Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 81: Winning Glory For The Country, The Whole Network Helps To Seek Justice [Please Order In

Because of the Internet miracle created by "Legend", many foreign game players are very interested in "Legend".

Of course there are those who like it and those who don't, and there are also many foreign gamers who are unhappy with "Legend".

"Why can a game from the Dragon Kingdom be called an Internet miracle? Our beautiful country is the birthplace of the Internet. Only games from our beautiful country can be called an Internet miracle. "Legend" is not worthy at all."

"The Internet in Bangzi Country is more developed than that in Dragon Country, and the online games in Bangzi Country are more fun. "Legend" is not an Internet miracle at all. Only the online games in Bangzi Country can be called Internet miracles."

"I, the Sakura Kingdom, are dissatisfied. It's weird that a classic online game can appear in the Dragon Kingdom. Then "Legend" is definitely not fun. It's only the large number of people in the Dragon Kingdom that makes "Legend" make so much money. If the Sakura Kingdom has as many people as the Dragon Kingdom Players, online games in Sakura Country make more money than that "Legend"."

"With so many Internet elites in our beautiful country, can't we develop an online game like "Legend"?"

"Wait, Sakura Country's "Legend" will be online soon, and Sakura Country's Internet miracle will be even more awesome."

"Wait, Bangzi Kingdom's "Legend" will be online soon. Bangzi Kingdom's online game is the most fun online game in the world. w

Gamers from the three countries of Beautiful Country, Sakura Country, and Bangzi Country who were interested in "Legend" were speechless when they saw these voices, and immediately refuted them.

"Is it so difficult to recognize the excellence of others? If we keep doing things behind closed doors, our country's Internet will only be overtaken by other countries.

"That is, is it so difficult to recognize the excellence of others? The Dragon Kingdom is a magical oriental country. In just a few decades, it has developed into one of the two largest economies in the world. You still don't recognize the excellence of the Dragon Kingdom. It's really hopeless. ."

"Forget it, let's not argue with some idiots. Some idiots are completely hopeless. I hope our country's elites will not be like some idiots. Only by learning some advanced technologies from others can they progress faster. If you work behind closed doors, you will be eliminated by the world sooner or later." 20

"I hope our country can also have an online game as good as "Legend". Today's online games are really not that fun."

"Well, I watched the "Legend" game show sent by a friend. The graphics are very sophisticated, the characters are also very good-looking, and the costumes and weapons and equipment look much more gorgeous than the costumes and weapons designed by our country's online games. I really want to watch it. Play."

"I really want to play, but it's a pity that I can't."

"My friend is studying abroad in the Dragon Country. According to him, "Legend" is the most fun online game in the world."

"Yes, a friend of mine who studied in the Dragon Country also said that "Legend" is really super fun, a hundred times more fun than the online games on the market in our Sakura Country. I really want to play it, but it is a pity that our country does not have "Legend" "."

Many foreign gamers are thinking that "Legend" will be available in their countries.

When the game companies in these countries saw these voices, they all wanted to go to Dragon Kingdom to win the agency rights of "Legend".

The excellence of "Legend" has been proven in the Dragon Kingdom. If "Legend" is released in their country, will it also become popular across the country?

With so many gamers interested in "Legend", there is a high probability that it will become popular, and popularity means a lot of money.

Once this idea arises, it becomes uncontrollable.

Of course, there are also major game companies that want to imitate the design and planning of "Legend" and develop a local version of "Legend".

These big game companies have never thought of going to Longguo to buy the agency rights for "Legend", because it would be a shame for the big game companies to buy game agency rights from other countries and bring the game back to their home country for online release.

It's a pity that small and medium-sized game companies have no worries at all.

Already, small and medium-sized game companies that have seen the huge business opportunities of "Legend" have sent representatives to Dragon Kingdom.

"Legend" became famous all over the world, and the news that was called an Internet miracle by foreign media also spread back to the Dragon Kingdom.

Netizens from Longguo were excited, happy and full of pride when they saw "Legend" being called an Internet miracle by foreign media.

"Haha, "Legend" is awesome and a miracle of the Internet. It is well deserved."

"I made 100 million in half a day and 140 million in a day. I launched a RMB-denominated product in the game mall that subverted the charging model. "Legend" is called an Internet miracle. It's totally fine."

"It's awesome. While other games were still struggling, "Legend" became popular abroad and brought glory to the country. "Legend" is really awesome."

