Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 204 Super Campus Job Fair, Sensational Across The Country [Please Subscribe]

The campus job fair of Xingchen Network Technology Company not only recruits talents in communications and Internet professionals, but also recruits talents in beauty and makeup, real estate, automobile, and mobile phone technology.

It can be said that this campus job fair of Xingchen Network Technology Company is a big recruitment.

"Oh my God, what on earth is Xingchen Network Technology Company doing? It's actually recruiting real estate professionals. Is it possible that classmate Lin Hao plans to set up a real estate company?"

"In addition to communications and Internet majors, Xingchen Network Technology Company is also recruiting other professional talents in this recruitment, which is really shocking."

"We are recruiting real estate professionals. Are we going to establish Xingchen Real Estate Company?"

"Recruiting beauty and makeup professionals is to establish a Xingchen Beauty and Makeup Company?"

"Recruiting automotive professionals is to establish Xingchen Automobile Company?"

Netizens launched a series of questioning, saying that Xingchen Network Technology Company is recruiting professionals from too many industries.

"Seeing that Xingchen Network Technology Company is recruiting professionals from so many industries, it can be predicted that Lin Hao will enter these areas. If Lin Hao hadn't planned to enter these industries, why would he recruit professionals from these industries?"

"It should be. Although Xingchen Network Technology Company has not announced it yet, the recruitment announcement has already explained everything. Otherwise, I really can't think of why Xingchen Network Technology Company is recruiting professionals in real estate, beauty and makeup, and automobiles. -"

"If Lin Hao really wants to enter the real estate, automobile, beauty and cosmetics industries, it would be really shocking."

"The automobile industry is what I look forward to the most. Our country does not have a world-famous automobile brand. If Lin Hao really enters the automobile industry, Xingchen Automobile will become famous all over the world."

"Yes, as long as Lin Hao enters the automobile industry, I believe that Lin Hao will be able to develop a world-famous brand car. I believe in Lin Hao very much."

"Classmate Lin Hao is the spokesperson of miracles. As long as Lin Hao really enters the automobile industry, Xingchen Motors will be famous all over the world. BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Rolls-Royce, and Porsche will all be stepped on by Xingchen Motors." "

"Haha, it's something that Yingdu doesn't have. Is it really okay for us to be so excited here?"

"There is no way, all men love cars, how can you not be excited? I look forward to Xingchen Auto becoming famous all over the world.

"On the contrary, I look forward to Lin Hao really entering the real estate industry. If Lin Hao really enters the real estate industry, maybe we can buy a house that is cheaper than the current one."

"Yes, the current housing prices are a bit expensive, and my salary does not match the housing prices at all. If Lin Hao really enters the real estate industry, the properties of Xingchen Real Estate Company will definitely be cheaper than the current housing prices, and maybe I can buy them too. To the house.”

"The most important thing is classmate Lin Hao's company. We don't have to worry about unfinished buildings at all. Now I am really afraid of unfinished buildings. I spent my life's savings to buy a house, but unfortunately I bought an unfinished building and couldn't get the house." Not only do you have to live in the house, but you also have to pay for the house every month. It’s really hard to live without love.

"It's really sad to buy unfinished buildings. There are more and more unfinished buildings now. If Lin Hao really enters the real estate industry, Xingchen Real Estate Company will definitely not be left behind. I absolutely believe in this, Lin Hao."

“House prices are cheaper, and we are not afraid of unfinished business. I hope Lin Hao will really enter the real estate industry.

"It's hard to tell. Have you forgotten that Xingchen Network Technology Company is going to build a corporate headquarters building?" Someone remembered that Xingchen Network Technology Company was going to build a landmark headquarters building.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this. Maybe Xingchen Network Technology Company is recruiting real estate professionals to prepare for the construction of the headquarters building."

"Sigh, if recruiting real estate professionals is just to build a headquarters building, then I will really be happy in vain."

"Xingchen Real Estate Company, classmate Lin Hao, I support you in establishing Xingchen Real Estate Company.

"Unconditionally support Lin Hao in establishing Xingchen Real Estate Company to benefit people across the country."

Because of Lin Hao's character, people all over the country know that as long as Lin Hao really establishes Xingchen Real Estate Company, it will definitely be the most guaranteed real estate company.

Female netizens are even more looking forward to Lin Hao establishing a beauty and cosmetics company.

"Husband, if you set up a cosmetics company to produce cosmetics, I will definitely support you.

"Husband, set up a cosmetics company. I believe you will successfully develop many high-quality cosmetics. As long as you produce them, I will buy and support them."

