"What? Zhao Long is back so soon?"

Su Mian was a little surprised, followed by another panic, "I won't be hurt anymore!"

Seeing his wife's small eyes nervously, Wei Zhenhui embraced her and walked out, "No, little injury, let's go to the hospital first."

Zhao Long's wound was left from the last shot, because it was not treated effectively and the wound was still inflamed.

Su Mian blamed herself for a while. At that time, she really wanted to diagnose and treat Zhao Long, and was afraid that he would reveal his identity. Later, the matter was let go.

Unexpectedly, because of the recurrence of old injuries, Zhao Long was identified by the shadow organization, but fortunately Kahn saved him.

Had to give up undercover tasks.

"fair enough."

Su Mian can comfort herself, "Luo Fang is laughing stupidly!"

Wei Zhenhui gave her an angry look, "You understand her, and when you see Zhao Long, Luo Fang fainted with a smile!"

I knew that this girl had a straight temper, and Zhao Long could cry like that when he was'sacrificing', and now she came back and couldn't laugh to death.

As soon as the two walked into the corridor, they heard the rat's bluffing all over the way.

"I'm not convinced, why am I not the first sniper? Although I am injured, Commander Zhao is also injured!"

Lu Chun pushed him onto the bed, "Head of Zhao has more experience than you, and the wound is healing soon, not as serious as yours!"


The mouse pushed Lu Chun away, "I just had two stitches on my thigh. The birds are all fine, so I scratched a little bit of the skin. Besides, I don't need a bird when I shoot a gun. Does it matter?"

The doctors and nurses next to them held back their smiles, and they all suffered from internal injuries.

I've never seen anyone injured in a place like that, and speak so arrogantly!

Luo Fang walked up to him with a smile, "Mouse, let me save you face, what's wrong with you as the second sniper, perform the same mission!"

The mouse rolled his eyes at Luo Fang, "If you play well, you know you are talking to your man. Do you know if your man is absent these days, who is to accompany you out of the shadows?"

"Yes, Su Mian!"

The mouse rubbed his chest fiercely, "Whoever gives me a shot and kills me, forget it, I can't live this day!"

Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian walked in at this moment, and everyone stood up and paid a military salute to Wei Zhenhui.

Wei Zhenhui walked to the mouse and patted him on the shoulder, "You don't need birds for shooting, but your birdhouse is gone. It won't be good if you lie down for a long time!"


So the Great Demon King walked up to him and specifically explained this sentence to him!

Lu Chun, who was standing next to him, laughed out the sound of killing pigs.

The big devil is really...a poisonous tongue!

How could it be so harmful!

The bird’s nest is gone, I’m afraid that the birds will be...

The mouse flushed red and continued to retort, "Master, I...I want to be the first sniper!"

I thought that if Su Mian didn't participate in this mission, he could become the number one sniper, but Zhao Long and Luo Cheng came, and he was out of play.

"Mouse, this time our goal is old B. You have little experience. Let Zhao Long and Luo Cheng be the first sniper team is the result of my discussion with the above."


The mouse drooped his head.

"However, the task of the second sniper is equally arduous. No one in the team can do it except you!"

The mouse tilted his head back, with light in his small eyes.

Su Mian secretly praised his man, the same thing, the key depends on how to say it.

After the Great Demon King finished speaking, Mouse readily accepted, "Go, let's go and see Head Zhao!"

Lu Chun's eyes were staring, "Who said just now that I will never interact with Elder Zhao in the future!"

"That's all angry words, isn't it just a bird thing!"

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