Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2479: Do you like Xu Shilan

Rick nodded as if he did not understand, and suddenly his small face was sad again, "Dad, you live alone and no one takes care of you. I don't worry. You can quickly find me a stepmother, I won't mind, and I will do it in the future. Will help you make your stepmother happy."

Ram touched his head, really wondering what the mess his little head was thinking about every day.

Perhaps because there was no mother since he was a child, Rek matured much earlier than children of the same age.

"Dad likes your mother for six years. She has accompanied me through the most important time of my life. So, Lake, Dad won't fall in love with any woman easily for the time being, so he won't get married for the time being."

Ram doesn't know how much Lake can understand, but he still has to tell him the truth.

Who knows Ram said, "Dad, you are one of the presidential candidates. Not having a family background is very unfavorable to you. The other two candidates are married to the nobles of Pakistan. Dad, since mom is gone, you should choose A wife who is in your favor."

"Who taught you how to say these things?"

Ram's face became serious a little bit, and these things were definitely taught to Lake.

Otherwise, Lake would never say these words.

He doesn't want his son to get in touch with politics prematurely, he should have his own ideals and life.

Lake tilted his head with a serious look, "No one taught me, just now the uncle and they were discussing matters. I occasionally heard them and thought they made sense. However, I don't think Dad is doing this for the president. People who will sacrifice their happiness."

As if he realized that he was upset about Ram, the little guy suddenly hugged Ram's arm and said, "Dad, am I right? Do I know you well?"

Ram looked at the innocent Rek with a look of shock.

He is only five years old, and he is already so good at observing words and colors, especially when it comes to politics, this kid is naturally sensitive.

Should he be happy or sad?

"What are your thoughts?" Rahm asked calmly, condensing his mind.

Rick smiled, showing a neat row of small teeth, "My meaning is not important, the uncle's meaning is important, he has already helped you contact the daughter of an aristocratic leader!"


Ram closed his eyes.

He only lost his love today. How could he fall in love with anyone in a short time?

It's not that he hasn't thought about his married life.

He thought of marrying Lake's mother as his wife, and then a family of three. No, she will definitely have several more children for herself, and then the family will live a happy life.

He also thought that if he could not find Lake's mother, he would marry a noble daughter as his wife as other candidates, and live a life with him plainly and have a few children, maybe this life will pass by. NS.


He had never thought that Lake's mother was no longer, and even died with his heart.


Lake shook Ram's arm and woke him from his thoughts, "If you don't want to marry another woman, you might as well marry Xu Shilan. I think she is very kind. If she is my mother, I will Very happy. And, I have already asked you about it, she is not married yet, and she has no even partner!"

Lake has a special Chinese teacher, so he speaks Chinese very authentically, and he can speak the language of Baba.

This is also a surprise when Ram hopes to find his mother.


"You said you like Xu Shilan?" Ram's deep blue amber eyes suddenly lit up.

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