"That's right, as long as my husband really sets up a cosmetics company and launches cosmetics, I will buy and support him unconditionally, hehe.

Netizens were shocked, but the fresh graduates were extremely happy and excited, especially those majoring in automobiles, real estate, beauty and cosmetics, communications, Internet, mobile phones and other majors. They were so happy that they couldn't sleep.

Although we are not talking about Xingchen Network Technology Company, as long as it is Lin Hao's company, fresh graduates are willing to join.

And the new company represents more opportunities.

Most of the employees in Junxingchen Network Technology Company are young employees, and many important positions are filled by young employees.

Most of the ordinary employees who received million-dollar bonuses last year were fresh graduates, which made many people extremely envious.

Now they also have the opportunity to join Lin Hao's company, so they are naturally very happy.

The fresh graduates from the universities in Shanghai are all fully prepared immediately and will rush to the university when tomorrow comes with only one purpose: to join Lin Hao's company.

Fresh graduates from colleges and universities in other cities immediately picked up their resumes and rushed to the station after seeing the announcement. They all thought that they could not let the fresh graduates from Shanghai’s colleges and universities get there first.

If fresh graduates from Shanghai's universities are allowed to get there first, they will miss a life-changing opportunity.

Yes, in the minds of many college graduates, being able to join Lin Hao's company is life-changing.

Because Lin Hao's company is based entirely on ability, and there is no such thing as nepotism. As long as you have the ability, the road to promotion will be extremely smooth.

It doesn't matter if your abilities are not particularly outstanding. Lin Hao's company pays really well. Moreover, the working environment of Lin Hao's company is much better than that of other corporate companies.

Especially now that Xingchen Network Technology Company is building a landmark headquarters building, who wouldn't like the thought of working in a landmark headquarters building in Shanghai in the future.

Fresh graduates from colleges and universities in major cities across the country are rushing to Shanghai.

That night, all the hotels in Magic City were filled with young people, which surprised the employees of major hotels in Magic City. Employees at major hotels in Shanghai were relieved to learn that the campus job fair of Xingchen Network Company would start tomorrow.

Who wouldn’t want to join Xingchen Network Technology Company?

They also want to apply for jobs, but unfortunately they don't have diplomas and are not qualified at all.

May 14th.

Early in the morning, young people gathered at the entrance of Shanghai University.

After learning that they were all fresh graduates applying for jobs from other universities, "The leaders of Modu University asked everyone to go to the playground.

Originally, the campus job fair arranged by Shanghai University of Science and Technology was held in the school auditorium, but now seeing so many graduates coming to apply for jobs, the venue can only be moved to the playground.

Not to mention the small auditorium, the playground probably can't accommodate so many people.

Principal Huang Zhongguo arranged for people to arrange the scene urgently and reminded students who came to apply for safety to pay attention to their safety.

Fresh graduates from Shanghai University were a little panicked when they learned that many students from other universities had arrived at Shanghai University.

Your sister, you thought students in our school had a geographical advantage [now it seems there is no advantage at all.

They're all animals. It's only seven o'clock. Why don't you go so early? The campus job fair doesn't start until half past eight. What's the use of coming so early?

Knowing that some people had arrived at Modu University before dawn, many fresh graduates of Modu University were speechless.

Are you so crazy? It's not like whoever comes early can apply for the job. I'm speechless.

Students from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics who are going to participate in the campus job fair get up in a hurry, get ready, and then rush to the playground.

If it's any later, I'm afraid the better positions will be occupied by other universities. It will definitely be a big joke if few students from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics apply for the job.

There are more and more students on the playground. The juniors, sophomores, and freshmen of Modu University learned that tens of thousands of students arrived at Modu University to participate in the campus job fair. Many students couldn't help but come to watch.

Soon, the scene of a huge crowd at the job fair on the campus of Modu University was posted online, causing netizens to watch.

"Oh my God, this dense crowd is really terrifying. How many people are there."

"It is estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of people, which is really scary."

"It's normal. Xingchen Network Technology Company's campus job fair is open to universities across the country. It's normal to have tens of thousands of people. There will definitely be more people in the afternoon."

"It's scary. This scene is really scary. How many people are Xingchen Network Technology Company recruiting? With so many people applying, wouldn't it be a waste of time for a lot of people to go there."

"Isn't it normal to go in vain? There must be many people who can't apply successfully."

"If Lin Hao really plans to enter the three industries of automobiles, real estate, and beauty and cosmetics, he might recruit thousands of people."

"Even if we have to recruit thousands of people, if so many people apply, many people will be disappointed."

