Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2485: Who is going to call the door

As night fell, Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian lay down early because of the encirclement and suppression mission to be carried out tomorrow night.

Su Mian's little head is still in a state of excitement because of the day's events.

She actually hoped that Xu Shilan and Huo Jingrun were together, after all, the two liked each other.

And Xu Shilan was right to dry Huo Jingrun first, who would not accept it easily.

"Still thinking about them?" Wei Zhenhui knew without asking, because Su Mian had already reported to him endlessly before going to bed.

Su Mian giggled and hugged Wei Zhenhui coquettishly, "Brother Hui, if you have another life, will you still recognize me? Will you still feel familiar with me?"

Women just like to ask these unrealistic questions!

Wei Zhenhui didn't dare to say what he thought in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't want to sleep this night.

Wei Zhenhui scraped her little nose indulgingly, "Whatever we are thinking about, we have already stolen a life with God. It is enough for us to be together in this life. As for the next life, the rest of the life, we don't want to think about it."

Wei Zhenhui is very contented.

He is not a person who easily reveals his emotions. Today I heard about Xu Shilan and Huo Jingrun, and I was quite moved.

However, fortunately, Huo Jingrun found his heart in time and did not miss it.

People are greedy, just like Su Mian at this time.

With Wei Zhenhui in this life, I have already thought about the next life.

Seeing Su Mian listening, Wei Zhenhui continued, "Besides, you have a life of hundreds of thousands of years, maybe I have been reincarnated 100 times, you are still alive and well!"


"I'm an old fairy! I don't want to live that long. Wenwen has found a way to crack it. Brother Hui, if you are gone, it will be a torment for me all day."

"me too!"

Wei Zhenhui exhaled, "Daughter-in-law, don't think about it so much, I just hope that we can be safe in this life."

Su Mian a little bit.


The first battalion commander and the second battalion commander have been wandering outside the door for five minutes.

"One Battalion Commander, you go knock on the door!"

A battalion commander suddenly stared with small eyes, "Why it was me, it was me last time, this time it's you!"

"No, it was not in the middle of the night last time, don't you see what time it is now? Let's rock, paper, scissors, it's fair!"

A battalion commander rolled up his sleeves twice, "Come on, when I'm afraid of you!"

The second battalion commander also opened his posture, "I tell you, don't fool around. Whoever loses will call the door!"

"Don't worry, am I that kind of person?"

The second battalion commander hummed without comment, "Ready to start, rock, scissors, and cloth!"

The two shot at the same time.

The second battalion grows cloth, and the first battalion commander is stone.

A battalion commander happily said, "I will go if I go!"

After speaking, he walked to the door and knocked on the door.

The second battalion commander was listening to the movement in the door. One did not pay attention and was pulled over by the first battalion commander, and then his forehead collided with the door panel.

With a bang.

Then a battalion commander wailed.

"Second Battalion Commander, what are you doing? Disturbing the commander and sister-in-law in the middle of the night?"

The second battalion commander was slammed into two eyes with gold stars. He shook his head, and it took a long time to wake up.

"A battalion commander, you never do anything to fool you. What a big deal, isn't it just getting the teacher to get up? The teacher is not too young, and it is impossible to fight with the sister-in-law fairies every day! Maybe you didn't do anything today... "

The second battalion commander covered his mouth in the middle of speaking, because he found out that the door opened...

Wei Zhenhui stood at the door impressively.

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