Gazi didn't dare to walk through the gate, but walked by the side door. Say hello to the waiter at the door early, and Su Mian didn't mean to resist, thinking that someone was really looking for them outside.

And at this point, everyone is carnival on it, and it's dark outside, not to mention the shadows of ghosts and ghosts.

Gazi took Su Mian on a twisty path. The path was dark, and I couldn't recognize it even when I met an acquaintance.

So Gazi doesn't worry about being discovered.

As the road went further and further, Su Mian remembered that this place was the back mountain of the hot spring. It is said that this place used to be a cemetery.

Not to mention the night, no one came during the day.

Gazi was secretly proud.

No one heard Su Mian yelling and breaking his throat for a while.

He glanced at Su Mian unconsciously. In the moonlight, Su Mian was half drunk and half awake, her face flushed, and her body still smelled of milk.

The moon black and the wind were high, and Gazi only glanced at it, and the blood all over his body began to boil.

Su Mian is so **** sultry like this.

No wonder Bai Dandan is crazy with jealousy, if he is a woman, he is probably crazy too!

God loves Su Mian too much.

This face and figure are among the best in the circle of ladies in the capital.

Gee, it's a pity, he doesn't dare to touch it, it's cheap for the three little hooligans.

If he touched Su Mian tonight, let alone his grandfather is an old subordinate of Chief Jiang, even if their whole family knelt at the door of Jiang's house, the Jiang family would not be merciless.

What's more, he didn't plan to give up on the path of the Jiang family.

Gazi stared at Su Mian squintingly. Su Mian seemed to be more confused than just now, and even though his legs trembled, the way out was not straight anymore.

Gazi was surprised secretly, Bai Dandan got this medicine, this **** urine, otherwise with Su Mian's force value, he would not be an opponent for five!

"Why the head is getting dizzy?" Su Mian stopped deliberately, holding his head with both hands.

Gazi took a look at Su Mian's situation. The flowers bloomed with joy in my heart, and hurriedly urged, "Let's go, I'll be there soon."

Su Mian reached into his pocket, took out two pills at random, and said to himself naturally, "My big devil is afraid that I will be drugged. He asked me to prepare some medicine and put it in his pocket just in case."


Gazi's mouth is so big, there is absolutely no problem in putting an egg into it!

What the hell?

Does anyone have an antidote?

What a genius is worthy of.

What is he going to do?

While I was knocking Su Mian fainted, I still watched her take the medicine. It was not a few steps away anyway.

I was also afraid that the medicine formulated by Su Mian was too effective, so I solved the bad dish without getting there!

He was hesitating, Su Mian bounced, a pill of impartiality just fell into the mouth of Gazi's grown-up boss.

Then Su Mian was also very surprised, "This medicine is really predestined to you, then you can take it!" Then he slapped Gazi on the back.

He heard Gazi's voice, the pill was really swallowed by him!

Gazi pinched his throat vigorously, and asked nervously, "This...what kind of medicine is this?" He had taken the antidote and didn't need to take it again.

Su Mian chuckled, and returned to a state of confusion, "Antidote, antidote!"


Gazi gritted her teeth and didn't dare to delay, regardless of whether Su Mian had eaten or not, she dragged her to move on.

After walking for another five minutes, Gazi took out the face mask she had prepared long ago from her pocket, and put a set on her head, revealing only two eyes.

The shadow of the tree whirled, and from a distance, three people stood under the root of the tree.

Seeing the two people coming over, each of their eyes shone brightly.

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