
The second battalion commander forced a smile, but it was even more ugly than crying!

"I'm not young anymore? Huh? Would you like to try?" Wei Zhenhui held the door frame with one hand, his body blocked the door.


How to try?

Of course the teacher tried to practice them to the death!

He doesn't want it!

He must have been knocked out of his brain just now, so he could say that the teacher is not young!

The second battalion commander was aggrieved, "Master, you are still young, I...I'm just talking nonsense, don't forget to go to your heart!"

After speaking, he glared at the battalion commander: It's all your kid's business, I helped you do it, you still don't intercede for me.

A battalion commander understood, "That... Teacher, something happened, Chief Jing asked you to go to the meeting room!"

A battalion commander raised his eyebrows after speaking: fool, you have to learn to change the subject at the critical moment!

Five minutes later, Wei Zhenhui came to the conference room. In addition to the people from China, the Interpol Captain John was also there.

John is a typical Ozhou person, white skin, medium build, red nose, nose is a bit fleshy, and his face is also fleshy. He looks mild and harmless, not even majestic, and is easy to get close to.

But there was a shrewd look in his eyes.

After saying hello, John directly explained his intentions.

"Major General Ram and Master Lake were hijacked by terrorists on their way back to the Presidential Palace, so I'm here to discuss countermeasures with you!"

This is really bad news.

Jing Liangping also notified the latest news, “A dozen hostages in our country have also been transferred by terrorist organizations. Now they and Major General Ram are imprisoned in the southern virgin forest.”

Jing Liangping spoke before Wei Zhenhui, just to tell Wei Zhenhui the position of China.

The Pakistani side certainly does not need to ask, they will go to rescue Ram without hesitation.

And China will never give up on rescuing kidnapped compatriots.

Wei Zhenhui understood after a little thought, "What does Captain John mean?"

There was a shrewd light in John's eyes, "Mr. Wei, I mean, you will go with us to wipe out the terrorist organization first. The opportunity is not lost. According to reliable information, they are moving the base. At this time, the hostages are taken to the south. , Obviously is to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

So, don't be fooled, first cooperate with our Interpol to wipe out their main force. As for the hostages, it is not a big problem to go late for a long time. The most important thing at the moment is that they must not let their main force escape! "

John is here as a lobbyist.

Although there are less than 50 members of the Huaguo special team, the combat effectiveness of this team cannot be underestimated.

This year, whether it was during the international rescue or the confrontation with the Shanri organization in southern China, it was obvious to the outside world.

John felt that it would be no problem to win this team over and destroy the nest of the shadow organization!

Wei Zhenhui looked at John.

This person is definitely not as easy-going as he looks, on the contrary he has a lot of ideas.

He wants to do meritorious service.

Wei Zhenhui checked this person's information before, and he has been in his current position for nearly ten years.

He is missing a big case now, letting him retreat to the second line of success and fame.

This is a great opportunity.

He will definitely not let it go.

That is, no matter what conditions China offers, John will not change his mind.

Wei Zhenhui did not want to waste time with him, and directly expressed his attitude, "I'm sorry Captain John, we are Chinese soldiers, and we must give priority to ensuring the personal safety of our citizens. Therefore, we will go to the south to rescue the hostages with Pakistan."

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