Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 148 You can't be that kind of woman in the future

On June 10, when Yan Xin was on the last morning shift in June, Feng Chen called him: "Yan Xin, are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together, I'll treat you!"

"What's the happy event?" Yan Xin asked with a smile.

Since the start of the construction site, every time he chatted with Feng Chen, he would pour out negative energy, complaining about how his master didn't know what to do. Tired, all kinds of work on the construction site have to be done, more than ten hours a day, he will be tanned as a black man.

It made Yan Xin have to give him psychological counseling every time, telling him that it was his master who was training him, sharpening him, and letting him grow up faster.

When I called this time, my tone was a little joyful, and I even said that I would like to treat guests to dinner. This is really a rare thing.

That's why he had such a guess.

Sure enough, as he expected, Feng Chen on the phone said beamingly: "There is no happy event, but today my master told me to let me be a supervisor, and I don't have to do those heavy jobs in the future. After many years of farming, I finally washed my feet and went ashore, shouldn't I celebrate it?"

Yan Xin said with a smile: "I just said, your master was sharpening you before, to let you understand how those projects are operated, otherwise you will not be able to grasp the opportunity."

"It's not that I don't know, it's just that I'm too tired, and I'm still quite depressed." Feng Chen said.

Yan Xin asked again: "Is the salary increased?"

"I added a little bit," Feng Chen said, "but this is not the key point. The key point is that I won't be so tired in the future."

Yan Xin let out a sigh, and then told him: "Today I'm going to change shifts, I'm working so hard, I don't have time to go, why don't I go next time."

"Next time I may not treat guests so generously." Feng Chen said with a smile.

Yan Xin also smiled: "You make it as if I missed your meal."

Feng Chen has been working hard since he came out to work. Yan Xin admires this, but he can't do that.

Even now, he sends his sister 500 yuan for living expenses every month.

Yan Xin asked Feng Xi: "You are not short of money now, why did you ask your brother to send you five hundred yuan every month?"

Feng Xi replied: "I am saving money for him. If he sends the money home, I don't know where it will be used. Moreover, after he gets married, I don't know that sister-in-law will control him strictly." It's not strict, if all the money is handed over, and even a private house can't be hidden, that would be too sad. Wouldn't it be better to leave a small treasury with me?"

Yan Xin was greatly moved: "You are so reasonable. Men can't even hide their private money. It's really aggrieved."

He was deeply touched by this.

In the several years of marriage with Feng Xi in her previous life, she still had a little financial control right at the beginning, but later that little power was deprived, and she really lived in a rather embarrassing situation.

It hurts to think about it.

Thinking of this incident, he remembered that the woman who made him so embarrassed was the woman he was chatting with now, so he couldn't help but sarcasm:

"That kind of woman who controls men's money to death is really terrible. Living with such a woman will definitely not be happy. You should hide as far away as you can."

Feng Xi: "Uh, I have something to do in my shop, I'll log it out first, and we'll talk about it later."

Yan Xin chased after her and sent a sentence: "Feng Xi, you can't be that kind of woman in the future."

No one responded, apparently offline.

It made Yan Xin somewhat depressed.

After the morning shift on the 10th, he went to the night shift. For Yan Xin, this was a shift to sleep in the monitoring room.

Manager Liu spends most of the time at Dalang's side, and the head of security is also there, and the leader above is Ai Lili, but it is impossible for Ai Lili to check the post in the middle of the night—her mother is very strict with her, basically No nightlife, won't let her out in the middle of the night.

He has the QQ number of the former monitor of the first class in Dalang, so as long as he confirms that Manager Liu and the head are both in Dalang, he can sleep in peace.

If one of them left Da Lang, he still had to be careful.

But this does not include transfer day.

Which leader checks the post on the night of the transfer, that is to make things difficult for the brothers.

He and Ai Lili made an appointment to climb the mountain on the 17th, and took two consecutive days off, which were on the 17th and 18th, and the actual shift was the night of the 16th and the night of the 17th.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you ask for leave or not, you can sleep at night anyway.

It's just that this is not going out to climb mountains with other people, but to go out to climb mountains with the leaders of the company, and you can't tell the leaders that you sleep when you go to work at night.

It is unreasonable to go to work all night and climb a mountain all day the next day.

It is also unreasonable to climb a mountain for a day during the day and have to work a night shift at night.

So Yan Xin simply asked for two days off.

After this month's salary, he sent more than 3,000 yuan home. This time, he didn't even make up a reason. When he called his dad, he said "you know" and it was over.

In the past few months, he sent money back, and he has made up all the reasons that can be made up, and now there is no need to continue to make up reasons, just let his dad make up one of the previous reasons.

The manuscript fee on the 15th was sent out, and according to the usual practice, two people would get half of it, and Yan Xin took the money to buy stocks.

By the way, I took a look at the wealth in my account, and the value on the book has already exceeded one million.

I have made money, but not as much money as Yan Xin imagined.

But that number already gave him a great sense of security.

Now the stock market is already on the rise, from the low of more than 900 points last year to the current 15,600 points. From 2005 to 2007, the big market wave can only be regarded as a slight increase.

But this kind of rising trend has made many stockholders ecstatic, feeling that spring is coming.

Even because of the rapid rise, some stockholders began to worry about whether the end was over, and some began to sell and run away.

Yan Xin didn't care about the short-term ebb and flow, and continued to buy those stocks.

It is not very useful to keep money in your hands, it is better to invest it and let it generate more money.

He left more than 10,000 yuan in his hand, which is enough for daily life.

After getting off work in the morning on the 16th, I took a nap in the morning, and in the afternoon, I took Chen Li together and enrolled in a driving school, preparing to learn to drive.

I have two days off for a month, and I just took this opportunity to get this matter done.

After an eight-hour shift, I can still find time to learn to drive.

Not to mention Chen Li, he has a lot of time and can arrange it freely.

On the 17th, Yan Xin and Ai Lili made an appointment to go hiking together.

Early in the morning, Yan Xin got up, washed up, and went out.

At this time, Chen Li was still sound asleep.

I didn't go far downstairs, I ordered a rice roll with two eggs and ate it, and then I received a message from Ai Lili: "I'm leaving, the old place is waiting for you, hurry up."

He replied: "I've already gone downstairs, just waiting for you."

The old place they mentioned was the place where they met when they went to Shangxiang in Shunfeng Mountain last time.

This time I went to climb Shunfeng Mountain again.

After eating breakfast and drinking a cup of breakfast milk, Yan Xin walked to the waiting place on the street.

Within minutes of getting there, a red Mazda drove up.

Ellie is here.

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