Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 138 Golden Dawn opens

As for Gu Ru’s matter, Yan Xin did a little promotion and guidance when her first original song "Where Did the Time Go" was released, and pushed it onto the track of major online platforms, and promoted it to various music radio stations. .

Spent 5,000 yuan in promotional expenses.

He didn't care much about the next thing.

He didn't tell Gu Ru about the promotion fee of 5,000 yuan.

However, relying on these two songs, Gu Ru became a well-known singer, received invitations to more stages, gained certain economic benefits, and honestly followed the terms of the equal remuneration written in their cooperation agreement. , transferred what she thought was half of the after-tax income to Yan Xin.

Yan Xin did not expect this.

——Half of the income he thinks is the income from the ring tones or paid downloads on the platform in the future, as well as the copyright fees brought by record sales and the copyright fees that others should pay for singing this song. He never thought about earning Gu Ru's hard work in rushing to the show.

He has already prepared that there will be no profit in the short term, and he just wants to rely on this stepping stone to enter this circle.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ru would give him all the money.

This made him a little embarrassed.

She didn't want it at first, but Gu Ru said that all the business invitations she accepted now were for those two songs, and when she got there, she was only asked to sing those two songs, so she should be paid according to the agreement.

Singing these two songs in the bar, she will also pay as appropriate.

——The main reason is that she now charges twice as much for singing in bars than before, and she can have such a net worth because of these two songs.

So she felt that Yan Xin should be paid a certain amount, especially in the case of the two songs she sang.

After she became popular, she received singing invitations such as shopping mall openings or rich people's birthdays. Because of her popularity, the remuneration for singing a song was much higher than the remuneration for singing a song in a bar.

On the 70th birthday of a certain boss in Yangcheng, he sang "Where Did the Time Go?" The reward was 10,000 yuan. Tens of thousands of dollars were rewarded.

On May 1st, she couldn't keep up with the invitations from some shopping malls in Yangcheng, so she had to ruthlessly reject some.

She sang "Where Has the Time Gone" when recording the May 1st Cultural Gala of the provincial TV station, and it was broadcast on the night of May 1st, which brought her fame to another level.

It also made her business even busier.

On the second day of the May Day holiday, the dividends she transferred to Yan Xin for the two songs reached tens of thousands, which shocked Yan Xin—is there such a big performance market in Yangcheng?

But in any case, if you can earn money, that's fine.

He thought it would take some time to get the benefits, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, which made him very satisfied.

During the May 1st Golden Week, he also asked Gu Ru to do him a favor, which is to promote the online store "Golden Morning Sun" jointly opened by him and Feng Xi on his personal blog.

During the May Day holiday, Feng Xi did not go home, but set up the online store, which was officially opened.

It sells clothes, mainly women's clothing.

For each style, the beautiful female students in the school are invited to wear it, and then take beautiful photos and upload them to the online store page.

There are dozens of styles, and more than a dozen female students are found to be models.

The reward is to treat them to dinner and then go to ktv to sing.

Beautiful girls and beautiful clothes can easily arouse consumers' desire to buy.

On the first day of opening, the online store sold more than 20 orders, and the sales volume reached more than 4,000 yuan.

Of course, both she and Yan Xin knew that the actual sales were 0, that is, none of the orders were sold.

On the same day, Chen Li also promoted the novel "Fights Break the Sphere", which brought a certain amount of visits to the shop, but did not make a single sale.

There is no way, the people who read this novel are basically men, and they are not interested in such things as women's clothing.

—They are not even interested in men's clothing.

The next day, the online store sold more than 50 orders, but the actual sales were still zero.

On the third day, there was a real deal.

This is because Gu Ru's promotion has worked.

On May 3, Gu Ru posted such a blog on her blog with more than 50,000 followers, promoting the online store "Golden Morning Sun", saying that this is an online store opened by a friend of hers, and the clothes in it are high-quality and affordable Inexpensive, quality guaranteed, and a shopping link is attached.

In this blog, I also said very intimately that if you enter that online store to shop through this link, you can apply for a 20% discount from the boss.

This blog was pinned by her.

Yan Xin didn't ask her to do this, it was her own initiative.

After this blog was published, it also received thousands of views in a day.

And there were hundreds of people who clicked on the shopping link and entered the Golden Morning Sun online store.

Among them, more than a dozen orders were placed, and more than 30 pieces of clothes were sold, with an actual turnover of more than 3,000 RMB.

The hypocritical turnover is even more powerful, it has already exceeded 10,000.

Such things as sales fraud have existed from the very beginning, and the instigators are not the owners of online stores, but the owner of this shopping website.

It's just that most people who open online stores in this era don't understand this.

Well, Feng Xi, who is as pure as a piece of white paper, doesn't understand either. The stray cat in reincarnation gave Yan Xin the idea, and then Yan Xin told Feng Xi.

At that time Feng Xi also asked a few why.

More than half of the people who follow Gu Ru are girls, and those who play blogs in this era are not ordinary people, and basically have a certain amount of spending power.

Now online shopping is not very popular, everyone's biggest concern is the credibility issue.

When Gu Ru came to recommend this online store, she used her own credit to endorse the online store's credit, so it attracted some people to buy it.

Coupled with the 20% off gimmick, it can even stimulate their desire to consume.

At this time, most people are not used to the sales method where the original price is more than 1,000 and the current price is 99. It is already relatively happy to be able to get a 20% discount.

And those clothes are really beautiful.

Besides, women have inherently less control over shopping than men.

It’s okay if you don’t go in for a stroll, once you go in, you just want to bring something out.

Gu Ru's shopping blog is at the top, as long as other people enter her blog homepage, they will be able to see this article.

The number of people who follow her is slowly increasing, and the number of people who see this shopping link is also slowly increasing.

With the support of Gu Ru's traffic, "Golden Morning Sun", an online store jointly operated by Feng Xi and Yan Xin, took the first step, sold the first order, and started operating like this.

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