Xu Shilan is Xu Shiting's cousin, she looks like a kind and kind girl, and if she takes care of Lake, he is really relieved.

Rick focused his little head as hard as a chicken pecking at rice. "Dad, I think you need to visit the Chinese Embassy again tomorrow. As the saying goes, there are many nights and dreams. If you like it, you will seize the opportunity. Other men get on the ground first, you can hold me and cry when you come back!"


Ram said softly, even he himself didn't realize that his tone was much lighter than before.

Lake was right.

Xu Shilan is beautiful, noble and elegant, and the stop is as sacred and inviolable as the goddess Athena.

"But...but Dad..." Ram hesitated.

"Dad, do you think I'm dragging oil bottles? I don't need to live with you. After you get married, if you ask your aunt to bathe you, I won't tell anyone!"


Ram immediately pressed Lek’s little shoulder and said with a serious face, “Rek, you can’t talk about this kind of thing in the future!”

On the second day, early in the morning, Ram dressed neatly and really came to the Chinese Embassy again.

"God, look, Major General Ram is here again, I heard that I'm still looking for Xu Shilan!"

"I wiped it, I was fainted by the stimulation yesterday, but I'm doing it again today!"

"Maybe there are other things, such as inquiring about Xu Shiting's past!"

"Well, but this guy is really handsome, I don't mind coming to the embassy every day!"

A group of people, idiots, and whistleblowers, anyway, because of the arrival of Ram and Lake, the whole embassy was fluttering.

When Zhao Bo and Jing Liangping heard that Ram was coming, they immediately contacted the presidential medical team before they came out to see people.

Just kidding, Ram has a special status, if he faints, he must be rescued as soon as possible.

So when Zhao Bo and Jing Liangping walked out, Ram had been waiting for a while.

"Ram, why don't you rest on the bed?" Zhao Bo asked with a smile.

"Director Zhao, Chief Jing, I'm looking for Xu Shilan." Ram said generously.

Rick looked up, admiring his father a little.

Yesterday, he was a little shy in front of him, and he was so calm and calm when he arrived at the scene, saying that seeing his future wife is like seeing an old friend!

If Ram knew that Lake had arranged him like this, he would have to kick the kid out.

In order to see Xu Shilan, he got up an hour early to practice, okay?

Since Lake wants Xu Shilan to be his mother, as a father, he must do his best to fight for it.

"Sister Shilan, come on, what are you still rubbing with? Your cousin's man is looking for you again, go!"

The cousin's man, Xu Shilan reacted for a long time before thinking of Ram.

Xu Shilan was at a loss. She only met Ram yesterday. Why did this person come again today? Could it be that she asked her cousin about the past?

Then he really didn't ask the right person. The cousin grew up in the Southern Military Region, and she was not familiar with her.

Seeing Xu Shilan coming in, Zhao Bo and Jing Liang left wittily. They were both young people, so they naturally talked. They are an eyesore.

At this time, our Huo Shaoxian analyzed yesterday's encryption code with Wu Mengmeng in the communication room.

One morning, Huo Jingrun felt that his right eyelid kept jumping.

The code deciphering didn't go smoothly, and Huo Jingrun was also a little impetuous.

"Major, let's rest for a while."

Huo Jingrun nodded, turned and left the room.

"Major Huo, Major Huo, we are looking for you!" Mouse and Lu Chun sneaked over sneakingly from a distance.

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