Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 80 The Miracle Of The Internet, Famous All Over The World [Kneel Down And Ask For Full Order

October 15th at 9pm.

Just one hour after "Legend" announced that the number of simultaneous online players exceeded 10 million, "Legend" once again released a new announcement.

The sales volume of "Legend" exceeded 100 million in 12 hours. Thanks to all players for their support. All employees of "Legend" will continue to work hard to reach new heights.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole network was shocked.

"Oh my god, it really exceeded 100 million. The sales of "Legend" exceeded 100 million in 12 hours. It's terrible."

"When "Legend" finally announced its sales data, and saw that "Legend" sales exceeded 100 million in 12 hours, I just wanted to yell, "Who else? Who else?"

"One hundred million. In just 12 hours, "Legend" has earned one hundred million. Oh my God, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed this terrifying data. It's so terrifying. It's really scary."

"It's so terrifying. At this moment, I can only think of this word to describe the money-making ability of "Legend". It's really terrifying. One hundred million in 12 hours, one hundred million in half a day, it's so terrifying. 11

"Before today, if someone told me that a game could earn 100 million in half a day, I would immediately slap him in the face, and then yell, "What nonsense are you talking about? Have you not woken up? Now the facts are in front of you. , I really want to slap myself to make sure I’m not dreaming, 100 million sales in half a day is really awesome.”

"I finally understand what making a lot of money means in the eyes of classmate Lin Hao. It turns out that making 100 million in half a day is the real way to make a lot of money. Genius is indeed a genius. It's awesome. It's really awesome."

"One hundred million, how many people can't make money in a lifetime, or even several lifetimes, but the "Legend" game can earn "027" in half a day, it's really awesome."

"I was shocked. If you can make a month in half a day, why are you so crazy? I dare say that from today on, online games will develop extremely fast. If you make 100 million in half a day, who wouldn't be jealous?"

"At this moment, I finally understand why classmate Lin Hao is willing to give up the profit of hundreds of millions a year for the 985211 tutoring website. In the face of the miracle of "Legend" making 100 million in half a day, the tutoring website's several hundred million a year is not included. what?"

"I make 100 million in half a day, 200 million in a day, 6 billion in a month, 72 billion, my God, in a year, classmate Lin Hao will be the richest man in the country."

"Haha, you can't calculate it like this. It's true that "Legend" earns 100 million in half a day, but if you can't earn 200 million in a day, it's even more impossible to earn 200 million every day. 72 billion a year is impossible. But making billions a year is definitely not a problem."

"No matter how much "Legend" can make in the future, just make a lot of money. Classmate Lin Hao is really awesome. If "Legend" makes a lot of money, it will make a lot of money. That's awesome.

"You are worthy of being my idol. It's so awesome. Haha, "Legend" has made a lot of money. Does anyone else question it? Come out and talk about it and let everyone see how you question it."

"That is, where have all the people who questioned that "Legend" cannot make big money have gone? They are all out here, so everyone can see how you question "Legend"?"

"That is a conspiracy theory by opponents of "Legend" and the voice of other game companies. We netizens all support "Legend" and support classmate Lin Hao.

"That's, that's a conspiracy theory from other online game companies. Let's not talk about it anymore. We netizens all support classmate Lin Hao and "Legend", haha.

"The faces of the CEOs of other online game companies must be ugly now. They are probably so angry that they are vomiting blood. You are allowed to criticize my idol, and you are allowed to slander and criticize "Legend". Go ahead and eat shit, haha. 17

"Those black-hearted bosses of online game companies, I would like to advise you that those who do unjust things will be punished by themselves. Hurry up and admit your mistakes. Lin Hao will forgive you generously.

"That's right, especially in the Peak Forum, kneel down and beg for mercy. As long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, Lin Hao will let you go."

"The Summit Forum has to kneel down and beg for mercy. It has been destroyed three times before and has not repented. In the past two days, it is still making trouble and misleading us netizens to support the charging model. It is really cheap."

"Ignore those garbage paid game companies, I will only play "Legend" from now on. Although I don't have money to buy RMB equipment now, I will definitely buy it when I have pocket money during the Chinese New Year."

"That's right, "Legend" is free, so why are you playing those paid games? It's garbage paid games."

