Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2602: Eat one's own wife

A doctor has already helped Zhao Long treat the wound. Zhao Long is in good condition and there should be no major problems.

Su Mian took out the golden sore medicine prepared in the text and explained how Luo Fang used it.

After hearing this, the mouse curled his lips, "Oh, hey, the wedding was not done, so how can Luo Fang be painted in a private place? It is better for a few of us to paint the head of Zhao!"

After finishing talking, he was going to grab the medicine for the golden sore. Luo Fang took it away faster with a swish, "Zhao Long is all mine. I can't look at it, where I haven't seen it?"


Everyone winked and laughed.

" have a kind!"

The mouse really admires this aunt, and in front of everyone, there is nothing she can't say!

After making a fuss for a while, Wei Zhenhui led the bunch of **** to withdraw directly, leaving time and space for the young couple.

As soon as the person left, Zhao Long hugged Luo Fang directly, his voice was so hoarse, "Girl, miss me?"

Luo Fang didn't even look at him when he entered the room. He kept a sullen face and didn't even give him a second look.

He knew that his girl was angry.

Also, if it was him and told him that his beloved person died and now lives, he would definitely not be able to accept this fact.

"I didn't think about it." Luo Fang turned his head aside, not wanting to care about this person.

Zhao Long is really hateful.

Could it be that she can coax her with all her exhaustion and heartbreak in the past few months?

Has he ever thought about how she feels?

"Girl, I'm not good, I'm sorry, forgive me." Zhao Long can't coax people, he can only speak softly.

"Why forgive you? You want to smooth everything out when you say I'm sorry? Do you know how I spent the past few months?"

"I know, I'm just like you, and I'm suffering in my heart. Girl, don't be angry, okay, you can beat me and scold me!" Zhao Long didn't know how to coax him. Luo Fang had never had a temper with him like this.

Luo Fang was still being held by Zhao Long, and he still couldn't believe it.

Her Zhao Long was not dead, he came back alive.

"I'm not afraid that I will remarry?"


"Aren't you afraid that I will die for you?"


"I'm not afraid I will ignore you again!"

"Fear! But, girl, I don't know if I can come back alive during this mission. I dare not let you wait. You are in a good time. What qualifications do I have to let you wait for me?"

"You fool!"

Luo Fang lowered her head and bit Zhao Long's arm. She exhausted all her strength to make him hurt and to remember the fate of deceiving her.

"Never make such jokes with me again!"

"Girl, I see."

Luo Fang raised his head, his two arms hooked Zhao Long's neck, the phoenix eyes were mixed with water, and the stars, "Kiss me!"

Girl forgive him!

The girl is not angry anymore!

Zhao Long was taken aback for a moment.

Luo Fang stared at him with anger, "Why? Not willing!"


So willing!

With a flash of eyes, he immediately threw Luo Fang onto the bed, and kissed Luo Fang instantly.

This kiss lasted for a few minutes, until Luo Fang softened his feet, and then remembered, "The door is unlocked, you go and lock it."

Zhao Long kissed her on the lips, just about to get up.

At this time the door opened, and the mouse poked his head in, "Leader Zhao...ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to... bother you in broad daylight!"

The mouse covered his eyes and ran out, oh my god, he doesn't have needle eyes, right?

Lu Chun was too bad, and asked Mr. Zhao what he had for lunch.

People obviously want to eat their own daughter-in-law!

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