Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2623: Great-grandson almost gone

Su Mian is pregnant?

More than a month!

He... he really doesn't know!

If he knew, he wouldn't let his wife go to death!

and many more.

What did the auntie just say about one stone and three lives?

"Doctor, do you mean the twins my daughter-in-law is pregnant with?" Wei Zhenhui's dark eyes flashed, and he couldn't believe that his daughter-in-law was pregnant with them all at once.

He wanted to hear the doctor personally confirm.

The aunt rolled her eyes, "Otherwise you, do you think my math was taught by the physical education teacher, 1+1=3?"

Wei Zhenhui was in ecstasy before he believed it was true, "Doctor, is my daughter-in-law okay? How are the children? Do you need to have a baby?"

Wei Zhenhui didn't understand either. He had lived two lives and he had never been a father, so he was really caught off guard at this moment.

After all, his wife was so badly injured, he was afraid that the child would be unstable.

"What kind of fetus should you take care of at a young age, your wife is in good health, it's okay! But you have to take care of it in the past few months!" After speaking, he looked at Wei Zhenhui with disgust, and then shook his head helplessly.

The young people nowadays are really messy!

The romantic couple didn't know about pregnancy, so they went to participate in rescue operations in a muddle.

This girl is also dead. They said that she jumped from a helicopter and fell into the building.

It hurts to think about it.

Luo Cheng turned his eyes and ran away.

No, he had to tell his grandfather in advance, if he let his grandfather get news from grandfather Jiang, he would be very fruitful.

He and Gao Yang don't want children yet!

Therefore, when Luo Yunlong kicked open the door of Jiang's house, Jiang Xiangqian sat on the sofa and just hung up the phone, with his hand still on the microphone.

His eyes stared like a light bulb, and he looked at Luo Yunlong without speaking.

"Lao Jiang, congratulations, you have become a grandfather, and two grandsons, enough for you to be a year old!" Luo Yunlong is really happy for Lao Jiang.

Some time ago, the news that Su Mian couldn't get pregnant caused a lot of noise in the compound, this time it was really slapped.

In the future, who will say that Su Mian can't get pregnant, and they will get married when they are pregnant!

"Old Jiang, Old Jiang..."

Jiang Xiangqian looked straight, and didn't move for a long time.

I'm afraid it's not stupid!

Luo Yunlong handed the five fingers to him and shook it vigorously, but Jiang Xiangqian didn't respond.

"Lao Xu, Lao Huo, come in quickly, Lao Jiang is crazy!"

"You are crazy!"

Old Jiang stood up and laughed twice, "I'm just a temptation, I have a great-grandson, what's your reaction!"

Luo Yunlong:...

This person is bad!

Ten minutes later, several chiefs arrived at the military area hospital and went straight to the special forces.

With a simple greeting, Jiang Xiangqian couldn't control it, and tears came out when he hugged Wei Zhenhui, "Grandson, grandson, my grandson, you have been working hard during this period of time, let auntie give you some delicious supplements!"

Wei Zhenhui:...

"Then you are all here, where is my grandson-in-law?" Jiang Qianqian swept around and didn't see Su Mian.

Just now Wei Zhenhui said on the phone that Su Mian was pregnant with twins, and Jiang Xiangqian hung up the phone.

Therefore, he didn't know about Su Mian's injury!

"That grandpa..." Before Wei Zhenhui finished speaking, the aunt walked over directly.

"Chief Jiang, it turns out that Su Mian is your granddaughter-in-law. You tell me that the young man is too careless now. Your granddaughter-in-law’s back hurts like a blood gourd. Fortunately, your great-grandson has a big life. If this is an ordinary person, don’t Say two grandchildren, a hundred are gone!"

Jiang Xiangqian opened his mouth, only then did he know that Su Mian had suffered such a serious injury!

"Wei Zhenhui!" The voice roared.


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