Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 97 One Move That’S Delicious All Over The World【Please Order In Full】

"Oh my god, am I not dazzled? Xingchen Network Technology Company is going to launch a new game?"

"It shouldn't be. "Legend" is so popular, why would Xingchen Network Technology Company launch a new game? This is not in line with science."

"Now that "Legend" is so popular, most players across the country are playing "Legend". It is indeed a bit unscientific for Xingchen Network Technology Company to release a new game at this time."

"At this time, the launch of a new game by Star Network Technology Company will divide the players of "Legend". I really don't understand how Star Network Technology Company can release a new game so quickly.

"I can't believe my eyes. Xingchen Network Technology has actually released a new game. Oh my god, do you not want to give other online games a way to survive?"

"Everyone, please take a look clearly. The announcement of Xingchen Network Technology Company is to launch a web game called Happy Farm. Please pay attention to the five words web game. It is a web game.

It's not a large-scale online game, please look carefully, okay?"

"It's true. When I saw that Xingchen Network Technology Company said it was going to release a new game, I was so excited that I didn't pay attention. It turned out to be a web game, so it's nothing. Haha."

"It turns out it's a web game, so I worried about it for nothing. A web game, it's nothing. It doesn't conflict with "Legend" at all, haha."

“It turned out to be a small web game, not a large-scale online game. I was so excited because I thought there was another popular online game to play.

"Let me tell you, how could Xingchen Network Technology Company release a large-scale online game so quickly? It turned out to be just a small web game, haha."

"This makes sense. There is no conflict between web mini-games and large-scale online games. It can also enrich the company's game products, which is very good. In my spare time, I will also support Xingchen Network Technology Company's new web mini-games, haha. "

"How could classmate Lin Hao destroy the Great Wall? "Legend" is so popular and profitable, how could classmate Lin Hao release another large-scale online game right away? Even if you think about it on tiptoe, you know it's impossible. You can release small games casually. This has no effect on Legend at all, haha.'

“No matter what games Xingchen Network Technology Company releases, I will play them, whether they are web games or stand-alone games, as long as they are Xingchen Network Technology Company’s products, I will support them.”

"Yes, web games should also be supported. Happy Farm, this name should be a farming game, which is also good for leisure."

"Happy Farm, this name should be a farming game. I like this kind of leisurely game. It's very good. I will definitely support it."

"I hope that Xingchen Network Technology Company will develop more small games to enrich the game library, especially some casual games. When I am usually bored, when I am tired of fighting monsters in "Legend", I still want to play casual games. .”

"Haha, I guess Lin Hao also thought of this and suddenly launched a web game. Maybe Xingchen Network Technology Company will launch more web games in the future."

"If that's the case, that would be great. I'm a girl. I don't like playing large-scale online games. I prefer playing casual games." A female netizen said that she prefers to play casual games.

"Yes, "Legend" is a bit boring for girls. I still like to play casual games."

"I hope Lin Hao will develop an online game suitable for girls. I really can't play "Legend"."

"Hehe, I have spoken out my heart. I also hope that my husband will release an online game suitable for girls. I will definitely support it, and I will also call on my sisters to support it. 11

"None of the current online games are suitable for girls. They are all about fighting monsters and upgrading. I hope Xingchen Network Technology Company will develop an online game suitable for girls as soon as possible.

Many female netizens expressed their hope that Xingchen Network Technology Company would develop an online game suitable for girls.

NetEase Ding Sanshi's eyes lit up when he saw these voices from female netizens.

Yes, why didn’t you think of this? You can completely develop an online game suitable for girls from the perspective of girls. If it is successfully developed, the majority of female netizens will be potential players. As long as girls like it, it will definitely become popular. Nationwide.

The more Ding Sanshi thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Immediately, Ding Sanshi held a high-level meeting, especially several team leaders from the R&D department.

NetEase conference room

All senior executives and several team leaders from the R&D department gathered together.

Ding Sanshi glanced at everyone and said: "After Xingchen Network Technology Company issued an announcement announcing the launch of a web game, it caused crazy discussions among netizens."

