Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 104 I have no money

Yan Xin's praise made Feng Xi a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and smiled shyly, and said:

"At the beginning, I didn't have any capital, so I could only do small things. Now I have some capital. When I sell all the clothes I bought, I can make more money next year."

"Is it mainly doing business in the school?" Yan Xin asked.

"I will continue to do this, but next year I want to make a new attempt and open an online store," Feng Xi said, "Now that the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and the country's infrastructure is getting better and better, the number of online shopping will definitely increase in the future. The more I want to try this, see if I can make money."

Yan Xin was stunned, and then looked at Feng Xi again, as if it was the first time he knew this ex-wife from a previous life.

I thought to myself: "This knowledge is okay! With such knowledge, how did she do anything wrong in her previous life?"

Feng Xi looked a little embarrassed by him, and asked, "Do you think there is something wrong with my point of view?"

"No problem, you can do it boldly!" Yan Xin said.

This is the first time he supported Feng Xi in trying to make money from his previous life to this life.

It is not to say that opening an online store in this era will definitely make money, and not all those who open an online store in this era will make money, but at least this is the trend of the times. The probability of making money is greater than the probability of losing money. The opportunity is here.

It's not comparable to those messy wealth management products that Feng Xi made in his previous life.

"Do you also think there is a future?" Feng Xi asked.

"Yes, I think this is quite promising." Yan Xin said.

"I figured it out, if I open an online store next year, I don't have enough money..."

Having said this, Feng Xi looked at Yan Xin again, hesitant to speak.

Yan Xin was taken aback, and quickly declared in three words: "I have no money!"

Feng Xi shut his mouth and looked at him pitifully.

Yan Xin scratched his head: "You know, I'm just a small security guard, and my salary is only a few hundred yuan a month. You can also see that my house is so dilapidated, and I still want to save some money to build a new one." Big house. I am also in financial difficulties now, and I don’t know who to borrow money from.”

"That's it..." Feng Xi hesitated for a while, and said, "I secretly saved five or six thousand yuan, and I may make some money next year. If you need money to build a house, you can find me, and I will treat it as nothing. I will lend you the money first."


Her statement made Yan Xin unable to deal with it.

A girl who worked so hard to save money for her own tuition, finally saved that little money, did she just lend it out?

Said: "Aren't you going to open an online store?"

Feng Xi smiled and said:

"If the capital is not enough, the online store may not be able to open, so let's not open it. I just do some business on campus, and I don't need much capital. If you need money to build a house, it's okay to lend it to you. Anyway, you will Pay it off, right?"

This made Yan Xin embarrassed.

See how generous the girl is?

I was short of money to build a house, so I lent him all the money I had saved.

Looking at myself again, the girl's family refused to borrow money before she asked, and she even talked about a lot of her own difficulties, which is simply too stingy and not enough for a man.

With a dry laugh, he asked, "You lend me the money you saved so hard to build a house. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"You saved my brother." Feng Xi said, "If you hadn't saved my brother, I would definitely have missed studying in this life, and I don't know how much I will suffer in the future. Just for this, as long as I can help you , I'm willing to do anything."

Yan Xin thought: "Then you killed my friend yesterday, and you killed so hard!"

But think about it again, Feng Xi refunded him another two hundred yuan later, if he really wanted to make money from him, it was completely unnecessary.

When he first bought clothes for his father, he didn't counter the price, and he even took the initiative to say that it was 100 yuan less.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Xi's words also have credibility.

Thinking of her bringing a basket of oranges over in such a cold day today, I was moved again.

Said: "In fact, I can still earn the money to build the house, and I don't need to borrow money."

"Then you are amazing!" Feng Xi looked at him and said seriously.


Yan Xin froze for a moment, feeling flattered.

If he remembers correctly, this is the first time Feng Xi praised him for being a human being in two lifetimes.

Such exaggeration actually gave him a sense of satisfaction.

What you couldn't do in your previous life, you can do in this life.

For a moment, he even wanted to tell about the fact that he had made hundreds of thousands of dollars in co-writing novels with others, so that he could get more praise.

However, as soon as this idea came out, he was stifled.

If the money is not revealed, it is better not to say such things.

Modestly said: "It's okay, I can't earn too much money, but it's still possible to live my life well."

He then asked Feng Xi: "Will doing business while you are in school delay your studies?"

Feng Xi shook her head: "No, I was serious when I was studying. In this final exam, I was still in the top three in my grade, and my grades were better than those in my freshman year."

Yan Xin gasped: "So powerful?"

Feng Xidao: "Maybe it's because the curriculum of the second year of high school is relatively simple."

Yan Xin thought to himself: "The curriculum of the second year of high school is not simple at all, each chapter is like a bible!"

In the past, he only heard from Feng Xi that she had good grades in school, and she was in the top ten in the first year of high school.

That's not the top ten in the grade of No. 2 Middle School, but the top ten in the grade of No. 1 Middle School, which has a lot of gold.

When it comes to that matter, she will complain, if she can continue to study, she should be able to be admitted to a good university and have a better life.

At that time, he also felt very sorry for her.

Unexpectedly, in the second year of high school, she was able to enter the top three in the grade, and she was still in the situation of dedicating some energy to do business and earn money.

Such a score can be maintained, not to mention 985, at least a 211 is no problem.

Then I will regret it for her—for her in the previous life—if I had the opportunity to continue my studies and be admitted to a better university in my previous life, how could I be so unhappy?

Her parents are so short-sighted!

Fortunately, this life changed his destiny, Feng Chen did not commit suicide, and was willing to work part-time for his sister to study.

Even if she doesn't earn money by herself, she doesn't have to worry about not having the opportunity to study.

After hesitating for a while, he said to Feng Xi:

"Your academic performance is so good, I think you'd better focus on your studies and forget about earning money. It's not worth spending too much energy on it now."

Feng Xi blinked and said: "I also know that in the second year of high school, you can start a small business to make money, but in the third year of high school, I don't have that time, so I thought about opening an online store and asking people to help with daily business. I have more time to spend studying."

After finishing speaking, his eyes became dim again, and he lowered his head:

"But...but I don't have enough money to open such an online store..."

Yan Xin said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you make money or not. Even if your parents don't support it, your brother will support you in studying. He also has the ability to support you in studying."

Feng Xi squeezed her fingers and said, "But... But relying on others, I don't feel safe... Then I can't study with peace of mind..."

Yan Xin was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and asked, "How much funding gap do you have for opening such an online store?"

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