"You are worthy of being my idol. He is really awesome. "Legend" is an Internet miracle. Idol brings glory to the country."

"My husband is amazing. "Legend" is an Internet miracle. He brings glory to the country. Husband, I love you to death."

"Legend" became very popular abroad and made the country famous. Netizens even worshiped Lin Hao. Lin Hao had many fans for a while.

Many fans even went to the Summit Forum and shouted for an apology from the Summit Forum.

"Summit Forum, hurry up and apologize."

""Legend" became famous all over the world and brought glory to the country. The summit forum slandered and criticized "Legend". We must apologize and bear the burden of guilt."

"Yes, the idol worked hard to develop "Legend" to win glory for the country, but you criticized and slandered "Legend" and smeared the idol. You must apologize. Summit Forum must apologize.

"Summit Forum, I have screenshots of the posts pinned to the top of your column. You smeared Lin Hao, criticized and slandered "Legend", and you must apologize."

Netizens with a sense of justice naturally joined in and shouted for Summit Forum to apologize.

"There are other unscrupulous businessmen who must apologize. "Legend" has brought glory to the country, and we must seek justice for "Legend".

"Yes, on National Day, so many voices slandering Lin Hao and criticizing "Legend" are all the work of the Peak Forum and the evil businessmen behind the scenes. These people must apologize to Lin Hao. We cannot allow the heroes who have brought glory to the country to Han Xin, we want to seek justice for the heroes who have brought honor to our country.

"If those unscrupulous merchants don't apologize, we will boycott their games."

"Yes, we must boycott it. It is clear that free games can make money, but charging fees to make more money is really evil. We must boycott those paid games."

"The unscrupulous businessman apologizes, and the Summit Forum apologizes."

Chen Jia saw these voices on the Internet and immediately informed Leng Ruyan.

"Manager Leng, what should we do now?" Chen Jia analyzed: "Now the whole Internet is calling for Summit Forum and some game companies to apologize to us. Do we want to respond?"

Leng Ruyan quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

"Didn't Mr. Lin ask the Ministry of Justice to keep the evidence from Summit Forum to slander and criticize us? Maybe Mr. Lin already has a plan. Let's ask him first."

Chen Jia nodded slightly and said, "Well, then ask."

Leng Ruyan originally wanted Chen Jia to call Lin Hao, but after thinking about it, that was not appropriate, so she had to take out her mobile phone and dial Lin Hao's number.

Lin Hao was slightly startled when he saw the call was from Leng Ruyan, why are you calling on such a weekend?

"Manager Leng, is something wrong?"

Leng Ruyan: "Mr. Lin, now netizens are calling for Summit Forum to apologize to us "Legend" and you. I remember that you asked the Ministry of Justice to retain the evidence that Summit Forum smeared us. Can we take the opportunity to respond to the netizens? "

Lin Hao: "If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot about it."

“Send a lawyer’s letter directly to Summit Forum and sue Summit Forum.

"Remember to publish an announcement on the company's official website to announce this matter, as a response to netizens. Netizens support us so much, so we have to respond no matter what."

Leng Ruyan: “Do you really want to sue Summit Forum?”

Lin Hao: "Of course, the evidence is solid, will the lawsuit be unwinnable?"

Leng Ruyan: "Of course the lawsuit can be won, but this company will break up with Summit Forum. Summit Forum is a big website. Wouldn't it be bad to break up with the other party? How about letting Summit Forum apologize?"

Lin Hao: "No, Summit Forum is so bad at me. Just apologizing is not enough. Soon Summit Forum will no longer be a big website. Let's sue."

Leng Ruyan: "Okay, I understand."

Leng Ruyan stopped persuading.

Leng Ruyan knew Lin Hao's temper very well. He seemed to be easy to talk to, but in fact, he was right to the point. Putting persuasion on Lin Hao was a complete waste of time and energy.

"What did Mr. Lin say?" Chen Jia asked, unable to hear Lin Hao's final decision.

Leng Ruyan said matter-of-factly: "Mr. Lin said that Summit Forum will soon no longer be a big website, so let us directly sue Summit Forum.

A flash of shock flashed in Chen Jia's eyes, and she asked: "The Summit Forum will no longer be a big website soon. What does Mr. Lin mean by this?"

Leng Ruyan shook her head gently and said, "I don't know."

Chen Jia thought thoughtfully: "Is Mr. Lin going to attack the Summit Forum?"