-0Please give me flowers…0

"It's good to get used to it. Those who don't have the ability will just fail. After all, who doesn't want to join Lin Hao's company? I'm just not qualified. If I were qualified, I would have been waiting at the entrance of Shanghai University last night, haha."

"Waiting at the entrance of Shanghai University last night, do you want to be so crazy?"

"Thinking about Xingchen Network Technology Company's one million year-end bonus, do you still feel crazy?"

“And Xingchen Network Technology Company’s interview speed is very fast. I heard that Lin Hao’s interview speed is even better. He is a professional counterpart and he only asked two simple questions and passed the exam.

"Haha, I can't bear this weight."

Therefore, the job fair of Xingchen Network Technology Company can basically be said to be first come, first served. Whoever is interviewed first will have a better chance of being selected, haha.

When Lin Hao, Leng Ruyan and other senior officials arrived at Modu University, they were very surprised to see the huge crowds of people.

Although Lin Hao had learned from the principal Huang Zhongguo that more than 10,000 students had applied for the job, Lin Hao was still surprised to see so many people.

Thinking about the current strength and influence of Xingchen Network Technology Company, Lin Hao is also relieved.

Lin Hao told the senior executives: "The number of applicants has exceeded my expectations. Let's do a preliminary selection in the past two days to retain capable people, and finally decide who will go and who will stay.

"Okay, Mr. Lin." All the senior executives agreed.

In order to apply more efficiently, Lin Hao has divided a total of six application channels.

There are six application channels for real estate, automobiles, Internet, beauty and cosmetics, communications, and mobile phones.


Lin Hao is in charge of the real estate channel.

Leng Ruyan is in charge of the communication channel.

Zhou Xin is in charge of the car channel.

Fang Yuqing is in charge of the mobile phone channel.

Chen Jia is in charge of the beauty and makeup channel.

Lin Yumei is in charge of the Internet channel.

Each channel is matched with other senior personnel.

At half past eight, the campus job fair officially begins.

Lin Hao asked the students who came to apply for the job to choose the corresponding major channel, and then start applying for the job.

Lin Haote

Don't make it clear that because there are too many students coming for interviews, the preliminary selection will only be held on site. After the two-day on-site job fair is over, it will be decided who will stay and who will pass the preliminary selection.

The students who came to apply for the job early were all disappointed when they heard Lin Hao's words.

I thought I would have more opportunities if I arrived early, but I didn't expect this.

However, the students did not have any complaints.

It is normal for Xingchen Network Technology Company to select candidates based on merit.

What's more, who among the students present dared to complain in front of Lin Hao.

Next, the students witnessed with their own eyes the super speed of Lin Hao’s interview.

It's almost one in half a minute, and sometimes three in a minute.

Read the resume, and then ask simple questions. If it is suitable, you will be given the opportunity to pass the preliminary election, and you will go back and wait for notification. If it is not suitable, you will directly declare that you have not passed the preliminary election.

Most of the people in the real estate aisle quickly disappeared, but there were still long queues in other aisles.

As time went by, the queues did not get shorter and shorter. On the contrary, more and more students from other cities arrived, and some queues actually got longer.

Lin Hao looked at the long queue and was speechless.

This job fair is so torturous.

I will definitely not participate in campus job fairs in the future. I will just wait until Leng Ruyan and the others recruit employees before deciding who will stay.

Everyone took care of lunch casually.

I stayed up until 8:30 in the evening and finally completed the day's recruitment work.

May 15th.

Lin Hao and others repeated the same thing.

It was a busy day until nine o'clock in the evening before the on-site recruitment work was completed.

Seeing the piles of resumes, Lin Hao had a headache.

May 16th.

After a busy day, all recruitment work has finally come to a successful conclusion.

A total of 3,000 people have been recruited for this campus job fair.

Three thousand people were assigned to various companies, which was actually not many.

But Lin is looking for elite talent. As for those who are not suitable for the interview positions, Lin Hao will ask the Human Resources Department to call and communicate with the remaining students who have passed the preliminary selection.

Whether you are willing to join Xingchen series companies or do other positions depends entirely on your personal wishes.

Anyone who receives a text message notification is directly confirmed to join the Xingchen series of companies.

These three thousand people were extremely happy and promised to report within the specified time.

Ninety percent of those who received the call agreed to work in other positions. A few students gritted their teeth and refused.

In the end, Xingchen Network Technology Company successfully recruited 7,000 fresh graduates in this campus job fair.

May 17th.

Star Network Technology Company released a new announcement. .

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