Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 140: The Young and Beautiful Follower

When Gu Ru arrived in Xiaorong Town, she didn't meet Yan Xin first, but went to visit Aunt Li first.

Aunt Li is now a retired old lady, but she used to be a teacher at the Conservatory of Music, her teacher, who taught her for several years.

In terms of status, this old lady really doesn't have a high status. Among the acquaintances who have something to do with officials, she is probably the director of the local police station—because she often calls the police.

However, the conservatory she teaches is also a relatively famous conservatory, and among the people she knows, there are some people who can be called musicians.

He has taught many students, some of whom have made a name for themselves in the music industry.

Among the people I know, there are no big stars who are popular all over the country, but in the circle of Guangdong Province, there are still certain connections.

When Gu Ru was able to go to the bar to sing, it was introduced by a senior sister from the same school.

She was able to participate in variety shows on the provincial TV station, and she was also connected by a fellow teacher.

In the same way, if she has any achievements in the future, she can also pull on her fellow apprentices.

This is what keeps the circle going.

In this circle, Aunt Li is a very important existence.

This relationship is like a big family. No matter how many brothers and sisters there are, as long as there are parents, it is a family.

When the parents are gone, the big family will be divided into several small families, and the communication will become less and less in the future, and the relationship will become weaker and weaker.

Aunt Li has mental problems. In fact, those people know it, and they will come to visit her often, not only to maintain the teacher-student relationship, but also to maintain the relationship with the members of this small circle.

In it, they all need each other, can help others, and sometimes need help from others.

When she brought her assistant to Fengxiang City to visit Aunt Li, Yan Xin was on the morning shift.

He is now the squad leader, so he no longer needs to stay at Nanmengang, and spends a lot of time wandering around the community, either watching the surveillance in the monitoring room, or blowing the air conditioner there.

——The monitoring room is the only air-conditioned place in those posts in the community. The air conditioner is not turned on to cool down the security guards, but to cool down the machines.

In Xiaorong Town in June, it was relatively hot, and it was time to turn on the air conditioner in the monitoring room.

He would take a nap here for more than an hour at noon on the morning shift, and sleep in it for at least four hours when he was on the night shift.

When Gu Ru entered the community from the south gate, Yan Xin was chatting with the security guard on duty in the monitoring room.

While chatting, I suddenly saw a woman wearing sunglasses appearing under the camera at the south gate, followed by a young and beautiful girl.

There aren't many women wearing sunglasses now, and a casual glance at them aroused his vigilance.

Immediately, he noticed it, and after a look, he recognized Gu Ru, and guessed that the person following her was her newly recruited assistant.

I was also a little speechless, thinking to myself: "This assistant is quite beautiful, but I don't know what Gu Ru would do for recruiting such an assistant who is younger and prettier than her. Aren't you afraid of stealing her limelight? Or is it because she thinks she's a capable singer and doesn't care about her image?"

When Gu Ru came here today, she told him in advance that she would visit Aunt Li first, have dinner with Aunt Li at noon, and they would meet again in the afternoon, and treat him to dinner in the evening.

Seeing her appearing at the south gate, Yan Xin left the monitoring room and waited for her in front according to her path.

The south gate is easy to enter. Anyway, the security guards at the gate post are quite perfunctory. Whoever asks to open the door will open the door.

But it is not necessarily the case when it comes to Qidong.

There are no security guards at the Seventh Building. If you want to open the door, you have to wait for a resident to swipe their card to enter before you can follow in.

Sometimes it is just in time for someone to come in and out, and sometimes it may take more than ten minutes.

Now that the weather is hot, there is no need for people to wait outside.

It's one thing not to see it, but another thing to see it. I have to go and make it easier for her.

Not to see the beautiful young assistant - at least, not the only reason.

Not a minute after walking out, Gu Ru walked over with a newly recruited assistant.

Yan Xin smiled and raised her hand to say hello: "Sister Ru, we meet again."

Seeing Yan Xin, Gu Ru felt a little helpless in her heart: "I told him that we would meet in the afternoon, why is he showing up now?"

It's not that I hate Yan Xin, but I just want to give Yan Xin a sense of superiority in front of the newly recruited assistant. If the assistant knows that Yan Xin is just a security guard, I'm afraid he will look down on him, which will cause Yan Xin's displeasure, and then affect their cooperation.

The meeting she said in the afternoon was to wait for Yan Xin to change into the security uniform she was wearing after get off work, and then meet again.

Speaking of it, it was also for Yan Xin's good.

But now this guy has already appeared in front of her and greeted her. It is obviously a bit too deliberate to pretend not to know her.

So he could only put a smile on his face, and then waved his hand to greet him: "Long time no see, I'm so happy to see you."

Then he said to the little follower behind him: "This is the Mr. Yan Xinyan I told you about. He is the creator of the two songs "Where Has the Time Gone" and "The Future Is Long"."

The little follower hurriedly greeted Yan Xin: "Mr. Yan, hello."

Gu Ru introduced her little follower to Yan Xin: "This is the assistant I just hired, Xiao Yin, Yin Pianpian."

Yan Xin greeted Xiao Yin with a smile: "Hello."

I was still puzzled for a moment: "Why is this assistant blushing? Is it from the sun?"

When Xiao Yin saw Yan Xin from a distance, he thought to himself: "This neighborhood is pretty good, and there are such young and handsome security guards, who are much more handsome than the security guards in the neighborhood where I live."

The security uniform looks even more wretched when worn on a wretched person, but it can also look very handsome when worn on a handsome person. There is a little bit of temptation in the uniform, which makes it difficult for people to subdue that temptation.

Seeing Yan Xin greet Gu Ru, I thought again: "It seems that the boss often comes to this place, so the security guards here know her."

A thought came to him: "Is it because the boss has such a handsome security guard in this community that he comes here often? Or is it just a teacher who has taught me for several years, is it worth visiting often?"

Anyway, she didn't think it was worth it.

When Gu Ru greeted Yan Xin and told her that this is the author of "Where Has Time Gone" and "The Future Will Be Long" that made Gu Ru popular, she was shocked:

"My God! What kind of fairy security guard is this? It's okay to be so handsome, but also so talented! This is too foul!"

"In the future, I will work hard to earn money, then buy a house here, and enjoy his services every day!"

With such an ulterior purpose, when he greeted Yan Xin, his face was a little red.

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