Leng Ruyan said: "Maybe, let the Ministry of Justice directly sue Summit Forum, and by the way, publish an announcement on the official website to announce the matter, which can be regarded as a response to netizens."

Chen Jia nodded and said: "Okay, netizens should be very happy now."

Soon, Xingchen Network Technology Company issued a new announcement.

In view of the inappropriate remarks made by Summit Forum against Xingchen Network Technology Company and "Legend", our company decided to sue Summit Forum.

Netizens were instantly stunned when they saw the new announcement from Xingchen Network Company, and then became extremely excited, even ecstatic.

"Haha, awesome. Xingchen Network Technology Company actually sued Summit Forum directly. It's so brave. I appreciate it very much, haha."

"It's really unexpected. I never dreamed that Xingchen Network Technology Company would stand up and directly announce a lawsuit against Summit Forum. It's really incredible."

"Really, the Summit Forum website is a big website with a lot of influence. It's really incredible that Xingchen Network Technology Company will directly strengthen the Summit Forum. Isn't Xingchen Network Technology Company afraid of being targeted by Summit Forum?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Summit Forum is a big website and its influence is good, but Xingchen Network Technology Company has a greater influence. Compared with Summit Forum and Xingchen Network Technology Company, Xingchen Network Technology Company wins completely."

"In any case, I appreciate Xingchen Network Technology Company's move, and it is not in vain for us netizens to help "Legend" seek justice."

After seeing the announcement from Xingchen Network Technology Company, more netizens joined in and were bound to help "Legend" and Lin Hao seek justice.

Mr. Liu of Summit Forum was extremely angry when he learned that Xingchen Network Technology Company was going to sue Summit Forum.

Originally, Mr. Liu saw that so many netizens were calling for an apology from Summit Forum, and he was thinking about whether he should give in a little and issue an apology statement. 677

Now that we know that Xingchen Network Technology Company is suing Summit Forum, all the soft apology has disappeared, and what is left is boundless anger.

"You've gone too far to bully others. You've gone so far as to sue the Summit Forum just to please netizens. My dear Lin Hao, you've gone too far to bully others."

"If you want to go to court, I will fight with you. The worst I can do is pay you some money. If you want me to apologize, just dream."

Immediately, Liuyang People in the Summit Forum issued an announcement.

All posts on the Summit Forum are posted by netizens and have nothing to do with the Summit Forum. If Xingchen Network Technology Company wants to file a lawsuit, the Summit Forum will accompany it to the end.

As soon as the Summit Forum announcement came out, netizens were completely uneasy.

"What the hell, I've never seen such a shameless person. He clearly made a mistake himself, but still puts the blame on others. It's rubbish. It's a peak theory."

The forum is really rubbish. 17

"It's really shameless. The Summit Forum clearly opened a separate column to criticize and slander "Legend", but now it says that it is netizens who are criticizing and slandering "Legend". It is really shameless.

"Summit Forum, I advise you to be a good person."

"The Summit Forum is so disgusting and disgusting. I will never use the Summit Forum again."

“Still staying with me to the end, the evidence is solid, and yet I dare to say harsh words, it’s really shameless.

"It's okay if you don't apologize, but you still dare to shirk responsibility. I'm really convinced. Xingchen Network Technology Company, I support you in killing the Summit Forum.

"That's right, classmate Lin Hao, please kill the Summit Forum. Such a shameless website, our Longguo Internet does not need its existence."

"We must boycott the Summit Forum, and we cannot allow the shameless website of the Summit Forum to tarnish our Longguo Internet."

"Classmate Lin Hao, take action, kill the summit website, and let the summit website disappear from the Longguo Internet."

"Boycotting Summit Forum starts with me. From now on, I will never go to Summit Forum again.

"Boycotting the Summit Forum starts with me. After Xingchen Network Technology Company wins the lawsuit, I will no longer log in to the Summit Forum."

"That's right, before Xingchen Network Technology Company wins the lawsuit, I will come to the Summit Forum every day. When Xingchen Network Technology Company wins the lawsuit, I will no longer log in to Summit Forum."

Peak Forum, say goodbye to Peak Forum forever. "

Many netizens couldn't stand the shameless announcement of Summit Forum, and spontaneously shouted to boycott Summit Forum.

When employees of Summit Forum saw netizens calling for a boycott of Summit Forum, they immediately informed Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu panicked when he saw that netizens were shouting to boycott Summit Forum.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Liu asked his employees to make another announcement. .

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