Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 203 People All Over The Country Envy The People Of Magic City [Please Order The Full Version

The question of the Eagle Nation reporter is exactly what foreign media reporters are most concerned about.

In the world, only the Star Research Laboratory of the Dragon Kingdom has successfully developed a 3G network. I don’t know how long it will take other countries to successfully develop a 3G network independently. If they want to use the 3G network early, they can only cooperate with the Star Research Laboratory at present.

Whether it is purchasing 3G network technology from Xingchen Research Laboratory or cooperating with Xingchen Research Laboratory to build and promote 3G network technology, the people of the country can use 3G network as soon as possible.

If we do not cooperate with the Star Research Laboratory and other countries cooperate with the Star Research Laboratory, then our country will fall behind the entire world, or even be derailed from the entire world.

It feels very bad to think that other countries are still using 2G networks while they are using 3G networks.

Lin Hao responded calmly: "There is no idea of ​​selling 3G network technology yet. Everything has to wait until Longguo uses it and the communication security is confirmed. Then I will consider cooperating with other countries."

When everyone heard this, they felt extremely familiar.

I just said that it will be piloted in Shanghai, and will be promoted nationwide after it is successful in Shanghai.

The pilot project in Shanghai is aimed at the whole country.

Now it is said that it will be piloted nationwide, and it will be introduced to other countries only after it is successful. This is for the whole world.

This answer is really watertight.

The reporter from Eagle Country refused to give up and asked: "Mr. Lin, Dragon Country has a vast territory and abundant resources. It will be difficult to popularize 3G networks in a short period of time. Are you really not planning to cooperate with other countries to build and promote 3G networks earlier?"

Lin Hao smiled and said: "I am also considering communication security. If the quality of the 3G network is not up to par, cooperation with other countries will harm other countries, so I can only promote it in Longguo and make sure there are no problems before I cooperate with other countries." cooperate."

Lin Hao still said that the dragon country should be popularized first, and then other countries would turn.

Eagle Nation reporters knew Lin Hao’s answer and stopped asking further questions.

Other countries also saw Lin Hao's determination and stopped asking questions.

At least Lin Hao did not refuse to cooperate with other countries, which is a good result.

If Lin Hao refuses to cooperate with other countries, then they will have a headache.

If we independently develop a 3G network, God knows how long it will take to successfully develop it independently.

The people of Longguo present saw Lin Hao's determination and determination to promote and popularize 3G network in Longguo before cooperating with other countries. They all admired Lin Hao very much.

Lin Hao's move is equivalent to shutting out other countries that send money.

Cooperating with other countries will definitely make a lot of money, even astronomical figures. Lin Hao can actually turn them away. This 190 determination is really awesome.

This is Lin Hao's patriotism and super love for the motherland.

Lin Hao handed the third question to a reporter from a small domestic media.

The reporter from the small media was extremely excited when he was called upon. He thought for a while before asking: "Mr. Lin, will the charges of Xingchen Communication Company be cheaper than those of the three communication companies? How is the progress of Xingchen Smartphone?"

Lin Hao smiled and said: "You have two questions."

The reporter from the small media looked quite embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I'm so excited that I can't help but ask one more question.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and said: "Both of your questions are very simple, I answered them both."

"I dare not talk about the charging issue of Xingchen Communications Company now, because the company has just been established and everything has not started yet."

"The charging price will be determined based on the construction cost. I dare not say anything else, but I can guarantee that the charging price will be absolutely reasonable. You can rest assured on this.

As soon as the words fell, the small media reporter immediately shouted: "Don't worry, we all know Mr. Lin's character. With your words, the people across the country can rest assured.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, who doesn't know how kind you are? I believe that Xingchen Communication Company's charges will be cheaper than those of the other three communication companies."

"Yes, the charges of the other three communication companies are too expensive. I believe that Mr. Lin, your company's charges will be cheap and reasonable."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "You said this, not me."

"As for the progress of the Xingchen smartphone, it is very good. The Xingchen smartphone will be available to everyone in the near future."

"Yeah, that's great, classmate Lin Hao, I'm so looking forward to the Xingchen smartphone." The onlookers shouted excitedly.

"Classmate Lin Hao, I have prepared 10,000 yuan to buy a Xingchen smartphone. I believe that the Xingchen smartphone will be the greatest smart product."

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Thank you, thank you for your expectation and trust, Xingchen Smartphone will not let you down.

"This concludes today's press conference, thank you all.

After saying that, Lin Hao left directly.

This time, reporters from the media did not try to retain Lin Hao because everyone knew that Lin Hao could not be retained.

After the first two press conferences, all media reporters are aware of Lin Hao’s behavior. No matter how much you call, you can’t call Lin Hao back.

