Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 202 The Luck That Only Belongs To The Dragon Kingdom Is Pushed To The Forefront [Please Subs

Netizens were extremely shocked when they saw Xingchen Communications Company.

"Oh my god, Star Communications Company, what on earth is going on?"

"Xingchen Communication Company? How is this possible? Isn't it allowed to open a private communication company?"

"Is Xingchen Communication Company privately owned? Or does it cooperate with the state? If it is privately owned, it would be really awesome.

"If Xingchen Communication Company is privately owned, it would be more than awesome, it would be extremely arrogant. You must know that our country does not allow the establishment of private communication companies, will Xingchen Communication Company be an exception?"

"Communication security is a very important issue, so the state does not allow private individuals to set up communication companies. I don't know what the situation is with Xingchen Communication Company."

"I dare to say that Xingchen Communication Company is definitely privately owned. If Xingchen Communication Company cooperates with the state, there is no need to establish it at all, so Xingchen Communication Company is definitely a private company."

"But doesn't the state not allow the establishment of private communications companies?"

“It’s not that it’s not allowed, it’s that no one has that kind of strength, and it’s difficult to get approval, so there are no private communications companies in our country.

"The domestic communications market has been dominated by three companies: Mobile, Tonglian, and China Telecom. There is no room for other companies to survive. Who dares?"

"It's not that I don't dare to open it, but it's that I can't go through the procedures. In fact, it means that private companies are not allowed to open other communications companies."

"Communications companies in the secondary market can be established. It does not involve the primary market and involves network communication construction. It is still allowed."

"Xingchen Communications Company has clearly stated that it is its mission to build and popularize 3G networks. This is a real communications company.

"Star Communications Company is an exception, haha."

"Actually, Lin Hao's establishment of Xingchen Communication Company is a good thing for our people." Netizens think that the emergence of Xingchen Communication Company is a good thing for everyone.

"Yes, the domestic communications market is dominated by three companies: Mobile Phone Company, Telecommunications Company, and China Telecom Company. Their charges are so high. Now that Star Communications Company has appeared, maybe the phone charges and Internet charges will come down."

"Yes, I still believe in classmate Lin Hao on this point. Classmate Lin Hao is the most conscientious boss in the world and will never cheat us. I think the charges of Xingchen Communications Company should not be higher than those of mobile, Tonglian, and XinTelecom. "

"I heard that our internet charges are the highest in the world, several times higher than other countries. Is this true?"

"It's true. I have a good deal in a beautiful country. The Internet fee in a beautiful country is four to five times cheaper than here."

“I have a friend studying abroad in Bangzi Country, and the Internet fee in Bangzi Country is about thirty times cheaper than our Long Country.

Many netizens complained.

"I heard that roaming charges are free, but China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Telecom charge roaming charges. It's really frustrating."

"I heard that the cost of text messages is also very low. China Mobile, Tonglian, and China Telecom actually charge 10 cents per text message. It's really a scam."

"The phone bill is extremely expensive. If there are other options, I will definitely not use the mobile phone cards of these three communication companies.

"If you want to have other options, the market has been moved. Telecom and China Telecom have a monopoly. Stop dreaming."

"The monthly rental of mobile phone cards is really too expensive. Compared with other countries, it's really a rental."

"Oh, there is no other way. There is no other choice. It is expensive and I have to use it."

"Now that Xingchen Communication Company has appeared, I believe that Lin Hao's Xingchen Communication Company will give the Chinese people a big surprise."

"I really look forward to Xingchen Communication Company's rapid spread across the country. Even if there is no 3G network, I believe that Xingchen Communication Company's charges are cheaper than China Mobile, Tonglian, and China Telecom.

"Whether Xingchen Company is private or cooperates with the state, as long as it is a company owned by classmate Lin Hao, the fees will not be too deceptive. Just wait and see."

"I have a hunch that the high-charge era of China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom is coming to an end, and the high-charge era will be ended by Xingchen Communications Company, haha.

"We will know the specific situation after the press conference at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"3G Network, Xingchen Communications Company, will be more clear after tomorrow's press conference."

Media reporters from all over the world are flocking here, intending to witness the high speed of the 3G network with their own eyes.

Some foreign researchers even wanted to watch it in person, but unfortunately they were unable to do so.

The time comes on May 13th.


The entrance of Xingchen Network Technology Company was crowded with media reporters and onlookers.

Of course, Lin Hao’s fans are among the onlookers.

