"I heard that this girl is very beautiful today, and can play once, even if I go in and squat for a few years, I will recognize it!"

"I heard that it is the chief's wife, let's take care of it in a while!"

"Come here, just keep your voice down, don't scare the girl!"

The three men geared up, staring eagerly at the front.

Su Mian grabbed a handful of hair again and asked Gazi, "Why are you still so dizzy, this broken medicine won't work."

Gazi laughed and said, "You are a genius doctor, so how can you say that your medicine is not good?"

At this moment, Gazi felt that it was different from just now.

Feeling hot all over, the wind is blowing under the feet, and the body is as light as a swallow. What does the whole person say?

The state has never been better, but the heartbeat seems to be a little faster than before.

This medicine is effective, it may be that the genius doctor is very demanding of himself!

When he walked to the three of them, Gazi pushed Su Mian fiercely, "You just do it whatever you want, and just keep your breath. Remember not to be found out, and I will give you a settling-in allowance after everything is done."

When the three of them saw Su Mian's face, oh my god, their souls flew away.

I have never met such a beautiful girl when I grow up!

What did Gazi say at the end, and he didn't know how to leave.

Seeing Su Mian dazedly at the mercy of others, Gazi left with peace of mind.

It was just that on the way back, his body became warmer as he walked, and blood spurted from all over his body, all rushing in one direction!

The body is extremely empty, and every cell seems to be clamoring. It feels familiar to him, so he has to find a woman to vent.

Bai Dandan was in the room and had been walking back and forth for ten minutes.

She checked her watch. It has been almost an hour. Gaziza hasn't come back yet?

Did you miss it?

No, she saw Su Mian drinking with her own eyes, although only one sip was enough.

The medicine was specially formulated by her. The effect is extremely strong. Even if a cow takes a sip, he can faint without taking a few steps.

Bai Dandan was terribly worried, when someone knocked on the door.

Bai Dandan hurriedly walked over, opened the door, and saw that it was a Gazi, and pulled him into the house without any explanation.

"How? Is it done?"

Bai Dandan asked eagerly, she had waited too long for such an opportunity.

Usually Su Mian is in the special forces, and she doesn't have time to contact.

She didn't even have a chance when she returned to Jiang's house. On the one hand, she had a bad relationship with Su Mian, and on the other hand, she had no chance to start at Jiang's house.

So, she is bound to win tonight.

What she can't get, why does Su Mian dominate?

The fascination with the Great Demon was not so deep before, and I always thought that someone similar to him would show up.

Such as Xu Haowen, such as Huo Jingrun, such as Luo Cheng.


Looking at the crooked melons and split dates with whom she had a blind date this month, Bai Dandan wanted to return to his mother's womb to be born a few years earlier, and get to know the big devil earlier.

Bai Dandan waited for a long time, Gazi didn't speak yet, but stared at her straightforwardly, his eyes bright and frightening.

She found out that it was wrong.

Reached out and shook his eyes, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you take the antidote? There is no sequelae, right?"

That's great. When I think of Su Mian being ruined by three men, if he is silly and crazy, will he still want it after seeing the big devil? Will the Jiang family still recognize her as a granddaughter-in-law? Will the Jing family recognize her as a granddaughter?

Bai Dandan thought angrily, when his arm hurt, he noticed that Gazi grabbed her wrist.

"I want to sleep with you!" After speaking, he laughed and dragged Bai Dandan to the bed.

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