“I was inspired by the voices of some female netizens.”

"There are currently no online games suitable for girls, so I want to develop a new online game in this direction.

"The purpose of calling everyone here this time is to let everyone discuss the new game together."

"The theme of the new game is an online game suitable for girls. Everyone should think about it carefully and express your own thoughts."

All the senior officials were thinking deeply.

NetEase's high-level meeting lasted for two hours.

Ding Sanshi held a heated discussion with the senior executives and finally unanimously decided to develop an online game suitable for girls.

At the end of the meeting, Ding Sanshi concluded: "Very good, our creativity and planning this time will definitely be loved by female netizens.

"I believe our new game will become a hit across the country and become a girls' version of "Legend."

“In the following time, everyone will work hard together and strive to make the game as soon as possible.

"Yes, Mr. Qian." All the senior officials responded.

Everyone was infected by Ding Sanshi's confidence and full of energy.

After all, the gimmick of being the first online game suitable for girls is really great. Everyone believes that the game will be very popular among female netizens after it is produced, and it will become popular all over the country.

Brother Penguin saw that Xingchen Network Technology Company was launching a web game, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

As long as it's not the Panda update, Penguin doesn't bother to pay too much attention to the game.

Now is a good time for penguins to grow, and we must seize the opportunity to grow penguins.

Some advertisements promoting Happy Farm appeared on the Internet, and many netizens also saw the advertisements and had their first impression of Happy Farm.

At ten o'clock, Happy Farm went online on time.

Fans of Lin Hao entered Happy Farm immediately.

The familiar Panda one-click login. Seeing this, Lin Hao's fans naturally log in directly with their Panda account.

After entering the game, weeding, planting crop seeds, waiting for the crops to mature, and then harvesting, after a series of operations, the first batch of Happy Farm players thought it was good, and they could play it when they were bored.

“Login to Happy Farm is as convenient as ever. You can log in directly with your Panda account. Haha, I estimate that all products of Xingchen Network Technology Company can be logged in with your Panda account in the future.

"Isn't this great? It's so troublesome to register an account, but it's so convenient to log in directly with a Panda account.

"Hmm, it's really convenient. Happy Farm is a pretty good game. I tried it for a few minutes, sowing and harvesting. It feels pretty good. It's a real casual game.

"It's just a casual web game, okay? Do you still want it to be as fun as a large online game?"

"Of course there is no comparison between small web games and large-scale online games, but you can play them when you are bored."

"Well, it takes a while after sowing to mature, so it's good to harvest the vegetables in your spare time.

"Haha, it's true. I tried it for a few minutes and I think it's pretty good. When you're tired from playing "Legend", it's good to come to Happy Farm to collect vegetables."

"That's right, there is also level improvement. The first-level crops will mature quickly. After the level is higher, the crops will take a certain amount of time to mature. When you are tired from playing "Legend", it is good to go to Happy Farm to collect vegetables and relax."

Some of the first batch of Happy Farm players continued to play, sowing seeds, and waiting for harvest, enjoying themselves. There are also many people who play for a few minutes and then quit directly, planning to come back later to collect food.

Although NetEase Ding Sanshi doesn't take Happy Farm seriously, he is not the first to try Happy Farm.

You have to play Xingchen Network Technology Company’s mini-games even if you don’t want to play them.

After playing for two minutes, Ding Sanshi quit the game and muttered.

I thought it was some particularly powerful web game, but it turned out to be a casual game. It seemed that I was overthinking it.

Ponyboy the Penguin was also the first to try Happy Farm.

Although web games seem to have nothing to do with pandas, Penguin is still a little worried.

Seeing the familiar Panda account being logged in, Penguin Pony had a wry smile on his face.

It’s really a one-of-a-kind trick that’s eaten all over the world.

Brother Penguin did not choose to log in with a panda account, but re-registered an account.

After boarding Happy Farm, Xiao Ma immediately quit the game after playing for two minutes.

‘It’s really a casual game. It seems that it’s been a bit crowded recently.

Brother Ma sighed with emotion and continued to think about the plan to expand the penguins.

Lin Hao has left the company before Happy Farm comes online.