The best thing to do now is to go back and prepare a press release.

(caba) This time Leng Ruyan did not chase Lin Hao.

Because this time Lin Hao did not break any shocking news.

Soon, Panda News reported the news of the press conference.

Netizens were shocked after watching the press conference.

"It's amazing. The speed of the 3G network is really amazing. It's several times faster than the 2G network. It's amazing."

"The 3G network speed is so fast, it will definitely be more enjoyable to play games, haha."

"With the 3G network, I no longer have to worry about lags when playing games, haha."

"Awesome, it turns out that the 3G network speed is so much faster than the 2G network, wow."

"Classmate Lin Hao deserves to be classmate Lin Hao. Other countries have been unable to successfully develop the technology for several years. However, classmate Lin Hao successfully developed it in just over two months. It is really amazing."

"I know the researcher who praised Lin Hao. He is Chen Zhongbao, a very powerful researcher. I didn't expect that he actually went to Xingchen Research Laboratory."

"Chen Zhongbao is a master of scientific research in the Dragon Kingdom. He admires Lin Hao very much and praises Lin Hao as the most evil genius researcher in the world. Lin Hao's reputation as a genius is completely confirmed."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Without Chen Zhongbao's praise, Lin Hao is also a nationally recognized genius."

"Awesome, it's really awesome. I didn't expect that the 3G network was actually contributed most by classmate Lin Hao. No wonder classmate Lin Hao is so confident that he will successfully develop the 3G network before the end of May. It's really a miracle."

"Classmate Lin Hao's patriotism is very vivid. If foreign countries want to use 3G network, they should wait until Longguo first popularizes it, haha."

"It's really amazing. If other countries want to buy 3G networks, classmate Lin Hao won't sell them now. They have to wait until our country, Longguo, first popularizes 3G networks."

"They even claim to be considering security issues. If there are really communication security issues, they will definitely not be popularized in Dragon Kingdom. These are all excuses, haha."

"That's for sure. It would be embarrassing to directly reject foreign media reporters at the press conference. Based on the efficiency of classmate Lin Hao, it is estimated that our country of Long will be able to popularize 3G networks in two years.

"Two years is such a short time, is it really okay?"

"It should be fine, maybe it won't take more than two years. As long as you are willing to spend money, it can probably be done in one year.

"I wouldn't have dared to think about it in one year. I will be able to use the 3G network in two years. I will be grateful."

"I am from a small town. I am very grateful to be able to use the G network within two years."

"You should thank classmate Lin Hao, haha."

"First-tier cities will definitely be the first to have 3G networks popularized. Anyway, big cities will soon be able to use 3G networks.

"I envy the people of Magic City the most. As a pilot project, the people of Magic City will soon be able to use the 3G network."

"I am also very envious of the people of Magic City. Maybe this month the people of Magic City will be able to use the 3G network. I am really envious." All netizens are extremely envious of the people of Magic City and are envious that the people of Magic City can use the 3G network as quickly as possible.

"Classmate Lin Hao, why didn't you come to Yanjing University to study in the first place? If you had come to Yanjing University, Xingchen Network Technology Company would be in Yanjing, and Yanjing would be the first city in the world to use 3G networks."

"Classmate Lin Hao, Hangzhou welcomes you very much. Come to Hangzhou for a trial. Hangzhou will fully support you in building a popular 3G network."

"Student Lin Hao, come to Yangcheng for a pilot project. We have money in Dayangcheng, so come to Yangcheng for a pilot project. We will unconditionally support you in building a popular 3G network.

Netizens in major cities across the country are calling for Lin Hao to come to their cities for a trial. Netizens all want to use 3G networks as soon as possible.

As for Lin Hao's final mention of the charging issue, netizens are not worried about the high charges of Xingchen Communication Company at all, because of Lin Hao's character, Xingchen Communication Company's charges are definitely cheaper than other third-level communication companies.

Netizens believe this very much.

Therefore, people are even more looking forward to Xingchen Communication Company completing the construction of 3G network as soon as possible and popularizing 3G network as soon as possible.

Once Star Communications Company builds a 3G network, people will have one more choice [Main Communications Company will also have one more competitor.

With such a powerful competitor as Xingchen Communications Company, the ultimate beneficiary will definitely be everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition to looking forward to the early construction and promotion of 3G networks, everyone is also looking forward to the Xingchen smartphone.

"Classmate Lin Hao said that the progress of Xingchen Smartphone is very good and will be launched soon. I am really looking forward to it. I have already saved 5,000 yuan. If I save for another month, I will definitely be able to buy Xingchen Smartphone.

