu Shilan, I told you that it was definitely not her child!"

"He would kill me if he stayed at Jiang's house, and I held back my wife for two lifetimes!" After speaking, he put Su Mian in his arms again, like a spoiled child.

Su Mian was speechless, "Wei Zhenhui, are you three years old?"

"Well, you can call Wei three years old!" Wei Zhenhui was willing to give up today. Anyway, he must let his wife postpone having children.

Su Mian wanted to laugh at the way he was wronged!

Just laugh out loud!

Who would have thought that the big devil in the eyes of outsiders could be so wronged in front of his wife!

"Okay, go back and find a way! Lake is five years old and can sleep in separate beds. Don't worry, he won't disturb you!!!"

Su Mian bit the word'you' very hard, and the two knew it well.

Someone smirked, lowered his head with Su Mian's earlobe, "It seems like it didn't disturb you, okay, anyway, I have a thick skin, I'm not afraid to disturb, I will..."

When he said that, he started to lower his hands and blow into Su Mian's ears!

"Wei Min told me that your whole body is itchy, daughter-in-law, I'll try it tonight!"

"Ah...yeah, Wei Zhenhui...you...stop...chuck..."

Su Mian was really itchy everywhere, not to mention that Wei Zhenhui deliberately teased her, and soon she raised her hand to surrender.

Of course Wei Zhenhui didn't do anything. He just wanted to see his wife smiling in his arms!

He wants his wife to remember forever, only he can make her laugh so happy.

"Daughter-in-law, do you know?"

"what do you know?"

"You just laughed so heartlessly!"


Su Mian pushed abruptly, and someone fell directly from the bed to the ground!

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