The two of them were sticking to the wall all the way, cat waist cock, like thieves, as if hiding from someone.

Huo Jingrun twisted his eyebrows, "What are you doing? Sneaky?"

The mouse curled his mouth.

Not sneaky, can I give you a tip?

As long as your old man still feels good about himself, you don't know that in the special forces team, you have long lost your reputation.

Everyone is now anxious for Xu Shilan and Major General Ram to be together.

If everyone knows that they will come and deliver letters secretly, they will have to be ‘grounded’ all night when they go back.

The two ran to the front and quickly dragged Huo Jingrun inside. The mouse chuckled, "Major Huo, why do you have time to be in a daze here!"

Huo Jingrun:...

He has been working for two hours, okay? Although there is no substantive progress, he has already had some ideas the moment he went out.

When disturbed by these two goods, the aura suddenly disappeared.

Look at him, the mouse will know.

Huo Jingrun didn't know!

"Something?" Huo Jingrun looked at the two of them unclearly, and the two of them were anxious looking at them with a wink.

"Of course something is going on! Major, you hurry up, go to the living room!"

"Why are you going there?"

"Oh, you go quickly, Ram is here again, and he is proposing to Xu Shilan to marry him, don't you go again..."

Before Lu Chun finished speaking, Huo Jingrun had already swirled away like a gust of wind!

The mouse stuck his tongue out, "I hope it's too late!"

living room.

Xu Shilan never dreamed that Ram would propose to her.

After Ram confessed to her just now, Xu Shilan was like being struck by lightning.

How could Ram propose to her?

Yesterday I heard the news of my cousin's sacrifice. Didn't all this person faint with grief? Why did he fall in love with her all night?

This is too mysterious!

And the little Reck on the ground still talked endlessly about Balabala.

"Auntie, if you marry my dad, you won’t suffer or be fooled. My dad is very infatuated and affectionate. Even if he doesn’t fall in love with you now, he will fall in love with you sooner or later. Besides, my dad is a potential stock, absolutely You will be the president. By then, you will be the president's wife, and one person will be more than 10,000 people. Auntie, what are you thinking about? Where can I find a good man like my father in the world?"


Is this kid sure that he is only five years old?

Xu Shilan was first confessed by Ram, and now he was brainwashed by the kid.

The cooperation of the father and son is really perfect.

"Shilan, marry me, are you willing?" Ram asked.

Outside the door, there were already three floors inside and three floors outside. The innermost one was Luo Fang. She was explaining and broadcasting.

"Rahm confessed!"

"The kid is helping his father with an advertisement. I wiped it. I couldn't think of this advertisement!"

"Ahhhh, the most exciting time has come. Ram asked Sister Shilan if he would marry him!!!"

"Then, did Xu Shilan agree?"

"Sister Shilan lowered her head, I can't see her expression clearly, 80% is thinking about it!"

At this time, Huo Jingrun strode towards him from a distance, and everyone looked at him in unison.

Huo Jingrun was tall and slender. At this time, the Western Lia clouds gathered on his face, which was terribly gloomy.

The doorway was originally blocked, but after seeing him, Hula flashed a way to the doorway.

Huo Jingrun walked to the door with strong long legs, bang!

Kicked the door!

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