Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2624: Grandpa hugging twins

"Come with me!"

Wei Zhenhui:...

After Jiang Xiangqian turned his head and walked to the other side of the corridor, the Great Demon followed him at every step.

Jiang Xiangqian is also 1.8 meters tall. The old leader insists on exercising all the year round, and his posture is tall and straight, coupled with the strong aura exuded by his long-term high position.

Even the Great Demon King who was close to 1.9 meters tall behind him seemed weak.

The two look like they are going to the battlefield!

The two battalion commanders were worried about holding each other's hands.

A battalion commander, "Brother, do you have to stand up and come back?"

The second battalion commander said, "Brother, you think too much. If I was Chief Jiang, I had to chop the teacher into dumpling stuffing! The sister-in-law was pregnant with twins. It was not easy to get pregnant. As a result, the teacher sent his daughter-in-law to perform the task. You Think about it, Chief Jiang is crazy about his grandson. The teacher doesn't even know that his daughter-in-law is pregnant!"

The commander of a battalion made a bitter face and expressed deep sympathy, "I didn't see it for a while, let's send the commander directly to the rescue room!"

When there was no one else, Jiang Xiangqian stood with his hands on his hips, facing Wei Zhenhui.

Tiger's eyes widened, staring at this grandson who has always made him proud.

He now has the heart of breaking Wei Zhenhui's body into pieces!

Such a big person, eh?

I don’t know if my daughter-in-law is pregnant, let her perform the task and let her be a hostage?

What kind of person is old B? He doesn't blink his eyes and doesn't like him. It's possible to kill Su Mian!

His grandson-in-law is better!

Not to mention climbing up the ladder, but also kicked the glass from the ladder and jumped into the building, still holding a person in his arms!

How big is this heart?

Even if you are not pregnant, this is also a terrible move! If there is a slight difference, the people will be gone!

Jiang Xiangqian squeezed his fists in front of his chest, and the squeezing squeaked loudly.

It sounds scary!

"Grandpa, it's all my fault, you beat me, you scold me!" Wei Zhenhui said with a guilty conscience.

Humph, it's a good attitude to admit your mistakes!

It's a pity, it's too late!

To scold him, he must be scolded, and he must be beaten!

Otherwise this anger can't be quenched!

Jiang Xiangqian walked several laps on the spot, learning Mo from everywhere, but didn't find a guy who took advantage of it.

Turning his head and glanced at the guard, Xiao Liu was so frightened that he wouldn't let him beat the Demon King. Ten of them are no match for him!

"Little Liu, where's my whip?"


Chief Jiang wants a whip now! ! !

"Chief, we're here in the hospital, what are you doing with a whip?" He just said, who knew you were going to beat your grandson!

"Good, good!" Jiang Xiangqian snapped his back molars and bowed his head. Then he realized that he was out in a hurry and didn't change his shoes. He came out wearing slippers!


Jiang Xiangqian bent over, took off both slippers, and raised one in each hand!

The corners of Wei Zhenhui's mouth twitched.

Grandpa really wants to fight!

He is not as thick as Jiang Yi, grandpa ran away as soon as he hits, he...he can only stand up abruptly!


Wei Zhenhui swallowed, "This is indeed my fault. I blame myself and I am guilty. You can beat and scold me! But... can you not help but slap me?"

Wei Zhenhui felt that Jiang Xiangqian was angry now. He didn't remind him that Grandpa didn't care about his head and nose, and he had to cut it if he caught it!

Really going to fight, how will he see people tomorrow?

Jiang Xiangqian looked at the lines on the soles of the shoes, then looked at the handsome and angry face of his grandson.

I was so angry that I lost my slippers again.

This is not playing anymore.

Wei Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, "Grandpa, you are so angry that you calm down. Besides, it is a happy event that Su Mian is pregnant with two grandchildren. Who would dare to look down upon our Jiang family this time. I will help you put your shoes on, you You must take care of your body. You will be holding your grandson in another nine months, but you are holding twins. How can you hold it without a good body?"

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