Everyone is extremely looking forward to the official start of the press conference.

After the press conference officially started, Lin Hao and Chen Zhongbao walked to the stage.

This time Lin Hao took Chen Zhongbao to the stage.

After successfully developing the 3G network, Lin Hao forced Chen Zhongbao to appear and let Chen Zhongbao enjoy this glory.

Chen Zhongbao couldn't resist Lin Hao's insistence, so he could only go on stage with Lin Hao.

After Lin Hao's simple opening remarks, he handed over the task of introducing the 3G network to Chen Zhongbao.

Chen Zhongbao carefully introduced the 3G network and personally demonstrated the speed of the BG network.

When everyone at the scene saw the ultra-high Internet speed, they were extremely shocked.

Although Star Network Technology Company announced that it has successfully developed a 3G network, many people still do not believe it without seeing it with their own eyes.

Now I have finally witnessed with my own eyes that the 3G network speed is many times faster than the 2G network. Everyone is completely convinced that Xingchen Research Laboratory has really successfully developed a 3G network.

The news is true, not rumors, nor false propaganda.

After Chen Zhongbao introduced and demonstrated the 3G network, he said very seriously: "Lin Ji has the greatest credit for the successful development of the 3G network."

"To be honest, without Mr. Lin, it would have been impossible to successfully develop the 3G network, let alone in just over two months."

"Mr. Lin deserves the greatest credit for the successful development of 3G network."

"Although Mr. Lin won't let me say this, I still want the world to know the truth and know how powerful Mr. Lin is.

"I can responsibly say that Lin Hao is the most evil genius researcher I have ever seen, bar none."

When Chen Zhongbao finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked.

It turns out that the successful development of 3G network is mostly due to Lin Hao. ,

It turns out that Lin Hao is the most evil genius researcher in the world.

No wonder Lin Hao dared to swear that he would successfully develop a 3G network by the end of May. It turned out to be based on his confidence in himself.

All foreign media reporters were filled with emotion.

Long Guo is so lucky to have Lin Hao, a super genius. Any country that can have Lin Xiu, a super genius, will move up a few steps.

Now this luck belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, and only to the Dragon Kingdom.

From the last time Lin Hao angrily criticized reporters from Sakura Country, foreign media reporters all know that Lin Hao is a person who loves his motherland very much.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Hao to change his nationality. Lin Hao, a super genius, only belongs to the Dragon Kingdom.

Lin Hao's fans were extremely happy when they heard Chen Zhongbao praising Lin Hao.

"The idol is so awesome. He is the most evil genius researcher in the world. This compliment is absolutely amazing."

"My husband is indeed the best. Husband, I want to marry you. As long as you nod, we will register our marriage immediately."

"There are so many foreign media reporters there, can you please pay attention to the impact, don't be crazy, go home and slowly become crazy.

"I am a nymphomaniac and I am willing. How will this affect my image? Foreign media reporters will think that my husband is even more powerful when they see that I have fans who like my husband so much."

The onlookers on the side were completely speechless when they heard this.

Are you going to be so crazy? Let's be normal, okay?

Of course, these words can only be thought of. The onlookers did not dare to say it out loud. They were all frightened by the fanaticism of the fans.

After Chen Zhongbao finished praising Lin Hao, he said: "I'll leave it to Mr. Lin.

After saying that, Chen Zhongbao left directly.

After Chen Zhongbao came down, Lin Hao smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Chen, you have pushed me to the forefront."

Chen Zhongbao said loudly: "Mr. Lin, this small scene is nothing to you, not to mention what I told is the truth, everyone has the right to know the truth.

Lin Hao was helpless, Chen Zhongbao didn't even say anything, so what else could he do.

If he knew that Chen Zhongbao would praise him severely, Lin Hao would never let Chen Zhongbao come on stage.

It's fine now, but it's like using the momentum to shoot yourself in the foot.

Lin Hao returned to the stage again, glanced at everyone, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen has already introduced and demonstrated the 3G network, so I won't say more.

"The next thing I want to talk about is Star Communications Company."

"I believe everyone is very interested in Xingchen Communications Company. Let me briefly introduce it."

"Xingchen Communications Company belongs to me 100%. I believe there is no need for me to say anything else.

Everyone was extremely shocked when they heard Lin Hao's words.

Your sister, this is really completely private. Should Xingchen Communications Company be so outrageous? No, it should be said that Lin Hao is too outrageous.