"You black-hearted boss, you said that free games can't make money. Why don't you come out and criticize "Legend" now? You can make 100 million in half a day. Is this what you mean by saying that free games can't make money? Open your eyes wide and take a look. Your game takes a year. They can’t make as much as “Legend” makes in half a day.”

"That's it, you black-hearted boss, open your eyes and see clearly. You also promote the charging model, mislead us netizens, and almost make us boycott "Legend". You are so insidious and black-hearted. Please shut down all garbage paid games. "

"Shut up all the garbage paid games. Only free online games are the most fun, haha."

Seeing that "Legend" made 100 million in half a day, Lin Hao's fans and loyal players of "Legend", as well as the majority of netizens who support free online games, started to criticize other paid game companies and Peak Forum.

Mr. Liu, the owner of the Summit Forum website, almost fainted from anger when he saw so many netizens scolding the Summit Forum.

Just scold me, scold me as much as you want, I don't believe you can keep scolding me. If you want me to apologize, just go ahead and dream.

What if the Summit Forum hacks "Legend"?

What can you do to me?

"Legend", Xingchen Network Technology Company, don't let me catch the opportunity in the future, otherwise you will be cheated every time.

Mr. Liu of the Summit Forum secretly vowed that as long as there is a chance, he will regain his position today [let Xingchen Network Technology Company and "Legend" feel the pain of being criticized by the entire network.

The faces of the CEOs of the Game Company Alliance were extremely ugly.

Faced with the fact that "Legend" made as much as 100 million yuan in half a day, all the bosses languished.

I shouldn't have criticized "Legend" in the first place, but now, the entire network is boycotting their paid games. I'm afraid that many players will also boycott the game if it is changed to a free model in the future.

This time I really lost my wife and lost my troops.

NetEase's Ding Sanshi saw "Legend" making 100 million in half a day, and he slumped down in his chair, his eyes dull.

It took a full five minutes for Ding Sanshi's eyes to regain some clarity.

After all, we lost, completely lost. . .

In an instant, Ding Sanshi seemed to have aged ten years, with no fighting spirit.

Penguin saw "Legend" making 100 million in half a day, and his face was full of envy.

When can a penguin earn 100 million in half a day? No, as long as a penguin can earn 100 million in a day, he will have no regrets in his life.

In addition to being envious, Penguin Ma also admires Lin Hao's ability to make money.

Whether it is the Xingchen Internet cafe management system software, or the 985211 tutoring website, or the current "Legend", they all make a lot of money. Such terrifying earning power is rare in the world.

At that moment, Brother Ma thought of a possibility.

Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software, 985211 Tutoring Website, and "Legend" all make money, so how can Panda Software not make money?

Panda chat software is also a product of classmate Lin Hao. It is impossible for other products to make money, but Panda does not.

Classmate Lin Hao has probably thought of a way to make money with Panda Software, but it hasn't been launched yet.

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Ma was extremely excited.

Panda chat software can make money, which means Penguin can also make money.

Brother Xiao Ma firmly believes that Xingchen Network Technology Company cannot always let Panda fend for itself, but classmate Lin Hao feels that it is not time to develop and expand Panda.

When classmate Lin Hao feels that the time has come, he will naturally launch Panda’s method of making money. At that time, Penguin will be able to follow suit and make money.

The more Xiao Ma thinks about it, the happier and more excited he becomes. He can't wait for Xingchen Network Technology Company to develop and expand Panda immediately.

Even if the penguin wants to fight to the death with the panda, Little Ma is not afraid.

What Xiao Ma is more afraid of is that Penguin has never been able to find a profit point.

As long as the panda can announce the way to make money, even if the penguin cannot beat the panda and is stepped on by the panda, Xiao Ma will admit it.

And Xiao Ma is very confident in himself. It doesn’t matter if Lin Hao is a genius, he is not bad either.

Without actually starting a decisive battle, how can we know who is the final winner?

The news that "Legend" earned 100 million in 12 hours has madly excited netizens. Many netizens who do not play games have downloaded Legend involuntarily. They want to see what invincible charm "Legend" has and how it can earn 100 million in half a day. .

In this way, the number of simultaneous online players of "Legend" has been rising steadily, reaching 13 million simultaneous online players.

Eleven million, twelve million, thirteen million, every time a record is broken, "Legend" will make an announcement. The intervals between the three consecutive announcements were less than half an hour, which shocked all netizens.

