Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 139 Seems to be really popular

In April, the new subscriptions of "Fights Break the Sphere" dropped further, and the manuscript fee came out on May 5, plus the reward money, which was more than 20,000 less than last month.

However, neither Yan Xin nor Chen Li's mood was affected, and their lives were more enjoyable than before.

For Yan Xin, there is another source of funds.

For Chen Li, although the manuscript fee is less, his workload is also less.

When the manuscript fee is high, 20,000 words are updated a day, and the whole day is either coding or thinking about how to code.

Now the manuscript fee is a little less, but it only needs to update 10,000 words a day. For him, who can code at four to five thousand words per hour, it takes two to three hours, including the time for revision.

Code for two or three hours a day, and one or two hours to look at the data, interact with readers in the comment area, and discuss the next plot with Yan Xin.

The time spent on web writing in a day is four or five hours, and the rest of the time can be used for squandering.

If you try hard to code for two or three days and save tens of thousands of manuscripts, you can go out for a few days without any problem.

He feels that life is life now.

The previous life was just to survive and live.

Compared with earning a little more money, he would rather live a life like this now.

Yan Xin is still at work, but not as chic as him.

However, after becoming the security squad leader, I have more freedom to go to work, and it is easier than before.

Responsibilities are not without. Being a team leader sometimes has to mediate disputes between owners, such as water leaks upstairs, excessive noise, and renovations outside the stipulated time.

But those are minor problems, and with a little knowledge of speaking skills, they can be dealt with.

It's not his turn to deal with the really big problems, which should be a headache for the management office.

As for the management of the security guards in the class, it is even simpler.

Sometimes a mistake was made, and it fell into the hands of the leader, or was complained by the owner.

In front of the leaders, of course you can criticize as you like.

When it's time to deduct points, you have to deduct points.

In private, chat with the colleague who has been criticized, talk about this bad company, this bad salary, and then say that I will find a reason to add some points to him in the future, and make up for the deducted points. Gone.

Colleagues also save face. During the day shift, they are more serious than before when the leader may check the post.

In the eyes of the leaders, since Squad Leader Yan took office, the spirit of Squad One has taken on a new look.

During the company management meeting, Manager Liu and Assistant Ai praised Yan Xin several times.

When the salary was paid on May 15th, Yan Xin sent another 4,000 yuan back, saying that after becoming the supervisor, he helped a landlord sell a house. The business, plus the supervisor's salary, sent so much money, and I still left five hundred yuan.

Thousands of dollars were sent this month, and it has only been more than three months since the end of the year, and almost 10,000 dollars have been sent back.

Yan's father finally believed that his son was indeed capable and could earn money to build a building.

Yan Xin also gradually increased his father's acceptance of his ability to make money.

Getting a hundred thousand at once would scare his father.

In May, the popularity of the two online songs "Where Did the Time Go" and "The Future Is Long" was even greater than the previous month.

These two songs can be heard on the streets of Xiaorong Town.

Piracy has already started to appear.

The efficiency of pirates is very high. As long as there are some popular songs on the Internet, they have the ability to make pirated discs within a few days, and then start selling them.

The works of singers from different record companies can all appear on the same record.

Even singers from different countries and regions can appear on the same record.

Anyway, you can steal whatever fire you want.

These two songs became popular, and they naturally appeared on the disc of that kind of platter.

Gu Ru, who was eager to release an album to bid farewell to her singing career, is not in a hurry now.

She wanted to save a few more high-quality songs and release another record.

It is no longer the kind that is given away, but sold in the market.

It doesn't matter if there is no distribution company, you can distribute it yourself.

Unable to find an offline distribution channel, she can sell it online.

It's not that she wants to make money from this, she knows that she can't make money.

In this day and age, apart from a few top singers, only pirates can make money by selling records.

Selling records is just to prove that you are a professional singer, and someone is willing to spend money to buy the songs you sing.

It can also be regarded as fulfilling an obsession in my heart.

After two of her songs took off online, she knew that the future of pop music was online, not physical records.

What made her feel relieved was that after the two songs she sang became popular, her parents finally accepted her singing, admitted that it was a career, and did not force her to quit.

When calling her, her mother said: "Today your dad heard the song "Where Has Time Gone" you sang, and his tears fell when he listened to it. Daughter, you can sing this song so well. very nice."

Gu Ru smiled and said, "That's because someone else wrote it well. Anyone can sing such a song well."

"But no one else can sing about your feelings," insisted her mother.

In May, she also made a trip home to formally reconcile with her parents.

Turned down a few blind dates, appeared on a local TV entertainment show, and sang those two songs.

Every half a month, she retweeted the dividends of those two songs to Yan Xin.

In the past few years, I made a living by singing other people's songs.

And now, she is relying on the two songs Yan Xin wrote for her to eat.

She only found her place in the scene when every music radio station started playing her songs.

It can't be said that he has entered the entertainment circle, but at least half of his feet have stepped in.

Now she also appeared in some local TV variety shows one after another, and sometimes participated in the platter concert with some well-known singers.

This gave her a feeling—as if she had really turned red.

Sometimes too many invitations make her a bit overwhelmed.

At this time, Yan Xin reminded her: "You should find an assistant to help you take care of these now."

Gu Ru thought so, and then started looking for an assistant.

In her situation, if she wants to develop more smoothly, it is best to sign a brokerage company that can help her get jobs, help her deal with some troubles, and let her develop better.

However, those with this strength will ask for a higher commission, and will impose some restrictions on her, and even give her some jobs that he is unwilling to take.

Signing a capable agent to help her do things is not something she can think about now.

With her current earning power, she still can't afford to support a capable agent.

What she is looking for is an assistant who can help her deal with trivial matters in life, answer the phone for her, and filter some invalid information.

It's not easy to find such a person. She has this in mind, but she can only find it slowly.

It was only in June that I recruited an assistant. She was a young girl who graduated from university last year. She studied media and had worked in a brokerage company for a few months, so she had a little work experience in this industry.

This little girl was introduced to Gu Ru by an out-of-date singer when she participated in a platter concert.

I chatted with QQ, and I thought it was okay, so I recruited.

After recruiting this assistant, Gu Ru brought her to Xiaorong Town, one to visit Aunt Li and the other to meet Yan Xin.

These two people are very important people to Gu Ru. If you have an assistant, you have to let the assistant get to know them.

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