Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 137 Bringing into the track

"Where Has Time Gone" really caught fire.

In just two or three days, this song became a hot topic in major music forums.

At this time, inviting troopers to build momentum has not yet formed an industry, and most Internet singers do not have the capital to do this, because no one is confident that they can make this money back.

Although Yan Xin only spent 5,000 yuan to build momentum, compared to those online singers who didn't pay a penny and could only mobilize their relatives and friends to get data, the starting point is different.

When one day, the most popular posts on several major music forums are discussing a song, it is difficult for this song not to be noticed.

In just two or three days, he rushed to the big track.

Yan Xin only has that ability, or he is willing to spend so much money to bring this song to the big track, so that more people have the opportunity to hear this song.

Whether it can become popular in the future depends on the vitality of the song itself.

And in the next few days, music forums continued to post, writing what kind of feelings they had when they heard this song, and telling stories about their parents.

Some of them are contestants in the "Fights Break Sphere" reader group, some are the student parties initiated by Feng Xi and Xiao Shiyu, and some are posts from people who were really moved by the song.

It even includes moderators of music forums.

The power of running water is the greatest power.

The dissemination in the online world has achieved certain results, and Yan Xin then urged everyone in the six reader groups to call more music stations to order this song.

Of course, he didn't use his tuba to do this, but changed to a smaller one.

My tuba represents the songwriter, and to do such a thing in person is a proper dark history.

It's okay to engage in some rewarding comments, this is normal behavior.

Encouraging the masses to call the hotline to order their own songs is not suitable. To put it a bit bigger, it is occupying public resources and depriving other songs of publicity resources.

Of course, this kind of disgraceful thing can only be done with a trumpet.

At this time, the Internet is not the main body of disseminating music, but the radio station is.

There are quite a few readers who have accepted Yan Xin's trumpet suggestion. If they have time, they call the hotline of the city's popular music radio station, and order the song "Where does the time go" in the middle of the song ordering session.

It also further expanded the popularity of this song.

In just a few days, the song was heard and remembered by thousands of people.

At this time, Gu Ru's name was also known by more people.

Although this song still didn't bring Yan Xin a penny of profit on the Internet, all downloads are free, but with popularity, profits will come.

The singer Gu Ru was the first to taste the benefits.

Because of the popularity of this song, she has also gained a little popularity, and her status in bars has increased a bit, and she can also sing in some bigger venues.

Then there was a local music station in Yangcheng who invited her to be a guest to talk about this song and her career as a singer in the past few years.

By the way, I also promoted her personal blog on Sina, which was only opened a few days ago.

It was also a radio program with a high local audience rating.

In this program, Gu Ru sang the song "Where Does the Time Go?" and also sang a new song of her own, which was also released on QQ Music the day before - "The Future Is Long".

That's bringing your own new song.

With the basis of the previous song, this song "The Future Is Long" soon became popular.

With the reputation of online songs, but with professional quality, these two songs go more smoothly than other online songs.

Generally, a popular Internet singer has sung a song with a high popularity.

Many people only remember the song, but not the singer.

And Gu Ru released two songs of good quality in such a short period of time, which made her easier to be remembered as a singer than other online singers.

After appearing on this radio program, I received an invitation from Guangdong Provincial TV Station not long after to participate in a party celebrating May 1st and asked me to sing the song "Where Does the Time Go?"

Moreover, several record companies contacted Gu Ru, wanting to sign her, including two record companies that had rejected her—but none of those two record companies themselves remembered ever rejecting such a girl. singer.

This kind of thing is too normal.

When Gu Ru called Yan Xin to talk about these things, she was very emotional.

Then I said that I am hesitant now, not because I don’t know whether I should sign with a record company, but because I don’t know which record company I should sign with.

Both songs were successful. I originally thought about quitting this circle, but now I no longer have such thoughts. I feel that my career has just started and I can work harder.

Yan Xin's suggestion to her is that there is no need to sign with a record company for the time being. Now that she is a newcomer in this industry, if she signs a record company, she will not have any bargaining power when facing capital, and will be eaten up by the power of capital. left.

It's better to manage yourself for the time being, and then talk about signing with a record company when you have a certain reputation.

It doesn't even matter if you're signed to a record label or not.

In many cases, the company is not your own umbrella, but a place that sucks your own blood.

Now is the Internet age, whether there is a company's promotion is not so important.

After accumulating a certain amount of capital, it may be better to open a studio and run it yourself.

After being told by Yan Xin, Gu Ru temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​signing the contract.

She also knew that she became famous all of a sudden, not because of her singing ability, but because she got two good songs from Yan Xin.

Yan Xin's opinion is very important to her.

Those record companies that approached her made a lot of money for her, finding her first-class music creators to help her write songs and making her a household star.

But when it comes to details, that's not the case.

She also knew in her heart that she was a thirty-year-old woman, and she was not particularly beautiful. In the past half a month, she had gained a certain popularity with two online songs. Basically, she was just a little transparent. Which record company would really spend a lot of money to train her.

When I came to find her, I just saw the popularity of these two songs, and came out with a platter record with other newcomers in the company, using the popularity of these two songs to bring other newcomers to the company.

Then relying on these two songs to go around the venue, like other singers who are only one or two songs away in their lifetime, go to second- and third-tier cities to hold platter concerts.

When the heat is gone, it's time for her to refrigerate.

After calming down, I also felt that I should not sign with any record company for the time being.

It's better than anything else to hug the thigh of Yan Xin, a creative genius.

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