"It's really scary. Thirteen million people are online at the same time. Oh my god, it's more than the number of people online at the same time in Bubble and UC."

"It's awesome. As an online game, "Legend" can actually have more people online at the same time than the popular chat software. It's really awesome...0"

"It's really amazing. I just want to ask, who is not convinced?"

"Haha, I'm afraid that the total number of online players for all domestic games now is not as large as the number of online players for "Legend"."

"This is really possible. There are only so many game players, but now they are all playing "Legend". You can imagine how miserable the number of online players in other games is.

"The problem is that there are three million new players in less than an hour, and the base has increased from 10 million to 10 million players online at the same time. This is the most terrifying thing."

"Actually, this is normal. Netizens who don't play "Legend" will definitely become interested in "Legend" when they see "Legend" making 100 million in half a day, so it is normal for there to be three million more players all of a sudden."

"With three million more new players, "Legend" can make a lot of money, and 24-hour sales may really reach 200 million."

"It's unlikely. A conservative estimate would be an extra 30 million, because it's late at night and everyone has to sleep.

"Why don't you sleep? I'll play "Legend" all night tonight."

"That's it, why should I sleep? I just updated the new map and worked hard all night, haha."

This night is the night that belongs to "Legend", this day is the miracle day of "Legend".

October 16th.

At nine o'clock in the morning, netizens who were surfing the Internet were eagerly waiting for "Legend" to announce the 24-hour sales data.

"Legend" did not disappoint netizens, releasing 24-hour sales data on time at nine o'clock.

The sales of "Legend" in 24 hours were 140 million.

The figure of 140 million deeply shocked all netizens.

On this day, the news that "Legend" made 100 million in 12 hours and 140 million in 24 hours spread to every corner of the country.

Everyone who heard about this was filled with shock. Their first reaction was disbelief, but in the end they had to believe it in the face of the ironclad facts.

"It's really amazing to make 100 million in half a day and 140 million in one day. How many companies don't make 140 million in profit in a year? "Legend" made a profit in one day. It's really amazing."


Making 140 million in one day for an online game shows that the Internet has endless potential. No wonder the country and even the whole world are vigorously developing the Internet. The Internet is really amazing.

Shocked. "

""Legend" has created a legend that earns 140 million in one day. I am afraid that the Internet will be even more lively next. "

"Of course, the country is vigorously developing the Internet, but before "Legend", there was no Internet company that made big money, so many capitalists did not enter.

field. Now that "Legend" has proven that the Internet can make a lot of money, those capitalists will definitely enter the market crazily, and the Internet world is destined to bloom.

"No matter how much capital comes into the market, Star Network Technology Company, to which "Legend" belongs, is destined to be the most dazzling."

"That's for sure. 5.8 Lin Hao's ability has been proven three times. The first time was the Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software, and the second time was the 985211 Tutoring Website

, the third time is "Legend", as long as classmate Lin Hao is here, Xingchen Network Technology Company is destined to be the brightest sun in the Internet world.

The incredible money-making ability of "Legend" not only made people remember Lin Hao and Xingchen Network Technology Company, but also deepened Lin Bi's impression in the eyes of senior officials.

The miracle of "Legend" earning 140 million a day is not only famous in the Dragon Kingdom, but also spread abroad.

The media in many countries reported on the miracle of "Legend".

Many countries call the craziness of "Legend" making 100 million in half a day and 140 million in one day a miracle of the Internet.

Although many foreign netizens are unwilling to believe in the miracle of "Legend", the facts cannot tolerate their disbelief.

"Are Dragon Kingdom's online games already so powerful? They make 100 million in half a day and 140 million in one day. It's really amazing. "What kind of game is this "Legend"?


"Crazy, so crazy. "Legend" is simply the word for miracles. There are no such great games in our country. I really want to play "Legend", but it's a pity that "Legend"

It is an online game from Dragon Kingdom and will not be launched in our country. "

"I make 100 million in half a day and 140 million in a day. The game "Legend" is really awesome. It also creates real-money products in the game mall. This fantastic idea is really amazing."

I really want to experience "Legend". Is there any way to make "Legend" available in our country?"

Many foreign gamers are extremely interested in "Legend".

Foreign game companies saw that many gamers were interested in "Legend" and they all had an idea. .

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