This is the first private communications company in China. This name alone is enough to make Xingchen Communications Company famous throughout the country. Coupled with Lin Hao's reputation, it is difficult to think that Xingchen Communications Company is not popular.

Foreign media are not surprised. Private communication companies are a normal thing abroad.

Lin Hao continued: "Xingchen Communications Company mainly promotes and popularizes 3G networks."

"Magic City is the first pilot city. Starting tomorrow, Xingchen Communications Company will start building 3G network base stations in Magic City. After the pilot project in Magic City is successful, it will be promoted nationwide.

When the onlookers in the Magic City heard this, they were extremely excited and happy.

"Haha, if you put it this way, wouldn't we be able to use the 3G network soon?"

"Yes, classmate Lin Hao said, Magic City is the first pilot city. Only after Magic City succeeds will it be promoted nationwide. Magic City will be the first city in the country and even the world to be able to use 3G networks."

"Haha, I'm so happy. Classmate Lin Hao, you are the best, haha."

Media reporters in other cities would like to say that they can choose our city as a pilot.

But they just thought about it, they didn't dare to say it out loud.

Because reporters from the media know that speaking out will only add to the jokes and will not change the decision of Star Communications Company at all.

Star Communications Company is in Shanghai, and it must use Shanghai as a pilot city.

The people of Magic City are really happy.

All the media reporters were filled with emotion.

Seeing the excited onlookers, Lin Hao showed a smile on his face and continued: "I'm going to make an advertisement here.

I sincerely invite elite talents in the communications industry to join Xingchen Communication Company. If you want to work with Xingchen Communication Company to build and promote 3G networks, Xingchen Communication Company warmly welcomes you to join. "

Everyone smiled friendly when they saw Lin Hao advertising.

Lin Hao's advertising is a normal operation. After all, Lin Hao is a man who dares to advertise even in interviews with Focus, let alone at his own press conference.

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he smiled and said: "Okay, today's press conference is over. Thank you everyone for coming. Thank you for your hard work."

As soon as the words fell, a reporter shouted: "Mr. Lin, you forgot the reporter's question session. This session is not

It can be saved.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, it's not hard for us, but you can't forget the question-and-answer session."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "I thought no one wanted to ask questions. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, let me ask three questions."

Immediately, a reporter from the media shouted: "Mr. Lin, can you give reporters from other media a chance?

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you have to take care of other media reporters."

Lin Hao said calmly: "Okay, since everyone is asking for it, I'll just order it.

"First question, look at the reporter."

When the media reporters heard this, they almost fell to the ground.

Is this called casual? What is the difference between this and the previous two times? Wasn’t it the first one (Qian Lihao) to look at the reporter?

Mr. Lin, if I don't let you play like this, you will lose such a group of lovely media reporter friends.

No matter what, the media reporters did not make a fuss and did not dare to make a fuss.

At least Lin Hao gave them a chance to ask questions.

If Lin Hao doesn't let them ask questions, they can't do anything about Lin Hao.

After all, they were not invited by Xingchen Network Technology Company, but they came uninvited.

Lin Hao is probably the only person in the country who dares to treat journalists like this.

The CCTV reporter thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Lin, the construction and promotion of 3G network requires huge funds. Can Xingchen Network Technology Company independently build and promote it?"

Lin Hao smiled and said: "I'm not too worried about the funding issue. The "Legend" game can bring tens of billions of profits this year, and "Audition" and "Cross Fire" can also make foreign players."

The family has tens of billions. With this money, we can definitely build and promote 3G networks.

"What's more, if you really don't have money, you can always get a loan. I believe the bank will be willing to lend to Xingchen Telecom Company."

"As for the independent construction and promotion you mentioned, this is really not the case. In addition to Xingchen Communications Company, China Mobile Company, Tonglian Company, and China Telecom Company, three companies will also build and promote 3G networks."

Everyone was very shocked when they heard this.

It turns out that China Mobile, Tonglian, and China Telecom have been authorized by Xingchen Telecom to build and promote 3G networks.

But thinking about it, everyone thinks it’s normal. After all, China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Telecom are state-controlled companies. It’s impossible for Xingchen Communications not to authorize these three companies.

Construction and promotion of 3G network.

Lin Hao handed the second question to the Eagle Country reporter.

The Yingguo reporter was called upon by Lin Hao and asked with great excitement: "Mr. Lin, will you sell 3G network technology to other countries or cooperate with other countries to build and promote 3G network technology in other countries?"

G network?".

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