"Haha, the Xingchen smartphone is exciting just thinking about it."

"I hope it won't be too expensive. As long as the Xingchen smartphone costs around 6,000 yuan, I will buy it.

"Look at the high-end mobile phones on the market now. Nuoji Ya costs over RMB 10,000, Motorola also costs over RMB 10,000, and the Xingchen smartphone is a real smartphone. It costs at least RMB 8,000. If you buy RMB 6,000, you will lose money.

"That's right, those non-real smartphones on the market now are so expensive. A real Xingchen smartphone shouldn't be too cheap. Just prepare 10,000 yuan."

"Ten thousand yuan is definitely enough. I think the Xingchen smartphone will be priced at 8,000 yuan."

"There's no point in guessing now. We'll know the price when the Xingchen smartphone is sold, haha."

Many netizens also persuaded communications talents to join Xingchen Communications Company.

"Communications professionals, hurry up and join Xingchen Communication Company. Only when more professionals join Xingchen Communication Company, will Xingchen Communication Company complete the construction and popularization of 3G networks faster."

"Classmate Lin Hao is the best boss in the world. Now that you have the opportunity to be Lin Hao's employee, you should join quickly. Unfortunately, I am not a communications major, otherwise I would definitely join Xingchen Communications Company."

"I would have known that I would have majored in communications. I really regret it."

“We hope that more communications professionals will join Xingchen Communications Company and contribute to the construction and popularization of 3G networks in the motherland.

"Don't worry, China Mobile, Tonglian, and China Telecom are also promoting 3G networks. It is conservatively estimated that everyone in the two years will be able to use the 3G network."

"I still envy the people of Magic City. The people of Magic City are the first in the world to use 3G network. I'm really envious."

The press conference of 3G Network and Star Communications Company caused a sensation across the country and around the world.

After the news of the press conference was reported in various countries around the world, people all over the world were extremely shocked when they saw the ultra-high speed of 3G network.

Those foreigners who don’t believe it

They were all speechless. The facts are before their eyes, and they cannot tolerate disbelief.

Those who complained and criticized the scientific research level of Xingchen Research Laboratory were severely slapped in the face and felt ashamed.

In particular, scientific researchers who have spoken out publicly have been directly killed. Some scientists who have spoken out publicly have been pulled out to respond.

How dare the scientific researchers who have spoken out publicly respond? They would rather find a hole in the ground to hide for a while to escape this storm.

Xingchen Laboratory first successfully developed wireless networks, and now it has successfully developed 3G networks. Countries around the world are also paying attention to Xingchen Laboratory and Lin Hao.

Because all countries in the world know that Xingchen Research Laboratory is a truly powerful research laboratory.

No, it should be said that Lin Hao is a truly talented researcher.

Long Guoyou Lin Hao, a talented researcher, will definitely develop more advanced technologies in the future.

Many countries are aware of a problem, that is, the technology of Dragon Kingdom is really going to rise.

After the press conference, Lin Hao found Leng Ruyan and chatted with Leng Ruyan for more than an hour.

For this hour, Leng Yan was in a state of shock.

Open a cosmetics company, open a real estate company, open a car company, every time he hears Lin Hao say one of them, Leng Ruyan looks at Lin Hao like a monster.

There are so many companies, are you too busy to come here?

Xingchen Communications Company is already very busy, and we are opening three more companies. Are you a superman?

Lin Hao didn't bother to explain, so he just let Leng Ruyan do what he said.

Leng Ruyan really couldn't understand what Lin Hao was going to do.

But Lin Hao didn't say anything, and Leng Ruyan was too embarrassed to ask.

Lin Hao's boss, as a migrant worker, can only silently accept the boss's arrangements.

Xingchen Communication Company, Xingchen Cosmetics Company, Xingchen Real Estate Company, and Xingchen Automobile Company are all extremely short of talents.

Lin Hao feels it is time to start a job fair at Modu University.

Lin Hao directly called President Huang Zhongguo, and after discussing with Huang Zhongguo, decided to hold a campus job fair at Modu University on May 14th and 15th.

In order to recruit more talents, this campus job fair is not limited to fresh graduates of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Fresh graduates of all colleges and universities in Shanghai can participate, and even colleges and universities across the country can participate.

All fresh graduates of the school can participate.

Of course, the campus job fair is held in Shanghai, and of course it is mainly held by universities in Shanghai.

After deciding on the time for the campus job fair, Xingchen Network Technology Company issued an announcement, and at the same time, a panda pop-up window notified people across the country.

Netizens were extremely shocked when they saw the announcement of the campus job fair.

Because Xingchen Network Technology Company's campus job fair has too many talents to recruit, which is completely beyond the imagination of netizens. .

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