Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2571: Liberation Tiger Mountain

Liu Wenqing woke up the next morning.

She has a slight concussion in her head and rests for a few days, but the tumor in her head needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Liu Wenqing opened his eyes, Jiang Zhengye sat beside her, Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian stood behind him.

What could be happier than this?

All you see when you wake up are your family, the people closest to you.

Jiang Zhengye's eyes were red and a little swollen, and he had obviously cried.

The son and daughter-in-law also looked sad. Liu Wenqing thought they didn't forgive themselves and wanted to sit up and explain. Jiang Zhengye held her down, "Wenqing, don't move, the doctor will let you rest."

Jiang Zhengye spoke very softly, different from the tone that drove Liu Wenqing away that day.

Liu Wenqing was overjoyed, "Zhengye, don't you blame me? You forgive me? I used to be bad. I dig coal every day, I really want to understand. Zhengye, I will take care of my dad and live with you. , I will help Zhenhui and Su Mian with their children in the future. I won’t believe anyone who provokes me in the future. Zhengye, believe me, I can do it!

Don't send me back to the Northeast, OK, I want to be at Jiang's house, I want to live with you. "

Liu Wenqing said very pitifully, this is what she wants to say to them most these days.

Jiang Zhengye covered his mouth and choked for a while.

Liu Wenqing is sometimes annoying and can kill his popularity.

But now...

"Zhengye, you speak, is it because Dad still doesn't agree with me to go back?"


Jiang Zhengye held her obviously rough hand, "When you are better, I will take you home. Dad agrees."

Liu Wenqing was so excited that tears came out, "I thought I was dead, and you would never forgive me again."

"Don't talk nonsense, you can live at least 50 years."

Jiang Zhengye didn't know why. Now he is very sensitive to the word death. Before, he always felt that the word was far away from them. Only now has he discovered that he might come at any time.

If it weren't for the timely rescue of the special forces this time, Liu Wenqing's illness...

Jiang Zhengye didn't know how to talk to Liu Wenqing.

Liu Wenqing's tumor is very close to the blood vessel, and the operation risk is high.

Su Mian also said that he was not sure.

In such a while, Su Mian had already used Liu Wenqing's eyes several times, and the effect was not as good as one, and he hadn't seen it clearly yesterday.

She has been useless during this period of time, not knowing that even her fiery eyes have regressed.

Wenwen didn't find out the specific reason, and was still checking the information.

Wei Zhenhui squeezed her hand, "Daughter-in-law, don't blame yourself, just do your best, there will always be a way. Even if you are not a genius doctor, you are still my wife."

The daughter-in-law was very sad these past two days, and Wei Zhenhui was distressed.

Su Mian hurriedly withdrew his hand, Wei Zhenhui was really courageous in front of his parents.

"I know, I just want to try again, I want to perform the operation on my mother myself."

After hearing this, Wei Zhenhui grabbed her little hand, and this time put it directly to his lips and kissed it.

Then, on the grounds of giving space to the old couple, she pulled her daughter-in-law and came out.

Jiang Zhengye and Liu Wenqing really have something to say.

On the other side, two bad news came.

Jiang Nan smuggled to country Y, but Bai Dandan pushed all the charges on Jiang Nan, and was taken back to the women's prison in the suburbs of the capital.

"The person who robbed Bai Dandan must be old B. Bai Dandan will never give up! Daughter-in-law, you will be careful in the future!" Wei Zhenhui was very sure that he would be a mercenary if he could rescue Bai Dandan.

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