Because Lin Hao knew that Happy Farm would not have good results on the first day.

The Happy Farm outbreak will take at least a few days to ferment.

The senior executives of Xingchen Network Technology Company are extremely concerned about the performance of Happy Farm.

All senior executives have guessed that Happy Farm is the first step for Panda to defeat Penguin, Bubble, and UC, and they are all looking forward to Happy Farm creating brilliant results.

Half an hour later, the senior executives looked a little confused when they saw the data from Happy Farm.

An hour passed, and the faces of the senior officials were quite ugly.

"...`How is it possible? There are only hundreds of thousands of users, and only 50,000 are online at the same time. This is too much...

Zhou Xin from the Marketing Department did not say the word "garbage" in the end.

Chen Jia's face was full of disbelief.

It shouldn’t be. Happy Farm is the first step. How could this crucial first step result in such poor results?

"Manager Leng, is there not enough publicity?" Chen Jia was a little doubtful about life.

Leng Ruyan said: "How do Mr. Lin ask you to promote it?"

Chen Jia said truthfully: "Just make an announcement and publicize it."

Hearing this, Leng Ruyan was even more confused.

Didn't we say that we were 50% sure? As for the results of Happy Farm, let alone 50%, not even 50%.

Is this Happy Farm not the first step at all?

Leng Ruyan couldn't understand it at all.

"Just do what Mr. Lin said. Mr. Lin said that we will carry out the instructions."

Even though she couldn't understand it, Leng Ruyan still followed Lin Hao's instructions as always.

Chen Jia frowned and said, "Manager Leng, isn't this Happy Farm the first step?"

"I can't think of any connection between Happy Farm and the development of pandas. Happy Farm is just a web game. I really don't understand what Mr. Lin thinks.

Leng Ruyan said: "I hope not."

Chen Jiadao: "Well, that's probably not the case. This is just something Mr. Lin did casually to enrich our company's game categories.

As the day went by, the number of users of Happy Farm slowly increased, and at the same time, the number of online users also increased slowly.

November 3rd.

Chen Jia immediately looked at the data of Happy Farm after arriving at the company.

Seeing that there are two million users, and the highest number online at the same time is less than 200,000, the look on my face

The smile stopped.

The data of Happy Farm is really bad.

With the current reputation of Xingchen Network Technology Company (Mo Wang Zhao) and the publicity, the current data of Happy Farm is really bad, and can even be described as garbage.

November 4th.

After Chen Jia arrived at the company, she still looked at the Happy Farm data immediately.

The number of users of Happy Farm has reached 4 million. The number of users has doubled from yesterday. However, the maximum number of simultaneous online users has not increased. It is still extremely popular.

Chen Jia was a little confused.

All the senior executives were at a loss.

Leng Ruyan was also a little uneasy and hesitated whether to call Lin Hao or not.

Thinking of Lin Hao playing gangster to her, Leng Ruyan decisively gave up calling Lin Hao.

On the 2nd and 3rd, Ding Sanshi was also paying attention to the trend of the Internet. When he saw that there was no sound from Happy Farm, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Classmate Lin Hao, I didn't expect you to miss sometimes. It seems that you are not invincible. When NetEase makes a new game, "Legend" should also be surpassed.

Then Ding Sanshi stopped paying attention to Happy Farm. A small game that didn't cause any waves on the Internet was not worth wasting time to pay attention to.

Brother Penguin has logged into Happy Farm several times in the past two days to collect vegetables and sow seeds, but it is not attractive to him at all.

In addition, Happy Farm did not cause any waves on the Internet, so Xiao Ma decided not to pay attention to Happy Farm anymore.

It's just a casual web game, it's a waste of time.

When getting off work in the evening, Chen Jia habitually took a look at the data of Happy Farm.

Chen Jia was stunned on the spot when she saw that the number of users of Happy Farm reached eight million and the number of simultaneous online users exceeded one million.

It actually doubled. . .

How come the number of users suddenly doubled in just one day? At the same time, the number of online users increased five times. How is this possible? Is there any secret in Happy Farm that I don’t know?

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