In order to accompany Liu Wenqing, Jiang Zhengye took a long vacation. The two walked in the hospital during the day, reminiscing about the old time together, and hugged each other to sleep at night.

Jiang Zhengye felt that he was in love again, and Liu Wenqing was as sensible as when he first met him.

It's just that she pretended to be at that time. Now, after experiencing so many hardships, she really wants to drive.

He now feels like a treasure, and Liu Wenqing doesn't know how much life he still has. He treats Jiang Zhengye and the two children even more.

This is like a family, loving each other.

Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian took a bath, and they lay on the bed.

Su Mian knew that Wei Zhenhui's body was haggard over the past few days because of old B's affairs.

Now the superior has an order, but old B can't come out, no one can do it.

"You have to think of a way to draw them out." Su Mian muttered softly, not knowing whether to tell Wei Zhenhui or to talk to himself.

After speaking, he secretly glanced at Wei Zhenhui's reaction with his eyes.


He also knew that he had to find a way to draw old B out, but this guy was very cunning, and he was seriously injured just now. If he had to be a last resort, the viper would definitely not send him out.

Wei Zhenhui smirked, turned sideways, and hugged Su Mian in his arms. Although Su Mian did not participate in the action, it was not easier than him to study Liu Wenqing's condition.

"Don't even think about it. Mom's business is enough for you." After speaking, he put his chin on Su Mian's soft hair.

Every time after this action, Su Mian must be wiped clean afterwards.

But Wei Zhenhui obviously didn't have that plan tonight. He just wanted to breathe the scent of milk on Su Mian's body to relieve the nerves that had been strained for a day.

Su Mian arched his head into his arms, "I know, I saw Aunt Jing today, and I revealed to her the results of her previous life research. She said that she would have results in a week, and then our mother would be saved. ."

"Mom's business is left to you." Wei Zhenhui didn't think much, he believed in Su Mian in terms of medical skills.

This was the first time that Su Mian felt that Wei Zhenhui's mind was just like an ordinary person, and he could only think about one thing at a time.

"Fool, there are times when you can't turn a corner." Su Mian said with a look of disgust.

Oops, it's incredible.

The wife is too smart, and she can't be stupid for a day or two.

"What's wrong? Does old B still take a fancy to the research results this time?" Wei Zhenhui said, his eyes really bright.

"It's necrotic!" Su Mian was so angry that he raised a small fist and beat him.

Wei Zhenhui said inadvertently, but he didn't expect that he would really get it right. He suddenly came to his mind, pulling Su Mian wrapped in a quilt and sat up.

This time I really talked under the quilt.

"Tell me, what is the result?" Wei Zhenhui came with interest.

Su Mian was sitting in Wei Zhenhui's arms with a thick quilt in front of him, making him extremely comfortable.

"Old B may not be interested in genes, but the Viper is interested, and the Shanri organization is interested. This time we can set up a bureau to attract the Viper out. The most powerful person under the Viper is Old B. He will definitely come."

Wei Zhenhui nodded, "Will Aunt Jing be in danger like this?"

"I am also worried, so this time I want the results to be used as bait in my name!"

"No!" Wei Zhenhui interrupted directly, "This is too dangerous, neither of you can do it!"

Both Jing Xiangwan and Su Mian are too dangerous.

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