Bai Dandan was rescued this time, which completely angered the military. The military held a meeting overnight. Within one month, the special forces must kill the mercenary group headed by old B.

Wei Zhenhui and Xu Haowen led the special team to perform this mission.

Su Mian did not participate in this mission because of the consultation on Liu Wenqing's condition.

After Jing's family heard about Liu Wenqing's condition, Jing Xiangwan found Su Mian the next day.

Su Mian and Jing Xiangwan introduced Liu Wenqing's condition, "This is the situation now. I am afraid of hemorrhage after surgery, and I am afraid that the tumor will spread without surgery."

"Can't even you do it? I remember you did a similar case before."

Jing Xiangwan has a good memory, and Su Mian has indeed done one case. At that time, she still had glaring eyes.

And Su Mian discovered this morning that her fiery eyes looked more vague, and she couldn't even see Liu Wenqing's tumor.

Su Mian can only find an excuse to stop him, "My mother-in-law's tumor location is more difficult than the previous one, and, after all, it is my mother-in-law, I am afraid that I will be unstable by then."

Jing Xiangwan nodded, expressing his understanding that the profession of a doctor is like this, and the more you care about your relatives, the less able to perform surgery.

"Is there no other way?"

Jing Xiangwan was still looking forward to Su Mian, after all, this girl always had so many brilliant ideas before.

In the past two days, Su Mian checked the information, but there was a case that gave her a hint, and it happened to communicate with Jing Xiangwan.

"Auntie Jing, I happen to have a problem with artificially synthesizing genes. Maybe my mother-in-law's illness, we can find another way."


Jing Xiangwan's eyes were full of light, and the tone was rising.

She knew that Su Mian, the girl, would never sit and wait for death, and she would not easily perform surgery on Liu Wenqing without perfect preparation.

After listening to Su Mian's theory, Jing Xiangwan can say that the whole person is in a state of excitement!

She grabbed Su Mian's arm, "Su Mian, I think Sister Liu is saved!"

Su Mian was puzzled.

Jing Xiangwan explained, "The artificially synthesized gene you mentioned is the subject my mother is researching. I have been bottlenecked by the research team for a few months. After talking with you, I understood it all at once. One month, no, give it to me. In one week, I will be able to make this artificially synthesized gene available, and then I will apologize to Sister Liu for being my first experimenter!"

Su Mian was even more surprised than her, "Aunt Jing, can you really research it out?"

You know, although this thing was developed by Jing Xiangwan in the previous life, it was nine years later than this one!

"I can, believe me! I'm leaving first, oh yes, Su Mian, thank you, you have half the credit for this achievement, and you gave me the hint! Remember, don't find me these days, just study it. I am looking for you!"

Jing Xiangwan spoke incoherently and hurriedly said goodbye to Su Mian and went straight back to the laboratory.

Wei Zhenhui went out early these days and returned late. After watching Liu Wenqing, it was already ten o'clock in the night when the two returned to the hotel.

After Liu Wenqing learned of his condition, his emotions were surprisingly stable.

Most people are scared to death when they hear that they have a tumor.

Liu Wenqing was very calm, "If it weren't for the special forces to rescue me this time, I would already be a dead person. Don't be nervous or pressured. As long as you can forgive me, I have no regrets when I die."

If these words were before, Liu Wenqing would not have said if he was killed.

The kidnapping incident this time had a real impact on her.

Jiang Zhengye held her hand and couldn't speak. He had never felt that Liu Wenqing had been so sensible.

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